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“Air quality planning in Italy”
Alessandra Fino and Valentina Pucci Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Direction for Environmental Protection Workshop on “Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC” – Brussels, October 9th 2006
Emission trends in Italy
SOURCE: APAT 2005 Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
SO2 emissions (1980 – 2003) SOURCE: APAT
Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Lead emissions (1990 – 2003) Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
NOx emissions in Italy (1980-2003)
SOURCE: APAT SOURCE: APAT 2005 SOURCE: APAT Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Number of zones and agglomerations where levels exceed LV + MOT for NO2
SOURCE: Ministry for the Environment Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
PM10 emissions in Italy (1990-2003)
SOURCE: APAT Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
PM10 emissions in 2003 SOURCE: APAT
Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Number of zones and agglomerations where levels exceed LV+MOT for PM10
SOURCE: Ministry for the Environment Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Primary and secondary contributions to PM10
SOURCE: ENEA, 2005 Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Approach for the air quality management
Regions and autonomous Provinces are the competent authorities for air quality monitoring, assessment and management in Italy and for establishment and implementation of Plans and Programmes reported under 1996/62/EC The Italian Ministry for the Environment has the task to establish general rules to be applied at national level for environmental issues Italian Ministry coordinates regional and local policies with the aim of facilitating the definition of shared rules and objectives in order to achieve the best air quality protection Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
With the aim of reducing air pollution Italian Ministry issued laws and acts to improve energy efficiency and reducing pollutants emission: Limiting use of some fuels in residential heating plants and introducing provisions for their working (specific regulation for technical and constructive requirements, emission limit and related controls, no coal and heavy oil allowed) Improving the fuel quality (limit for sulphure and nickel content and other environmental specifics for solid and liquids fuels) Limiting pollutants emission for all plants and activities reducing emission in atmosphere . Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
European Directives Italian decrees Allow more restrictive emission limits referring to existing authorizations; 1999/13/EC (VOC emission) Emission limits for heavy metals and for CO; Specific emission limits for existing plants No derogations for gas turbines and NOx emission limits stricter than EU ones Competent authorities can provide limits stricter than those established by the directive 2001/80/EC (Large Combustion Plant) Industrial plants 2000/76/EC (Incineration of Waste) The authorizations of incineration plants generally provide emission limits stricter than those established by the directive. Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Plans and Programmes in Italy: the contents established by D.M. 261/02
General information Information to make available to public and appropriate organisations Nature, origin and assessment of air pollution Zone characterization Analysis of scenarios and trends Description of legislation framework Description of measures for improvement of air quality in each zone or agglomeration Details of the measures or projects planned for the long term List of documents and data used to set the Plan or Programme Interregional coordination Actions and measures planned to overcome administrative obstacles Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Regional air quality plans and programmes
17 Regions and autonomous Provinces had to implement specific P&P for attaining the limit value 16 Regions and autonomous Provinces had established and implemented AQ P&P P&P have not been assessed homogeneously: higher level of knowledge about AQ assessment have been reached in Regions of the north and some of the centre of Italy The description of the general environment context and the analysis of the main pressure elements by means of diffusion models as well as the expected air quality improvements were often lacking of in-depth analysis in the most of the southern and centre Regions's air quality plans. Consequently they have generally planned only traffic and transport measures in urban areas, without a deep cost-effective analysis BUT A SIGNIFICANT INTEREST IN AIR QUALITY PLANNING IS GROWING AMONG ALL REGIONS AND AUTONOMOUS PROVINCES AND WE EXPECT FROM THEM AN IMPORTANT PLANS AND PROGRAMMES UPDATING IN A SHORT TERM Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Plans and Programmes in Italy : Measures adopted by local authorities
Mobility Production activities Energy conservation/Renewable energy sources Domestic heating Information/Communication Other SOURCE: Ministry for the Environment Questionnaires on P&P 2003 Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Plans and Programmes : Measures adopted in Italy
MEASURES CHARACTERIZATION Mobility Production activities Energy conservation/Renewable energy sources Domestic heating Information/Communication Other SOURCE: Ministry for the Environment Questionnaires on P&P 2003 Most of measures adopted by the Regions concern mobility and productive activities Measures of “Other” type concern elaboration of emission inventories and research Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Plans and Programmes: significant measures adopted at local level
The Province of Bolzano’s air quality programme contains a wide range of measures to improve and to preserve air quality . The central proposals in the plan are: Implementing low emission zone; Promoting the use of low emissions veichles; Implementing traffic management by infrastructure to reduce emissions; Encouraging proper vehicle maintenance and more efficient driving; Reducing emissions from buildings and industry; Reducing emissions from construction sites Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Plans and Programmes: significant measures adopted at local level
In order to reduce emissions (motor vehicle, residential, commercial and industrial emissions) Lombardy’s has implemented an integrated air quality plan through atmopheric emissions abatement measures, sustainable transport measures and energy saving measures: Promotion of electric and gas fuelled vehicles Promotion of alternative-fueled original equipment vehicles, and high fuel efficiency vehicles in cities fleet Promotion air quality education at schools Improving pollution prevention opportunities with community partners (such as the Chamber of Commerce) Promotion energy conservation and other green building practices Promotion of mobility management project Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Other local initiatives
The Regions and autonomous Provinces of Padana basin, characterized by similar climatic conditions, have came to an agreement at an interregional level in order to reach a better coordination on measures for the reduction of atmospheric pollution Restriction of the circulation for private vehicles (excepted GPL and methane vehicles and euro 4 vehicles). The Regions and autonomous Provinces of Padana basin’s Working Group has finally agreed on the necessity to put into effect within the 2010 prohibition of circulation for more polluting gasoline and diesel vehicles and introduce the obligation of using particulate filters for all diesel vehicles, characterizing economic and fiscal measures of incentive. Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Additional national measures for air quality improvement
Agreement MATT(*)-ANCMA(**) Promotion of Euro I and Euro II two wheels vehicles Car Sharing Programme Environmental Protection Programme Promotion of low impact vehicles and alternative fuels; public transport and collective taxi Agreement MATT-FIAT-UP Promotion of NG use in transport sector NATIONAL MEASURES Structural Programmes Promotion of electric and gas fuelled vehicles, public transport, collective taxi, area pricing;development of QA monitoring network; Mobility Management ICBI Promotion of NG and LPG use in old car fleet Ecological Sundays Promotion of renewable energy sources Promotion of energy efficiency * Ministry for the Environment ** National Association Mopeds, Motorycles, Accessories Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
The technical complexity of issues concerning the air quality assessment and management and The necessity of creating a much stronger coordination between the competent authorities at national, regional and local level The Italian Ministry for the Environment established the National Commission on Air Pollution Emergency (CNEIA) CNEIA has produced a report on: air quality situations in Italy; available technologies for emission reduction; sector interventions that have order of precedence for the air quality management Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
WG 3 Collection and elaboration of info on non-technical measures relating to industry and transport sectors C.N.E.I.A. WG 2 Collection and elaboration of emission inventories from fixed and mobile sources WG 6 Assessment of emissions from industry, civil sectors and estimate of their effects on public health WG 5 Improvement and upgrading of air pollution forecast and risk management models WG 1 Collection and elaboration of AQ and meteorological data and information WG 8 Collection of information on current activities in the other EU Countries to prevent air pollution WG 7 Proposal of technological solutions and procedures to prevent air pollution WG 4 Individuation of PM10 and its precursors levels in ambient air WG 9 Elaboration of methodologies for the assessment of the effectiveness of measures, plans and programs to prevent air pollution Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
National initiatives Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea has instituted a Working Group with representatives of Regions and autonomous Provinces, Associations of Municipalities and for technical-scientific issues with representatives of National Agency for Environmental Protection and Technical Services (APAT), National Research Council (CNR) and National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment (ENEA). The aims of the WG are: Draft the “Guidelines for rationalization of AQ monitoring networks”; Plan out possible AQ policies to apply over a wide geographical level; Harmonize the questionnaires on AQ assessment and on P&P with other Air Quality information to be sent to EC according to European legislation; Promote the implementation of models to estimate the effectiveness of the measures applied, at several levels, in order to reduce the atmospheric pollution Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Development of integrated models
Assessment of air pollution control strategies at regional level (or agglomeration) Attended results Local or sectorial analysis Comparative analysis in order to identify cost-effective strategies Analysis of emission reduction strategies, focusing on acidification, eutrophication and tropospheric ozone Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Main problems in the planning process
Decentralization of functions of air quality assessment in Italy has caused a fragmentation of the planning action The structure of organization of air quality management has induced Regions and autonomous Provinces to implement local level measures without the chance of establishing an integrated planning between various policies and programs (energy, transports, pollution) Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Many monitoring stations are not located according to AQ DD criteria 1 There is a preponderance of traffic oriented stations compared to urban and suburban background monitoring stations Overestimation of population exposure respect to the real air quality state Regions and autonomous Provinces have used different criteria to establish zones and agglomerations 2 High number of zones Data and information submitted from different Regions and autonomous Provinces in the annual reporting are not immediately comparable Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
National objectives concerning monitoring networks and AQ assessment
To conform to AQ DD criteria the location of monitoring stations; 1 To reduce the numerical difference between the number of traffic oriented stations and the number of urban and suburban background stations; To modify the spatial distribution of monitoring stations in order to have a more homogeneous spatial coverage throughout the territory. 2 To harmonize, at national level, criteria set by regions and autonomous provinces for the definition of zones and agglomerations. Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Recommendations for improvement of the provisions on an European level
An integrated approach to climate change and air pollution can assure considerable ancillary benefits in terms of environmental impacts and costs because both problems are caused to a large extent by the same activities (fossil fuel combustion): as the energy consumption continues to grow, making it difficult to reduce energy-related environmental pressures, the synergies between control strategies for CO2 and air pollution should be implemented at any level. At this aim Italy is planning an integrated programme finalized to promote: innovative approaches for developing and disseminating new climate-friendly policies, integrated air pollution and climate strategies energy efficiency to reduce contribution to the emissions innovative approaches for the development and transfer of climate-friendly and low carbon technologies (in particular renewable energy, carbon efficiency, energy efficiency non-CO2 greenhouse gases, and carbon capture and geological storage) Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Recommendations for improvement of the provisions on an European level
Implementing air quality meausures can represent a great opportunity for growth of territory in order to achieve: Largest attractions for tourism destinations through the reduction of air pollution levels and the use of sustainable means of transport) Development and increasing value of “centre of excellence” for new technologies for the environment (ex. low impact vehicles and alternative fuels, particulate filters, innovative technologies for air quality monitoring, test labs and centres for the validation of environmental data); High standards quality in transports, infrastructures and industrial plans and programmes in order to assure a better lqnd use; High standards of new enterprises in environment services providing technical support to promote the sustainable development of society, introducing technical innovation for the environment. Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Recommendations for improvement of the provisions on an European level
It would be recommendable to consider air quality protection as opportunity of growth and development and not as tie through Cohesion fund for the period The objectives of competitiveness, cohesion and the protection and management of natural resources should be realized giving more attention to the air pollutants and the relative impacts Life +, an instrument for the environment : Contribute to the implementation, updating and development of Community environmental policy and legislation through the integration of the environment into other policies Promote innovative partnerships for awareness raising and capacity building in air quality management and PP implementation . Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Direction for Environmental Protection Workshop on "Assessment of plans and programmes reported under 1996/62/EC" - Brussels, October 9th 2006
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