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SUPERVALU’S Wellness Program and Strategy

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Presentation on theme: "SUPERVALU’S Wellness Program and Strategy"— Presentation transcript:

1 SUPERVALU’S Wellness Program and Strategy
Section 1: Health Management Goals & Road Map Section 2: Healthy Pursuits History and Evolution Section 3: 2013 Wellness Incentive and Results Section 4: 2014 Wellness Incentive Section 5: A Culture of Wellness at SUPERVALU Section 6: Questions Minnesota Health Action Group Member Meeting October 24, 2013 Jon Born – SUPERVALU Lacie Herman– HealthFitness

2 SVU Health Management Goals
PEPY cost trend 3.5% per year lower than national medical trend Simplify with a single vendor solution Communicate clear expectations of employees to take personal accountability for their health Improve the health status of SVU’s enrollees Prove program impact on benefit costs Weave HM strategy into SVU’s business strategy Jon 2

3 SUPERVALU Health Management
Strategy development: 3 year roadmap Annual review of how best to integrate health and wellness into benefits plan Vendor management: selected HealthFitness as comprehensive vendor for health management Program integration: work with vendors to integrate with other benefits programs my Healthy Pursuits website – customized content Data management and reporting (aggregate only) Company-wide focus; local wellness managed locally Jon 3

4 Healthy Pursuits Healthy Pursuits is a philosophy encompassing multiple spheres of health. SUPERVALU provides plans, tools, information and incentives that can help employees and family members learn more about your own health, make healthier choices and save money by using health care resources more efficiently. Jon 4

5 Healthy Pursuits Vision
What is Healthy Pursuits? A Holistic Wellness Vision for SUPERVALU Employees and Dependents It is an ongoing mission to build and sustain a culture of health embedded within the employee community. It is not one program, one policy or one change, but a continuous journey in pursuit of better health outcomes. This vision encompasses overall health including the aspects of financial, mental/emotional, physical, cultural/ spiritual, and social. A Joint Effort Employees are critical to SUPERVALU’S commitment to building and sustaining a culture of health. The goal is to engage employees and family members to improve their health status, leveraging benefit programs, business efforts and other resources to raise awareness and enable health conscience decisions in everyday life. This is a partnership with employees to improve overall health and wellness. Jon 5

6 Why Create a Culture of Wellness?
Increase participation in the Healthy Pursuits program Support change that will help SVU worksites develop more healthful work environments Drive communication and awareness of wellness initiatives Focus efforts on the four pillars of healthy lifestyles: Physical Activity -- Tobacco-free Nutrition -- Stress management Provide feedback for corporate-driven and local wellness programs Connect across the organization to share successes, challenges and best practices for wellness practices Help facilitate improved health of employees and their family members Jon 6

7 Wellness Incentive Evolution
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Requirement HAQ Biometric Health Screening Program Participation Outcomes & Participation Incentive 1,000 “Pro Points” + Chance for free medical – 25 winners $300 EE $300 SP Reduced medical premium/year $500 EE $500 SP $600 EE $600 SP $750 EE $750 SP $900 EE $900 SP Result 6% HAQ Completion 60% HAQ Completion 53% HAQ + Screening Completion 50% HAQ + Screening Completion 57% HAQ + Screening Completion TBD: program launched 9/16/13 Jon 7

8 Healthy Pursuits Benefits Program
Employees and spouses enrolled in SVU company-sponsored medical options are eligible for health management programs All eligible have access to: Condition Management Coaching 24/7 Nurse Line Those with the Healthy Pursuits program also have: my Healthy Pursuits website -- Walk This Way activity program Health Screening Online nurse chat Health Coaching Wellness Incentive Health Advising Personalized Lifestyle Programs NutriSum online program Jon 8

9 3 Step Process to Earning Wellness Incentive
Step 1 (15 points): Complete a health screening Step 2 (15 points): Complete the online health assessment questionnaire Step 3 (30 points): Achieve targeted health screening results and/or participate in health improvement programs to earn an additional 30 points Wellness Incentive is earned in two half-year segments January – June: complete Steps 1 & 2 (30 points) by stated deadlines July – December: complete Step 3 (30 points) by stated deadline Jon 9

10 Return on Investment HealthFitness ROI analysis completed Summer 2012
Pre-post matched case control group design PY1 ROI of 1.67 Independent ROI analyses also completed by Milliman PY1 ROI 2.35 PY2 ROI 2.0 (24 month analysis) Wellness Incentive dollars Jon 10

11 2014 Wellness Incentive Changes
Increased reduced medical premiums Up to $900 value for employee or spouse completion Up to $1800 value for employee and spouse completion Biometric Outcome cut-points become more stringent Evolution of health improvement programs and associated points Lacie 11

12 Health Screenings Outcomes and Points
Lacie NOTE: thresholds changing this year to make more challenging 12

13 Health Improvement Programs and Points
Lacie 13

14 Ongoing/Future Initiatives
Tobacco Free Workplace – buildings and grounds at SSC/DC locations Currently 25% of SVU locations are tobacco free Goal is 100% by 2016. Healthy Eating Initiatives in Cafeterias – healthy choices and education Corporate HQ cafeteria – completed Remaining cafeteria locations – in progress Executive Sponsor – leadership support and visibility for wellness Top sponsor within the SUPERVALU organization – completed Top sponsor within each business unit – in progress Wellness Champion Network – grassroots wellness in the field Wellness Champion identified at each SSC/DC location – completed Wellness “Captain” identified at each retail location – in progress Business Unit Report Cards – outcomes reports for business leaders Wellness Advisory Committee – steering committee for wellness evolution Lacie 14


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