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The Catholic Plots.

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1 The Catholic Plots

2 The Four Plots we will look at today
The Ridolfi Plot (1571) The Throckmorton Plot (1583) The Parry Plot (1585) The Babington Plot (1586) What do we know about the Plots already?

3 Where can we apply the plots in an exam?
Opposition to Elizabeth More specifically, the internal Catholic threat Questions regarding Mary Queen of Scots Individual Plots in other areas (Ridolfi & Babington plot Government management)

4 Overall Argument The Plots were much more dangerous in aims and individuals involved than in their actual events and facts. The only real threat lies in Throckmorton but this is still limited (E.G – Parry Plot incredibly limited)

5 A 10 Question Quiz on the people and events surrounding the Plots.

6 Quiz When was Elizabeth’s reign of England?
Who was the only Duke in England during Elizabeth’s reign? What title did Cecil receive from Queen Elizabeth? Who was Elizabeth’s Spy master? Who was the King of Spain during this period? Who were the 2 major foreign threats to England during this period? (discounting Scotland) Who is the head of the catholic Church? What was the religion of Elizabeth? (Catholic or Protestant) Who arrived in England during 1568? What English rebellion took place in 1569?

7 Answers 1558 – 1603 Norfolk Baron Burghley Sir Francis Walsingham
Phillip II of Spain (The Husband of Mary Tudor) Spain & France The Pope Protestant Mary Queen of Scots (This is not Mary Tudor!) The Northern Rebellion

8 The Ridolfi Plot What is the context of the 1571 Plot? Key Figures
Mary Queen of Scots arrives in England (1568) The Northern Rebellion (1569) Papal excommunication (1570) Key Figures Ridolfi – A banker from Italy who had already been involved with Mary Queen of Scots and The Duke of Norfolk (Elizabeth’s closest remaining male relative and the only Duke left in England) Phillip of Spain & the Duke of Alba (Although unlikely to act) The Pope

9 The Plan Secure a landing of Spanish troops at Harwick in Essex followed by a march on to London gaining support from English Catholics. Overthrow Elizabeth & marry Mary QOS to Norfolk Aims Elizabeth would be replaced by Mary Queen of Scots (and Norfolk) on the English throne Question So far, does this plot sound a threat to Elizabeth?

10 The Reality Consequences
Burghley and his agents worked to foil the plot. It was uncovered when one of Ridolfi’s messengers was apprehended at Dover and cracked under torture. Neither Phillip nor the Duke of Alba were keen on supporting the plot. (Didn’t want Mary on the throne & thought Ridolfi not capable) The Duke of Tuscany became aware of the Plan and warned Elizabeth Consequences Execution of Norfolk Increased surveillance on Mary and the threat she posed to the Queen was emphasised. Notably Elizabeth held back on further punishment. Was the reality a threat?

11 The Throckmorton Plot, 1583 Key Figures The context of the 1583 plot
Increased intensity of the Catholic mission to England (Increase in the number of seminary Priests after 1580) Apparent success of Spain in the Netherlands (Protestant position looking weak) Key Figures Nicholas Throckmorton(English Politician and ambassador to France) Mendoza (Spanish Ambassador to England) Mary Queen of Scots Duke of Guise (French Duke) Catholic nobles (E.G Arundel)

12 The Plan and Aims Aims Two Parts of the Plan
A Spanish landing in Catholic Lancashire (not realistic) A Landing in Sussex by a force lead by Mary’s (MQOS) cousin the Duke of Guise. The landing in Sussex would generate local Catholic support from aristocrats such as Arundel and Northumberland (more realistic than Spanish landing) Aims Execute Elizabeth and replace her with her Catholic cousin, Mary.

13 Events Consequences John Bossy
Walsingham discovered the plot through a mole in the French embassy Throckmorton arrested, confesses under torture and was executed The key conspirator Mendoza (Spanish ambassador) was expelled from England. Arundel escaped with his life was permanently imprisoned in the Tower. Consequences Leads to Bond of Association Decrease in the relationship with Spain Mary was moved to a more secure location Q- What can we argue from these consequences? John Bossy - ‘a genuine threat which threatened the Elizabethan regime’

14 The Parry Plot 1585 Key figures - Welsh Gentlemen MP William Parry

15 Events Version 1 He had outlived his usefulness, or knew too much, so Burghley and Walsingham decided to get rid. Version 2 Parry was converted to the militant Catholic causes while undertaking his espionage and may possibly have been recruited as a double agent in order to assassinate the Queen and replace her with Mary. Consequences Whatever the reason, Parry was executed for treason and conveniently helped Burghley and his ministers ensure that the parliamentary proceedings on the bill for the Queen’s safety were accelerated.  - How serious would you consider the threat this plot possessed?

16 The Babington Plot Context Key Figures
The Throckmorton & Parry Plots had further fuelled the Anti – Catholic paranoia of Burghley and Walsingham. England’s intervention in the Netherlands had increased the possibility of full scale conflict with Spain Burghley was particularly keen on the destruction of Mary Queen of Scots. (John Guy’s view) Treaty of Berwick with James VI of Scotland in (James was Mary’s son) Key Figures Anthony Babington – A young Catholic Gentlemen from Derbyshire Mendoza – (The now expelled Spanish Ambassador) Mary Queen of Scots Phillip of Spain Pope

17 The Plan The plot surrounded a group led by Anthony Babington, a Catholic gentlemen from Derbyshire, who would execute Elizabeth and rescue Mary from captivity. A Foreign landing by Spain to support the plot The English Catholic nobles would rise up in support Aims Remove Elizabeth from the throne and replace her with the Catholic Mary Queen of Scots.

18 Romanticists – How did Babington & his followers see themselves?
Bowser/Elizabeth Babington saw Elizabeth as the villain. The evil Protestant Elizabeth was holding their Catholic Queen (Princess Peach) against her will and she needed to be rescued. Mario/Babington & his followers Babington & his followers saw themselves as the heroes. They are the Catholic heroes trying to save the Catholic Queen, Mary Queen of Scots (Princess Peach). Princess Peach/ Mary Queen of Scots Mary (Queen of Scots) was the Catholic who needed rescuing from the evil Bowser who was holding her captive.

19 Events The Babington Plot was essentially monitored and manipulated by Burghley and Walsingham to incriminate Mary Queen of Scots. Much of the detail of the plot, including a foreign landing, was fabricated by Burghley and Walsingham and therefore the aims were much more dangerous than the reality. Burghley and Walsingham waited for Mary to incriminate herself in the plot to force Elizabeth’s hand. Consequences Mary consented to Elizabeth’s assassination and was subsequently executed in February A total of 16 years since the Ridolfi plot of Did this leave the door open for Phillip to send the Armada and claim the English throne? Q- Was this a threat?

20 Summary of the Consequences of the Babington Plot

21 Conclusions What Conclusions can we draw from the Plots? (Discuss)
How serious a threat did the Plots pose (Aims/Events)? Which Plot posed the most serious threat? What do the Plots tell us about the Internal and external Catholic threat to Elizabeth? Is the threat changing over time? Any other conclusions?

22 Where can we apply the plots in an exam?
Opposition to Elizabeth More specifically, the internal Catholic threat Questions regarding Mary Queen of Scots Individual Plots in other areas (Ridolfi & Babington plot Government management)

23 Going Forward Not a Scientific diagram of the brain
What is the best way for you to learn and what topics do you want to look at? me any suggestions for future topics & what activities you would like to do? (more quizzes?) Next Session – A summary of Edward VI Not a Scientific diagram of the brain

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