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Evolution and Natural Selection

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1 What did the article say was the evolutionary significance of women living a longer life?

2 Evolution and Natural Selection

3 A change in the characteristics (genes) in a population over time
Evolution is... A change in the characteristics (genes) in a population over time

4 Evidence Fossils Anatomy Development Biological molecules

5 Fossils Fossils are preserved or mineralized remains or imprints of an organism that lived long ago Conditions must be perfect for fossils to form Rapidly buried – before it decays or is eaten Covered in fine sediments carried by wind, water, or volcanoes *Hard body parts are more likely to become a fossil than soft body parts

6 Fossils Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Reptiles Mammals
Examples: Trilobites, dinosaurs, plants, insects, skulls Transition fossils include Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Reptiles Mammals Land mammals Whales

7 Anatomy Similarity in body structure in different animals
Vestigial structures – Structures found in organisms that are reduced when compared to other related organisms (ex. appendix, human hair, whale hind limbs) Homologous structures – structures that share a common ancestor

8 Comparative Anatomy of Primates

9 Development Embryos look similar in dissimilar organisms
All vertebrates have a tail during development (including humans) All vertebrates have a pharyngeal pouch (turn into gills in fish and in humans they turn into structures in the throat)

10 Biological molecules All living organisms have DNA (nucleic acids) and share the same or a similar genetic code The sequences that make-up proteins are more similar in closer related species

11 Species Amino Acid Differences from Human Hemoglobin Protein
Gorilla 1 Rhesus monkey 8 Mouse 27 Chicken 45 Frog 67 Lamprey 125

12 Evolution is a Scientific Theory!
A scientific theory is not a guess A theory is… A broad explanation that ties together a great number of observations It makes predictions that can be tested Must be supported by a vast accumulation of evidence Acts as a framework for thinking about the natural world *Other theories include, the theory of universal gravitation, and the theory of magnetism

13 The beginning of the idea “Decent with Modification”
Carolus Linnaeus ( ) – Sought to classify (organize) life’s diversity James Hutton ( ) – Geologist that proposed that geological process are gradual and are unchanging Charles Lyell ( ) – Uniformitarianism – mechanisms of change are constant over time Lamarck ( ) - gradual evolutionary change – but he was wrong that organisms cannot inherit acquired characteristics.

14 Charles Darwin Naturalist
Studied organisms and traveled the world on the Beagle Not really interested in shaking the world – delayed publication of his work until Alfred Wallace came up with the same idea

15 Studied finches on the Galapagos Islands
Finches looked similar on all the islands Different variations of beaks were observed Helped Darwin come up with the idea of natural selection

16 What Darwin Observed Variability Heritability
Individuals within a species are different (ex. Look at the differences between human individuals) *Genes are responsible for the variation Heritability Traits are passed down to offspring

17 What Darwin Observed Competition
Animals compete to survive Unequal survival and reproductive success The more fit individuals in their environment will survive and reproduce

18 Darwin Proposed a Mechanism for Evolution
Definition of Natural Selection Individuals that have physical or behavioral traits that better suit their environment are more likely to survive and will reproduce more successfully than those that do not have such traits.

19 Examples of natural selection

20 Examples of Natural Selection

21 Evolution of new species…
Reproductive Isolation As the two populations become more and more different, they eventually become unable to breed with one another successfully. A new subspecies and eventually species form. Kaibab squirrel on North Rim of Grand Canyon Abert squirrel on South Rim of Grand Canyon .

22 Think about how natural selection is shaping these situations Natural selection cannot create perfect forms, but rather works by tinkering with the original form. How do these examples support this statement?

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