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Goat Breeds and Selection

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1 Goat Breeds and Selection
Capra hircus

2 Goat Breeds and Selection Overview
Major Breeds of Goats (Dairy, Meat and Mohair) Parts of a Goat Judging Goats Dairy Mohair Meat Assignment

3 Major Breeds of Goats Alpine (French Alps)
Medium to large sized only breed with upright ears all colors and combinations of colors. Hair is medium to short straight face with roman nose. Dairy Breed

4 Major Breeds Goats Angora (Asia Minor)
Both sexes are horned Pronounced spiral to the horn Utilized in Mohair Production White in color Mohair Production

5 Major Breeds Goats Boer (South Africa)
Also known as the Africander Early maturing Predominantly white with red head but some solid red exist. Meat Breed

6 Major Breeds Goats Golden Guernsey (British)
color varies from cream to brown usually polled lower in milk production than most Swiss breeds higher in butter fat and protein % Dairy Breed

7 Major Breeds Goats LaMancha (Oregon)
Face is straight Gopher ear - max one inch in length preferably non-existent Elf ear-max. length of two inches with tip being turned up or down Any color or combination is acceptable. Hair is short, fine and glossy high butterfat Dairy Breed

8 Major Breeds Goats Nigerian Dwarf (West Africa)
Main colors are black, chocolate and gold with random white markings. Breed year round They give 3-4# of milk per day at 6 to 10% butterfat They make great pets Misc.

9 Major Breeds Goats Nubian (Oriental)
Large framed face being convex between the eyes and muzzle ears are long, wide and pendulous. They flare out in a bell shape. Any color or colors, solid or patterned Dairy Breed

10 Major Breeds of Goats Pygmy Goat (Africa)
Full coat of straight, medium-long hair. All colors are acceptable muzzle, forehead, eyes and ears are accented in tones lighter than the dark portion of the body. Make good pets Misc.

11 Major Breeds of Goats Saanen (Switzerland)
Usually yields 3-4% milkfat medium to large in size white or light cream in color. Ears are erect and carried forward. Face straight or dished Dairy Breed

12 Major Breeds of Goats Spanish (Spain)
Feral goat or brush goat native to U.S. Descended from the goats that were released or escaped from the early Spanish explorers Utilized for meat. Fat content is less than beef. Meat Breed

13 Major Breeds of Goats Toggenburg (Switzerland)
Medium in size Hair is short or medium in length Ears are Erect and Forward Face may be straight or dished Color is solid varying from light fawn to dark chocolate Distinct white markings white ears with dark spot in middle two white stripes down face from above each eye white legs below knee and hock white triangle on either side of the tail. some have wattles Dairy Breed

14 Major Breeds of Goats Quiz #1
2 4 3

15 Major Breeds of Goats Quiz #1
6 5 8 7

16 Major Breeds of Goats Answers to Quiz #1
Angora 1 2 Boer Goat 4 Nubian 3 Alpine

17 Major Breeds of Goats Quiz #1
Pygmy LaMancha 6 5 Toggenburg Saanen 8 7

18 Goat Breeds and Selection Parts of a Goat

19 Goat Breeds and Selection Judging Dairy Goats
Correct conformation of dairy goats is essential for a productive and successful operation. It is important to evaluate the differences of goats as they related to each other as well as how they relate to the breed ideal. American Dairy Goat Association Standard Score Card General Appearance - 30% Mammary System - 30% Dairy Character - 20% Body Capacity - 20%

20 Goat Breeds and Selection Judging Dairy Goats
General Appearance: Impressive style and carriage, possessing attractiveness and feminity. Mammary System: Strongly attached and high quality udder, indicating high production and longevity. Dairy Character: Angularity and general openness throughout. Body Capacity: Relative to the size of the animal, providing ample capacity for feed intake and production.

21 Goat Breeds and Selection Angora Goat Selection
In selecting for fiber, one is interested in both quantity (weight) and quality of fiber (length, fineness, style, character,absence of kemp, etc.). In addition to fiber, one must be concerned with traits that contribute to the survival or viability (soundness, fertility, etc.) of the individual.

22 Goat Breeds and Selection Angora Goat Selection
Selection based on quantity of fiber is accomplished by: size of the animal completeness of cover length of fiber (four inches minimum) diameter of fiber (finer fibers preferred) differences in density (desirable lock formation) Selection based on fleece weight grease (oil) dirt Selection based on age Weaning or first shearing is a poor time Select the animal at second and third shearing (12-18mts. Old)

23 Goat Breeds and Selection Judging Meat Goats
Conformation: Rectangular in appearance from the side Straight level top and belly Length of rump, body, and leg are important Legs should be straight and placed squarely under the body and should show evidence of muscling. Width between front legs trim brisket hindquarter should be muscular with loin and rumbp being of uniform width. Legs should be square and wide from the rear view

24 Goat Breeds and Selection Judging Meat Goats
General Appearance Stature: Overall Skeletal Size Head: Both Strength and refinement Front End: (combination of chest and shoulder features) wide chest smooth blending shoulder with sharp withers Front Legs: Sound Back: Straight, wide, long and level Rump: long, wide and level from thurl to thurl Hind Legs: wide and straight well muscled stifle Feet: strong pasterns with even tight toes

25 Goat Breeds and Selection Judging Meat Goats
MUSCLE Hindquarters: long deeply attached muscle, thick high stifle, muscle over the thurl and rump should be obvious. Loin: should be wide with a symmetrically oval shape on each side of the backbone which should carry over the rack. Shoulders: muscling should increase from the withers to the point of shoulder with the thickest muscle being above the chest floor. Forearm muscle should be prominent. Neck: Neck and shoulder should be free of waste. Smoothness and quality are important. A long clean neck with muscle and balance is desirable.

26 Goat Breeds and Selection Judging Meat Goats
Condition refers to the amount of fat the animal is carrying. The ideal condition is thin but uniform. The external fat thickness over the loin at the 13th rib should be between .08 to .12 inches or an average of .1 inch.

27 GoatBreeds and Selection Suggested Activity (Breeds of Goats Collage)
1. Divide the class into pairs. 2. Distribute old livestock magazines and periodicals among the class. Encourage them to share. 3. Direct the students to compile 15 different pictures in which they can identify the breed. (They must find atleast 8 different breeds) 4. After the students have collected their pictures, distribute a piece of poster board to each pair. 5. Provide colored pencils, markers and glue for them to arrange, number and identify their pictures in a creative way. 6. Display the projects in the classroom. 7. Have the students, after viewing all projects, make a list of the different breeds found.

28 Goat Breeds and Selection Suggested Assignment Sheets
Assignment - Use resource materials to locate information about goat breeds. -Use the Internet to locate the information and then have the students present their report in the form of a power point presentation. ( *Use the local computer instructor for a team teaching project.

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