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Stato del calorimetro elettromagnetico

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1 Stato del calorimetro elettromagnetico
Nuove misure a TERAS (maggio) TEST beam al PSI (ottobre – novembre-dicembre) Lxe facility Criostato Baldini 23 sett CSN I Lecce

2 TERAS g Beam Line Compton Spectrum (Eg-Ec/2)2+(Ec/2)2 Electron beam
Energy: 764MeV Energy spread: 0.48%(sigma) Divergence: <0.1mrad(sigma) Beam size: 1.6mm(sigma) Laser photon Energy: 1.17e-6x4 eV (for 40MeV) Energy spread: 2x10-5 (FWHM) Divergence: unknown Beam size: unknown Collimator size Baldini 23 sett CSN I Lecce

3 Data MC simulation Short labs D: 20~100  0~25cm Long labs g
LP operato con Xenon purificato D: depth parameter Data MC simulation D D Short labs Previous Test D= D: 20~100  0~25cm D Long labs D This Test D g Baldini 23 sett CSN I Lecce

4 Energy Spectrum Fitting
For understanding simply… Suppose Response function is an asymmetric Gaussian Principle… Compton Spectrum Response function Eg Npe s left Convolution of Compton Spectrum Response Function s right Baldini 23 sett CSN I Lecce

5 Energy Spectrum Fitting cont’d
Require D(depth parameter)>45 ~34% of events in the range of 40MeV+/-4MeV are discarded by this requirement Suppose Compton Spectrum around the edge (E-Ec/2)2+Ec2/4 Detector Response Function Gaussian with Exponential tail f(x) = Nexp{t/s2(t/2-(x-x0)}, x<x0+t Nexp{-1/2((x-x0)/s)2}, x>x0+t Convolution Integration +/- 5s Fitting is done in two steps Determine the edge position Fix the edge in the 2nd fitting for determining the other prams Detection efficiency (estimated by MC) : 74% within +/- 4% energy cut at 52.8 MeV (cf. Progress Report Jul 02) (16% of events are lost due to interaction with material in front of the active volume) 26% Baldini 23 sett CSN I Lecce

6 Energy Resolution vs. Depth Parameter
For g incident at the detector center D > 35, 45, 55….85 Resolution: < 2% in sigma except shallow events (D<45). D Number of Photoelectrons Baldini 23 sett CSN I Lecce

7 LP al PSI (meta’ agosto): test in ottobre/novembre con fotoni monocromatici
Baldini 23 sett CSN I Lecce

8 The elementary process
 - (essentially) at rest captured on protons:  - p  0 n  - p  n  0    Photon spectrum 54.9 82.9 129 MeV Baldini 23 sett CSN I Lecce

9 Experimental configuration
TARGET? -- beam A C T Mod Rate Background Thin/small (angle/X0) Handling NaI Previous use GH2 (Panofsky….) LH2 (PIBETA) CH2 (MEGA, prec.misure) LiH (e  at SIN) Coincidence: C & !A & NaI (Offline: & LXe) LXe Baldini 23 sett CSN I Lecce

10 Misure del 1999 8%FWHM D=100 cm 10 x 10 window 9.5 hours
60 cm (NaI) 75 cm (CsI) 11 x 13 window Baldini 23 sett CSN I Lecce

11 Lxe facility Baldini 23 sett CSN I Lecce

12 Criostato Necessita’ di rivedere il disegno (appoggio esterno )
Selezione materiale finestra di ingresso Simulazioni nuovo progetto Contatto con Ditte produttrici il prima possibile Baldini 23 sett CSN I Lecce

13 Photon Detector schedule
2002 2003 2004 2005 Large Prototype Beam Test Beam Test Engineering runs Vessel Design Manufactoring Assembly & Test PMT Delivery + Testing Assembly Test Refrigerator Manufactoring Assembly Liq. Purification Baldini 23 sett CSN I Lecce Design Manufactoring Assembly Test Milestone

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