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The Human Body: An Orientation

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1 The Human Body: An Orientation

2 I. The Human Body – An Orientation
Anatomy – study of the structure and shape of the body and its parts Physiology – study of how the body and its parts work or function How is anatomy different from physiology?

3 II. Anatomy – Levels of Study
Gross Anatomy Large structures Easily observable Examples

4 II. Anatomy – Levels of Study
Microscopic Anatomy Very small structures Can only be viewed with a microscope Figure 14.4

5 III. Levels of Structural Organization
A. Chemical 1. Atoms 2. Molecules B. Cellular C. Tissue D. Organ E. Organ System F. Organismal

6 III. Levels of Structural Organization
Figure 1.1

7 IV. Organ System Overview
Integumentary Forms the external body covering Protects deeper tissue from injury Synthesizes vitamin D Location of cutaneous nerve receptors Figure 1.2a

8 Organ System Overview Skeletal Protects and supports body organs
Provides muscle attachment for movement Site of blood cell formation Stores minerals Figure 1.2b

9 Organ System Overview Muscular Allows locomotion Maintains posture
Produces heat Figure 1.2c

10 Organ System Overview Nervous Fast-acting control system
Responds to internal and external change Activates muscles and glands Figure 1.2d

11 Organ System Overview Endocrine Secretes regulatory hormones Growth
Reproduction Metabolism Figure 1.2e

12 Organ System Overview Cardiovascular
Transports materials in body via blood pumped by heart Oxygen Carbon dioxide Nutrients Wastes Figure 1.2f

13 Organ System Overview Lymphatic Returns fluids to blood vessels
Disposes of debris Involved in immunity Figure 1.2g

14 Organ System Overview Respiratory Keeps blood supplied with oxygen
Removes carbon dioxide Figure 1.2h

15 Organ System Overview Digestive Breaks down food
Allows for nutrient absorption into blood Eliminates indigestible material Figure 1.2i

16 Organ System Overview Urinary Eliminates nitrogenous wastes
Maintains acid – base balance Regulates water and electrolytes Figure 1.2j

17 Organ System Overview Reproductive Production of offspring Figure 1.2k

18 V. Necessary Life Functions
Maintain Boundaries Movement Locomotion Movement of substances Responsiveness Ability to sense changes and react Digestion Break-down and delivery of nutrients

19 Necessary Life Functions
Metabolism – chemical reactions within the body Production of energy Making body structures Excretion Elimination of waste from metabolic reactions

20 Necessary Life Functions
Reproduction Production of future generation Growth Increasing of cell size and number

21 VI. Survival Needs Nutrients Chemicals for energy and cell building
Includes carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, and minerals Oxygen Required for chemical reactions

22 Survival Needs Water 60–80% of body weight
Provides for metabolic reactions Solvent- dissolves substances Stable body temperature Atmospheric pressure must be appropriate

23 VII. Homeostasis Maintenance of a stable internal environment = a dynamic state of equilibrium Homeostasis must be maintained for normal body functioning and to sustain life Homeostatic imbalance – a disturbance in homeostasis resulting in disease

24 VIII. Overview of Homeostasis
Figure 1.4

25 IX. Maintaining Homeostasis
The body communicates through neural and hormonal control systems Receptor Detects changes in the environment (stimuli) Sends information to control center

26 Maintaining Homeostasis
Control center Determines set point Analyzes information Determines appropriate response Effector Provides a means for response to the stimulus

27 Feedback Mechanisms Negative feedback
Includes most homeostatic control mechanisms Shuts off the original stimulus, or reduces its intensity Works like a household thermostat

28 X. Feedback Mechanisms Positive feedback
Increases the original stimulus to push the variable farther In the body this occurs in blood clotting and birth of a baby

29 XI. The Language of Anatomy
Special terminology is used to prevent misunderstanding Exact terms are used for: Position Direction Regions Structures

30 XII. Orientation and Directional Terms
Table 1.1

31 Orientation and Directional Terms
Table 1.1 (cont)

32 XIII. Body Landmarks Anterior Figure 1.5a

33 Body Landmarks Posterior Figure 1.5b


35 XIV. Body Planes Sagittal Frontal Transverse Figure 1.6

36 XV. Body Cavities Figure 1.7

37 XVI. Abdominopelvic Quadrants
Figure 1.8a

38 XVII. Abdominopelvic Regions
Figure 1.8b

39 XVIII. Abdominopelvic Major Organs
Liver Stomach Small intestine Large intestine Figure 1.8c

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