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Digital Design in Embedded System Design, Integrated Circuit Design Lab Peiyi Zhao, Ph.D Math and Computer Science Department, Beckman Hall 207 Wilkinson.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Design in Embedded System Design, Integrated Circuit Design Lab Peiyi Zhao, Ph.D Math and Computer Science Department, Beckman Hall 207 Wilkinson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Design in Embedded System Design, Integrated Circuit Design Lab Peiyi Zhao, Ph.D Math and Computer Science Department, Beckman Hall 207 Wilkinson College of Letters & Sciences Chapman University Phone: Date: Oct. 29, 2005 Introduction: Session I, II: Beckman Hall 204 Demo: session III, after 11:50, in Beckman Hall 207 Beckman Hall : the 4-story building near the gate of the university main gate 9/18/2018 Embedded Sys. Integrated Circuit Chapman University

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Contents Why digital design Digital processor design basics Tools and resource in the lab Demo: Robot etc 9/18/2018 Embedded Sys. Integrated Circuit Chapman University

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1. Why digital design? Digital design is everywhere: communication, consumer electronics, defense, aerospace, etc 9/18/2018 Embedded Sys. Integrated Circuit Chapman University

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Digital TV will be the standard by Dec. 2006 About 60 microcontrollers in your car from airbag controller to engine temperature controller. 6 billion microcontroller units were shipped in 2004, predicted to increase by 10%(Source: Instate.Inc market research ) each year from Semiconductor annual revenue of 2004: estimated of $211.4 billion 9/18/2018 Embedded Sys. Integrated Circuit Chapman University

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Moore’s law (observation): transistors on a chip will double in every months. 9/18/2018 Embedded Sys. Integrated Circuit Chapman University

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Some of the research issues: power consumption With the heat of 100 Watts power consumption, an egg could be cooked. Source: Intel Other issues: security, etc 9/18/2018 Embedded Sys. Integrated Circuit Chapman University

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Tomorrow’s market keep need design high speed, low power and secure digital systems. Digital design needs digital design concepts and programming skill Our lab provides interdisciplinary training for software, hardware digital co-design. We do researches like low power consumption, security. This is one of a few computer science programs in the nation Which has an intensive hardware selective courses Equipped with industry standard softwares like Synopsys, Cadence, ModelSim, Xilinx,etc. 9/18/2018 Embedded Sys. Integrated Circuit Chapman University

8 2.Digital processor design basics
Human being: super low power, ultra speed amazing brain, memory, sense (eye, ear, etc) Basic structure of processor: Central processing unit, input/output in processor (screen, keyboard, etc) 9/18/2018 Embedded Sys. Integrated Circuit Chapman University

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What kinds of processors are there? Microcontroller: put central processing unit, memory, input/output port in one silicon chip. Uses C or assembly language to program (related course: CPSC250) Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA): powerful prefabricated programmable digital integrated circuits. You can design a circuit on your computer and have it running on your desk in minutes. No need to solder discrete logic devices and manually wire them together. (related course: CPSC365, CPSC252) Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC): Using Verilog/ VHDL programming language to design chip for better speed and power according to your specification and fabricate it (related course: CPSC465,466) 9/18/2018 Embedded Sys. Integrated Circuit Chapman University

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Computer: Multilevel perspective Level 5 Program oriented language level CPSC 230/231, 350,353,354,402,408 Level 4: Assembly language level Assembly language CPSC 250 Level 3 Operating system level Operating system CPSC 380 Level 2 Instruction set architecture level Computer architecture CPSC 252 Level 1 Digital logic level Digital logic CPSC 365 Level 0 Integrated circuit level Integrated circuits CPSC 465,466 People interested in understanding how a computer really works must study all the levels.(SOURCE: A.S. Tanenbaum) 9/18/2018 Embedded Sys. Integrated Circuit Chapman University

11 3.Tools and resources in the lab
Instruments Waveform generator Oscilloscope Digital analyzer Digital Multimeter Computers and gate arrays Sun Blade server Digilent FPGA boards Microcontroller: Atmel STK 500 MIT Handyboard Lego RCX board 9/18/2018 Embedded Sys. Integrated Circuit Chapman University

12 Tools and resources in the lab
Design tool Cadence Synopsys ModelSim StudioAVR C Codevision compiler Xilinx XSE tool Altera tool Special parts Sensors: light, pressure, temperature Breadboards LCD Resistors, capacitors 9/18/2018 Embedded Sys. Integrated Circuit Chapman University

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Design skill: Using the previous tools to design and download different digital logic design to boards or send to MOSIS to fabricate Abstract digital design level Troubleshooting design Breakdown large problem to small ones, Isolate problem, Create/use test bench, Search error message/solution in data base, help manual, ask specialist questions, check tutorial, FAQ, user group, etc 9/18/2018 Embedded Sys. Integrated Circuit Chapman University

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Student projects Security: Implement RSA algorithm in FPGA Low power circuits research dual voltage level shifter, tri-state buffer, domino circuit,etc Microcontroller related project Send Chips to MOSIS for fabrication (coming soon) Handyboard Robot A robot is pushing a can out of a circle 9/18/2018 Embedded Sys. Integrated Circuit Chapman University

15 Embedded Sys. Integrated Circuit Chapman University
// Simple Program for traffic light control // Implemented in Digilent Board board with Xilinx FPGA // Oct. 26, 2005 // Peiyi Zhao, Embedded system / Integrated Circuits Design lab, Chapman University module traffic_light_simple(clk, rst, y); // traffic light control model input clk; // clock input from board input rst; // reset signal output [2:0] y; reg [7:0] y; reg [2:0] state, next_st; wire clk_100_out; parameter green = 8'b0000_0011; // define green, yellow, red here parameter yellow = 8'b ; parameter red = 8'b1100_0000; clk_100 clk_1(clk_100_out, clk); // instantiate a module, get low frequency clock clk_100_out ) // sequential circuit, check reset signal begin if(rst) state <= 5; else state <= next_st; end // state control case(state) 0: begin next_st= 1; y= green; end // change the code here to control the time of each color 1: begin next_st= 2; y= green; end 2: begin next_st= 3; y= green; end 3: begin next_st= 4; y= yellow; end 4: begin next_st= 5; y= yellow; end 5: begin next_st= 6; y= red; end 6: begin next_st= 7; y= red; end 7: begin next_st= 0; y= red; end endcase endmodule 9/18/2018 Embedded Sys. Integrated Circuit Chapman University

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4. Demo Robot: line track, light follower A simple traffic light program on FPGA board A simple calculator program on FPGA board A simple LED blinker program on microcontroller board 9/18/2018 Embedded Sys. Integrated Circuit Chapman University

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