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Published byKristen Holst Modified over 6 years ago
Development and Testing of NCEP's Coupled Climate Forecast System
Stephen Lord (EMC/NCEP) Presented by Huug van den Dool (CPC/NCEP) S. Saha, S. Nadiga, C. Thiaw, J. Wang, W. Wang, Q. Zhang
Overview Introduction Development of CFS Prediction of extreme events
Simulation Reforecast results Prediction of extreme events Possible projects
NCEP Seasonal Forecast System Prior to August 2004
Developed Atmospheric Seasonal Forecast Model (SFM) First NOAA operational seasonal forecast model Ocean model and data assimilation Equatorial Pacific domain Provides 4 initial weekly ocean states TOGA/TAO, XBT, ship, altimeter data
NCEP Seasonal Forecast System Prior to August 2004 (Cont)
Coupled model provides [ensemble] SST forecasts 1995 NCEP atmospheric model MOM V.1 Pacific Ocean model Anomaly flux coupling SFM ensemble runs from SST ensemble realizations
NCEP’s NEW CFS Components for S/I Climate
T62/64-layer version of the current NCEP atmospheric GFS (Global Forecast System) model Model top 0.2 mb Simplified Arakawa-Schubert convection (Pan) Non-local PBL (Pan & Hong) SW radiation (Chou, modifications by Y. Hou) Prognostic cloud water (Moorthi, Hou & Zhao) LW radiation (GFDL, AER in operational wx model) GFDL Modular Ocean Model, version 3 (MOM-3) 40 levels 1 degree resolution, 1/3 degree on equator Global Ocean Data Assimilation (GODAS) Fully coupled atmosphere-ocean (no flux correction)
NCEP Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (GODAS)
Real time global ocean data base ARGO (1000 reports/month), altimeter, XBTs, buoys, SST Community access to ocean data Standardized formats with embedded QC meta data Global ocean data assimilation system Upgraded ocean data analysis Reanalysis (ODASI) Salinity analysis (improved use of altimeter observations) Implemented September 2003
CFS Simulation Study 38 year ‘free’ run
Fully coupled system (NO FLUX CORRECTION) 64 level atmospheric model Sensitivity result using 28 level atmospheric model Initial conditions GODAS 1 January 2002 Verification Observed Fields : NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis/CDAS
64 Level (0.2 hPa) vs 28 Level (2.0 hPa) Atm.
CFS Simulations 64 Level (0.2 hPa) vs 28 Level (2.0 hPa) Atm. ENSO SST cycles Nino 3.4 SST Anomalies Observed 28 Level Atm Coupled Red: monthly bias 64 Level Atm
Coupled Model Simulation
SST Interannual Variability Observed 28 Level Atm 64 Level Atm
Coupled Model Simulation 38 Year Mean SST Bias
Examples of ENSO events
Simulated El Nino Simulated La Nina Real El Nino Real La Nina
Tropical Precipitation Performance
AC=.86 AC=.80 AC=.43
Re-Analysis AMIP Coupled 28 Level Atm 64 Level Atm
CDAS Chi anomalies
64 layer model Chi anomaly with climatological SST
200 mb Velocity Potential Anomaly AMIP runs & Opnl Verif.
Easterly waves in the AMIP run
Easterly waves in the observations
AMIP run: Rotated EOF (Nov-Mar) Z200
Hindcast Skill Assessment
Atmosphere 15-member ensemble over 25 years from Monthly mean forecasts for all 12 months 9 month forecasts Initial states 0000 GMT + or - 2 days from ocean state for each month Reanalysis-2 archive forces both historical and real time forecasts Operational system continues updating model climatology Ocean NCEP Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (GODAS) Initial states 0000 GMT for 1st, 11th, 21st of each month GODAS operational September 2003 Global ocean state 1 week behind real time
Hindcast Skill Assessment (cont)
Estimated after doing a bias correction for each year Uses model climatology based on the other years Anomaly correlation skill score Nino 3.4 region SST prediction Standard atmospheric variables such as temperature, precipitation Skill maps Anomaly of model vs its own climatology in coupled mode Comparisons with CMP14 (former operational system) and CASST (CPC statistical technique)
Ensemble Mean CASST CMP14 April IC
Observed 6 Month Lead (November) from April IC SST anomaly for Note Amplitudes
CASST Ensemble Mean January IC CMP14
Observed 6 Month Lead (August) from January IC SST anomaly for Note Amplitudes
SST Anomaly Correlation
Hindcast Monthly Averaged SST Anomaly Correlation April IC June-September Left: New Coupled System Right: CMP14
SST Anomaly Correlation
Hindcast Seasonally Averaged SST Anomaly Correlation January IC Left: New Coupled System Right: CMP14
1st and 2nd modes of REOF for SST
U. S. Surface Temperature Hindcast Skill (left) 3 Month Averages
CFS U. S. Surface Temperature Hindcast Skill (left) 3 Month Averages April IC Comparison with CPC CCA Method (right) Note: Coupled System skill Has different geographical Distribution than CCA
U. S. Surface Temperature Hindcast Skill (left) 3 Month Averages
CFS U. S. Surface Temperature Hindcast Skill (left) 3 Month Averages January IC Comparison with CPC CCA Method (right) Note: Coupled System skill Has different geographical Distribution than CCA
Note: Coupled System skill
CFS U. S. Precipitation Hindcast Skill (left) 3 Month Averages April IC Comparison with CPC CCA Method (right) Note: Coupled System skill complementary to CCA
Note: Coupled System skill
CFS U. S. Precipitation Hindcast Skill (left) 3 Month Averages January IC Comparison with CPC CCA Method (right) Note: Coupled System skill complementary to CCA
Seasonal Forecast for Tropical Vertical Wind Shear (Chelliah & Saha)
Performance of the NCEP CFS Forecasts for Severe Weather Events
Suranjana Saha Environmental Modeling Center NCEP/NWS/NOAA/DOC
CFS Performance for Extreme Events
What is an extreme? Large departure from normal, for example in temperature and/or precipitation, we have heat waves, cold spells, droughts, floods, etc. Given how important the effect of extremes is on society (life, property and the economy), did the CFS predict these events ?
CFS Performance for Extreme Events (cont)
We evaluate skill in CFS predictions only on occasions when an extreme occurred in observations. “Probability of detection” Using monthly mean data, we define an extreme = |value| of anomaly of variable >= 2 or 1.5 times local standard deviation.
CFS Performance for Extreme Events
Two initial cases Mississippi flood of 1993 Midwest drought of 1988 Lead times of 1-5 months Time series of extreme events over the U S Midwest 1 month lead time
CFS Performance for Extreme Events (cont)
1993 Flood 1988 Drought
EXTREME EVENTS IN TEMPERATURE (Reanalysis-2 used for validation)
One Month Lead NW NE SW SE
Lead Time vs Season
Conclusions (for Temperature)
1. US : Modest skill mainly in late spring 2. Europe : No skill 3. India : Modest skill mainly in winter 4. Africa : Modest skill mainly Northern winter 5. South America: Moderate skill throughout the year.
EXTREME EVENTS IN PRECIPITATION (Xie-Arkin Precip used for validation)
U. S. Forecasts of Extreme Precipitation Events
Conclusions (for Precipitation)
US : Modest skill mainly in winter Europe : No skill at all India : Modest skill mainly Feb-May Africa : Modest skill mainly Aug-Jan South America: Modest skill throughout the year only for lead-1. (Keep in mind there are complications when precipitation is skewed, or standard deviation is small (like deserts).
Conclusions and Possible Collaborations
The NCEP CFS displays realistic behavior for monthly and seasonal forecasts An accompanying reforecast data set Is used operationally to define forecast skill Can be used in research mode for a wealth of climate studies of predictability Suggestions for future work Extending predictability work of Saha Continued evaluation and understanding of more detailed system performance Tropical, topographic interactions, AO…. Development, assembly and testing of next CFS
Conclusions and Possible Collaborations (cont)
Study the impacts of : vertical resolution. 28, 42 and 64 levels convection in different vertical resolutions running RAS pbl impact by running with an older version of the PBL prognostic cloud scheme versus diagnostic cloud scheme. Impact of sub-grid scale orography with different mountain variance Impact of new longwave and shortwave radiation in the CFS Impact of new ice model for polar regions Stratus deficiency Testing Noah 3.0, GLDAS, NLDAS for Climate applications, including application to Drought Monitor Mitigate ocean model biases and develop advanced ODA techniques and investigate impact of MOM-4 Test sigma-p and sigma-theta hybrid coordinates Sensitivity experiments for tuning the ocean mixed layer Investigation of simulated ocean - atmosphere modes of variability at the subseasonal timescale and assessment of their realism at different lead times; improvement of relevant parameterizations. Estimation of the realism of simulated scale interactions (subseasonal to seasonal time scales) Modification of physics to enhance PNA, AO, MJO, NAO, AAO indices
Conclusions and Possible Collaborations (cont)
5-45 day forecast project Output from 45 day runs has been saved twice-daily data from the entire CFS hindcast set from1981-present, nearly 24 years. 15 members per month Selected subset for Evaluation of subseasonal skill for Regional Climate Model experiments 15 additional members/month (1/day) 6 hourly output Possible new monthly product Requires GODAS (data assimilation) run in real time instead of the current 7-day lag Enhanced ensemble size Hindcasts will still have to be done to provide calibration
Questions and Discussion
The latest forecast
Ocean Data Assimilation - Impact of Salinity
Subsurface Temperature Anomalies
Examples of ENSO events Subsurface Temperature Anomalies At the Equator Observed (GODAS) Simulated Time Depth Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
Priority Cloud-radiation interaction Orographic forcing
Mesoscale forecast Hurricane forecast Seasonal forecast Week-2 and monthly forecast
The Weather Point of view
We decide on the physics upgrade based on model performances in the synoptic forecasts. We try to get the most realistic forecasts of mid-latitude as well as tropical systems in the 0-14 day time range We evaluate the forecasts both on the correlations with analysis but also with observations
Our current activities
Orography Separation of grid resolvable part and sub-grid part Improvement of the sub-grid block effect Cloud Testing of Ferrier cloud scheme Merging of RAS and SAS
Other activities PBL Radiation
Song-You Hong’s new YSU pbl scheme Radiation AER shortwave scheme Working with meso group to test GFS physics at high resolutions
Low hanging fruits Shallow convection Cloud fraction
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