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Señorita, Maestra, Profe

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1 Señorita, Maestra, Profe
Back To School Night Brieana Thatcher Señorita, Maestra, Profe Spanish 1/2, 3/4, AP Spanish Literature Content *Teacher Introduction *Course Objectives *Classroom Systems & Routines *Evaluation & Assessment *Contact Information *Questions?

2 Teacher Introduction *Portland / Central Oregon *U of O & Study Abroad
*Spain – 4 years teaching & learning *MA in Spanish & Latin American Literatures (NYU in Madrid) *Master of Education (PSU)

3 Course Objectives Spanish 3/4
This second-level course continues to develop skills acquired in the first year of Spanish, including oral comprehension and emphasis on the spoken language. Reading and writing skills continue to develop through more extended practice and lengthier passages. General knowledge of the language and of the culture of countries in which Spanish is spoken is extended. From year 1 to year 2 = continued vocab building, more verbs, and more spoken Spanish is expected. Again, encourage students to remain calm. I know they may have very little background… lots of oral and spoken Spanish is a MUST anyway! They will be okay!

4 Course Objectives Spanish 1 / 2
This is the first step in the direction of speaking Spanish as a second language, and is designed around the four basic language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Students learn to ask, understand, and respond to basic questions, commands, and statements, with special attention to pronunciation, structure of the language, and a growing vocabulary base. Language developed is useful for travel and for expressing personal information, needs, wants, and desires. Cultural perspectives and practices are weaved into curriculum and provide context for deeper understanding of language. Connecting previous 2 years of vocabulary building and familiarization with the language to a whole new plethora of VERBS and TENSES! Students have more freedom and ability for self-expression + and are able to articulate their thoughts better. All Spanish is scary in the beginning (Still working towards that these first days ), but encourage students to remain CALM! They will be expected to use only Spanish eventually.

5 Classroom Systems + Routines
Electronic Devices & Technology: Off and away! Permitted for use during indicated times only. Class website useful for homework updates and class news: Remind is used (as permitting) for homework updates and reminders. 2. Materials: Cuaderno de clase, ¡Aventura! (course text), Pencil… *Bring cuaderno every day! 3. Visual Organizers: Look for agenda, objectives, homework, handouts, and notebook stations and updates… 4. Food / Drink & Cleanliness: Be discreet. Be responsible. Leave the room cleaner than you found it! Handout available for viewing if desired (students also have copy ) => students use stamps to purchase hall pass + lose stamps for behavioral infractions like cell phones during non-indicated times Spanish ½ + ¾ = Book + WB must be picked up from the library. Spanish 5/6 = class copy of text + individual copies if desired (also electronic copy from library). No WB for this level  These visuals offer consistency and reliable routines. Students should check the board for “what’s up in Spanish today/recently”, pick up materials as needed (paper, absent tasks, notebook updates, etc.) Food/Drink is permitted in class (during non-oral activities). This is because I want my students fed and hydrated… We can’t learn as well if we’re wilting! But, as soon as I find trash the privilege is gone for the class. Encourage students to be respectful and clean up after themselves in order to keep this right.

6 Performance-Based Assessment
Syllabus: Reviewed key components in class and printout available at all times online at Describes expectations, grading and assessment, and provides resources and contact information. 2. Grading & Assessment: Students’ grades are organized into categories following the 4 language skills… *Interpretive: Reading / Listening, Writing, and Speaking = 25% each *Desarrollo de Lengua: Tarea & Práctica = 10% Desarrollo de Lengua: Cuaderno & Proyectos = 15% *Students demonstrate ability to perform a given task (corresponding to 1 of 4 language skills), and are evaluated on a 4 pt proficiency scale: Highly Proficient, Proficient, Developing, Tried *Grades are determined by whether the student can or cannot perform the indicated language task (NOT by the amount or % of materials completed).

7 Contact Information *Communication between school and home is paramount! Please feel free to contact me as desired… - -Website: -Telephone: (x81454) -Tutorial: Often Thursday / Fridays (sometimes Wednesdays) at 2:15 -OR set up an appointment! -Location: Room B49, Office B50 Questions? Doubts? Comments?

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