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Learner-centered Classrooms

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1 Learner-centered Classrooms
Chapter 2 Learner-centered Classrooms

2 What Is a Learning Environment?
How would you define a “learning environment”? “spaces where a person or group of people interact with tools, materials, and resources in their development of knowledge and skills.” (Jonassen, 2000) How might/does an environment affect student learning? The context in which learning is established and supported It affects they manner with which a learning unit is designed Must consider limitations and potential value of available tools How have learning environments changed? Historically, classrooms = instructivist approach Recent movements towards learner-centered

3 Learner-centered Psychological Principles
Construction of knowledge Metacognition (“Thinking about thinking”) Role of prior knowledge Motivational and emotional influences on learning Other influences on learning (developmental, social, individual, etc) Nature of the teaching & learning process Engaging, Interactive, Facilitative, Instructionally Appropriate, and authentic Role of immersive and non-immersive technology

4 Resources Hand-held Computers in Education Handhelds in the Classroom
Handhelds in the Classroom Learner-Centered Psychological Principles NetOp School Power in the Palm of Your Hand

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