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Mrs. Nousheen Ahmed-ELAR/SS Mrs. Amanda Thomas-Math/Science

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1 Mrs. Nousheen Ahmed-ELAR/SS Mrs. Amanda Thomas-Math/Science
Welcome to 4th Grade! Mrs. Nousheen Ahmed-ELAR/SS Mrs. Amanda Thomas-Math/Science

2 Contact Information address: School phone: Conference Day/Time: Thursday 2:35-3:00 address: School phone: Conference Day/Time: Monday 8:15-9:00

3 ELAR-General Content Description
In fourth grade, students engage in activities that build on their prior knowledge and skills in order to strengthen their reading, writing, and language skills. In Reader’s Workshop, students use cognitive strategies to develop their ability to think critically and construct meaning from a variety of genres while listening and participating in the processes of reading and listening. They apply their learning during guided reading and independent reading. Reading activities include work in language and word study, vocabulary, comprehension, as well as developing skills in literary analysis and critical thinking. In Writer’s Workshop, students are authors who create and refine their craft daily by analyzing the works of other authors, conferring with teachers and other students, and sharing their work.

4 Texas History Content Description
In fourth grade,, students examine the history of Texas from the early beginnings to the present within the context of influences of North America.Historical content focuses on Texas history, including the Texas Revolution, establishment of the Republic of Texas and subsequent annexation to the United States. Students discuss important issues events, and individuals of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. Students conduct a thorough study of regions in Texas and North America resulting from human activity and from physical features. The location, distribution, and patterns of economic activities and settlement in Texas further enhance the concept of regions. Students describe how early American Indians in Texas and North America met their basic economic needs. Students identify motivations for European exploration and colonization and reasons for the establishment of Spanish settlements and missions. Students explain how American Indians governed themselves and identify characteristics of Spanish colonial and Mexican governments in Texas. They identify contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, and religious groups to Texas and describe the impact of science and technology on life in the state. Students use critical-thinking skills to identify cause-and-effect relationships, compare and contrast, and make generalizations and predictions.

5 Mathematics Content Description
The Grade 4 focal areas are supported throughout the mathematical strands of: Number and Operations Apply place value Represent points on a number line that correspond to a given fraction or terminating decimal Algebraic Reasoning Represent and solve multi-step problems involving the four operations with whole numbers with expressions and equations Generate and analyze patterns Geometry and Measurement Classify two-dimensional figures Measure angles Convert units of measure Data Analysis - represent and interpret data

6 Science Content Description
Students learn science skills and to identify components and processes of the natural world including properties of soil, effects of the oceans on land, and the role of the Sun as our major source of energy. In addition, students identify the physical properties of matter and observe the addition or reduction of heat as an example of what can cause changes in states of matter. Students learn the roles of living and nonliving components of simple systems and investigate differences between learned characteristics and inherited traits. They learn that adaptations of organisms that lived in the past may have increased some species' ability to survive.

7 Grading Guidelines Major Grades: (60% of grade) Will be highlighted when sent home in the Wednesday Folders. Students who fail a major exam will be allowed to retake it. Highest possible score after a retake is a 70%. Examples: Campus Common Assessments (CCAs) and Benchmarks (BAs) Minor Grades: (40% of grade) Examples: Independent practice activities and quizzes-only quizzes will be sent home as independent practice activities are completed in notebooks which are kept in the classroom. Extra Credit: If offered, must be offered to all students and will not be offered to individual students. Homework: Homework will no longer be averaged into a student's grade, but will be reflected in the conduct marks on progress reports and report cards. Homework will be sent home after guided practice has occurred in class and is meant to provide extra independent practice as, and when, deemed necessary by the teacher. Late Work: 5 points will be deducted per day, not to exceed 25 points.

8 Remind One way text messaging for reminders about upcoming events, tests, deadlines. Text to this number: Text this message

9 Absences Students must make up all classwork and assessments. Because students miss instruction while they are out, arrangements must be made to come in before or after school to complete missing work as they will be unsuccessful on the work without instruction.

10 Folders Wednesday Folders will be sent home every Wednesday with student conduct and graded papers. It should be returned on Thursday with parent signature. Friday Folders will no longer be sent home as a result of a majority vote during Open House.

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