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Published byJyrki Lehtinen Modified over 6 years ago
The Global Animal Health Initiative: The Way Forward
“Veterinary and Public Health Collaboration” October 10, 2007 The World Bank Washington D.C. Lonnie King, DVM, MS, MPA Director National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA
Historical Epidemiologic Transitions – 1st Transition
10,000 years ago New social order due to agriculture Zoonoses through animal domestication Increases in infectious diseases Epidemics in non-immune populations
Historical Epidemiologic Transitions – 2nd Transition
Coincided with mid-19th century Industrial Revolution Decreases in infectious disease mortality Increasing life expectancy Improved nutrition Antibiotics “Diseases of Civilization” – cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases Environmental problems Chronic diseases
Historical Epidemiologic Transitions – 3rd Transition
Last 25 years Emerging infectious diseases globally New diseases and increases in mortality; first since 19th century Re-emergence Antimicrobial resistance 75 percent of diseases are zoonotic Anthropogenic factors of emergence; the microbial “perfect storm”
Factors in Emergence Microbial adaptation and change
Host susceptibility to infection Climate and weather Changing ecosystems Economic development and land use Human demographics and behavior Technology and industry
Factors in Emergence continued
International travel and commerce Breakdown of public health measures Poverty and social inequality War and famine Lack of political will Intent to harm
Convergence Model E I D Genetic and Biological Factors
Physical and Environmental Factors Animals E I D Humans Wildlife Social, Political, and Economic Factors Ecological Factors
Convergence of Human and Animal Health: Drivers
Ecological risk and climate change Population dynamics Growing governance gap Global “foodscapes” Microbial swarms Technology and social actions and involvement
Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases
Examples of Emerging/Re-emerging Infectious Diseases Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases
Multihost Pathogens 60% of all human pathogens are zoonotic
80% of animal pathogens Ecological generalists
CDC’s Most Significant Global Epidemics Over the Last 15 Years
1993 – Hanta virus 1994 – Plague (India) Ebola virus (Zaire) 1996 – New Variant of CJD (UK) H5N1 influenza (Hong Kong) 1998 – Nipah virus (Malaysia) 1999 – West Nile 2000 – Rift Valley Fever 2001 – Anthrax 2002 – Norwalk-like viruses 2003 – SARS 2004 – Marburg Virus 2005 – H5N1 Influenza 2006 – E. coli
Trends in Global Population
70 65 60 55 1950 75 80 85 90 95 2000 05 10 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Billions Total Global Population: Source: US Bureau of the Census Less developed countries More developed countries
Rapidly Increasing Urbanization
2000 47% world population living in urban areas 2030 60% world population living in urban areas
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
Their Impact on Food Safety and Healthy Environments
Livestock 2020 – The Next Food Revolution
Global increase and demand for protein and food of animal origin Shift from poverty of 1-2 billion people to middle class “Westernization” of Asia and Latin America Concerns with sustainability Increases in emerging zoonoses through the concentration of people and animals
Last year, over 21 billion food animals were produced to help feed a population of over 6 billion people resulting in trillions of pounds of products distributed worldwide. Projections toward 2020 indicate that the demand for animal protein will increase by 50%, especially in developing countries.
Microbial View
Importance of Agricultural Trade
Already 40% of all trade in agriculture, fisheries and forestry occurs between developing and developed countries. More than 20% of all US imports are food products (more than 8 million shipments a year).
Human population density
Poultry population density · This is a closer look at the population density of both humans and poultry. · You will note that India has a very high human population density but when it comes to poultry, it is not as dense as human. · That may be one of the reasons why India is not having a serious outbreak of Avian Influenza Source: FAO, WHO, Rimsa, Mexico City April 2005
Mean normalized crop production Human and animal density
Figure Human and livestock densities, and main feed production areas as affected by the distance to Bangkok Mean normalized crop production 60 50 40 30 20 10 Human and animal density 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 Distance to Bangkok (km) 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 human population (nb/km2/10) chicken (nb/km2/10) cassava (tons/km2/2) maize (tons/km2) soybean (10 tons/km2) pigs (nb/km2/10) Source: Gerber and others 2005.
Safe Food begins with healthy animals
Waterborne Zoonoses Water Environment Humans Animals Waterborne
Disease Microbial Pathogens Water Environment
World’s Most Dangerous Animals
West Nile Virus in the Western Hemisphere
WNV Neuroinvasive Disease Incidence,
by County, US, 2000 N=19 Human cases remained confined to NYC area and were few in number, but environmental data indicated much wider spread of the virus. Note that dead birds were noted southward at the time of southern bird migration. Incidence per million >=100 Any WNV activity
WNV Neuroinvasive Disease Incidence,
by County, US, 2001 N=64 In 2001, few human cases, but cases started occurring in the southeast, coinciding with a new large area of enzootic activity. Enzootic activity extended westward. It is hard to explain this western spread by bird migration. Random bird dispersal movements may explain the westward spread. Incidence per million >=100 Any WNV activity
WNV Neuroinvasive Disease Incidence,
by County, US, 2002 N=2946 First large human epidemic. Nearly 3000 cases of neuroinvasive disease. Largely rural and suburban in nature. Isolated case in southern California has never been explained. Incidence per million >=100 Any WNV activity
WNV Neuroinvasive Disease Incidence,
by County, US, 2003 N=2866 Second large human epidemic (also nearly 3000 cases of neuroinvasive disease) Continued activity and human cases in areas of previous activity. Spread to West Coast Incidence per million >=100 Any WNV activity
WNV Neuroinvasive Disease Incidence, by County, US, 2004
Incidence per million >=100 Any WNV activity
WNV Neuroinvasive Disease Incidence,
by County, US, 2005 N=1294 Incidence per million >=100 Any WNV activity
WNV Neuroinvasive Disease Incidence,
by County, US, 2006* N=1339 Incidence per million >=100 Any WNV activity * Reported as of November 7, 2006
The Perfect Microbial Storm: Ravenna, Italy
A Virus from Africa (an alphavirus – Chikungunya) A mosquito from Asia (Aedes albopictus: tiger mosquito) A tourist from India (1.25 million human cases in 2006) A report of 270 people infected with Chikungunya in Ravenna, Italy Globalization is key to the future of infectious diseases E.g. global tire trade; 2.1 billion airline passengers/yr; climate change; and, a shift of competent vectors worldwide - Bloomberg Report 9/25/07
Ae. albopictus, the Asian Tiger Mosquito
Initial Discovery Site near Port of Houston, Texas, USA, 1985 Initial discovery site of Ae. albopictus, Houston, Texas. Photo by Chet Moore, CDC.
Used Tires Stored at Other Locations
Scrap tires being dumped for “bank stabilization” at undisclosed location. Photo by Don Eliason, CDC.
There is no where in the world from which we are remote and no one from whom we are disconnected
PNAS, 2004
Climate Change’s Impact on Infectious Diseases
Vector-borne diseases Water-borne diseases Agriculture Production Migration of Animals Changing ecosystems for wildlife and animals Built environment Human-Animal Interface Ecologies and a new research portfolio Evidence-based public health impact
Nipah Virus
Virus Carriers Fruit bats
Horseshoe bat
Lessons Learned From SARS
Importance of: integrated surveillance; prompt epidemiologic investigations; and, lab capacity Disruption of multiple economic sectors Global implications of local problems Need for critical linkages and partnerships
OIE-CDC Collaborating Center for Emerging and Re-Emerging Zoonoses
First collaboration between CDC and an international animal health organization Enhance pathogen discovery Improve diagnostics Cooperation in better understanding the convergence of human and animal health Linkage of health system professionals Jointly contributing to establishing a global applied research portfolio Improve global preparation in identifying and responding to microbial threats Enhance surveillance
Annual Global Trade in Exotic Animals
4 million birds 640,000 reptiles 40,000 primates Illegal trade unknown – estimate $4-6 billion - Wildlife Conservation Society
“Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble.”
William Shakespeare
Compelling Vision Accelerating prevention, control, & elimination of ecology-mediated microbial threats Systems approach with cross-cutting themes Global organization Ecosystem Health Animal Health Human Health
The Convergence of Human and Animal Health
In practice, no aspect of disease control, especially in poor communities, can be tackled effectively without simultaneous attention to people’s livelihoods and the frequent disincentives that they encounter as they are expected to participate in disease control efforts. - Ministries and departments across government - Professional groups: medical, veterinary, and environmental - NGO and private sector working with communities and governments David Nabarro MD UN System InfluenzaCoordinator
Determinants of Success to Address Threats from the convergence/Pandemics
Political leadership and will Effective alliances with civil society and the public sector Capabilities and resources to scale-up effective systems for direction, coordination, and management Support and integrated plans for long-term strategies to reduce risks from animal and human diseases Collaborations among all stakeholders: sharing information, surveillance findings, samples for detection and identification and effective communication Full community engagement especially among those affected Resisting specialization and separation and the incentives that drive this behavior - Dr. David Nabarro
Neglected Zoonotic Diseases
Understanding “One Health: people, livestock and wildlife Role of livestock as income: 70% of rural poor Communities at risk: 800 million poor livestock keepers Dual burden Pictures from: Livestock for Life
Neglected Zoonotic Diseases
Another example of health disparities: inverse relationship the lower the income the higher the risk Need to raise the profile Significant under-reporting Human Health and Animal Health Continuum Risk to human health is often best controlled by animal programs Image from livestock for life
Endemic and Emerging Zoonoses
“The need to fight zoonotic diseases especially in the poorest populations of the world is incontestable – from a moral perspective, a human rights perspective and an economic perspective, as well as a global goods perspective.” The Control of Neglected Zoonotic Diseases; A Route to Poverty Alleviation
“As the HIV disease pandemic surely should have taught us, in the context of infectious diseases, there is nowhere in the world from which we are remote and no one from whom we are disconnected.” IOM, 1992
Emerging Retrovirus Zoonoses
2 new retroviruses – Cameroon – Africa Human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV) types 3 and 4 Recovered from hunters of nonhuman primates Role of bushmeat and butchering primates STLV and HIV with similar origins
Foresight Analysis EID are the “New normal”
Expect 3-4 new EID annually; 8-34 by 2015 87 new EID since 1980 – 58 viruses - 49 RNA - mostly zoonotic Found worldwide but proximity to animal populations or products is the key risk factor Change in the host-pathogen ecology will be the most important single driver
Current and Projected Importance of Factors Influencing Emergence
2007 2017 2027 Human demographics and behavior Technology and industry Economic development and land use International travel and commerce Microbial adaptation and change Breakdown of public health measures Climate change and weather Changing ecosystems Poverty and social inequality War and famine Lack of political will Intent to harm
Mechanisms By Which Important Factors Will Impact Emergence
Human vulnerability Environmental and zoonotic exposure Person-to- person transmission Microbial evolution Human demographics and behavior Economic development and land use International travel and commerce Climate change and weather Poverty and social inequality Mechanism Influencing Emergence
Risk Risk seems to be more complex, if not greater in absolute terms.
Number of catastrophes between 1970 & 2003 Source: Swiss Re, Sigma No. 1, 2004 Risk seems to be more complex, if not greater in absolute terms. One theme of our global health mapping conference in June ‘05 was that so many forces in health cross borders (e.g., populations, epidemics & dz vectors, environmental hazards, cultural beliefs) that we may want to replace geopolitical borders on our maps with isoclines of health risk & opportunity. Whether the risks are nano, micro (prions may make hospitals uninsurable - photo, or Dark Winter simulation - graph), meso (photo of mosquito - increase in dz ranges from global warming, macro (urbanization) or global (tsunami), these new risk maps could look like the familiar seismic maps. GIS could be a major tool. Urbanization is the most powerful and most visible anthropogenic force on Earth. Urban population will increase from 1.2B in 1995 to 2.5B in 2025 (with > 400M in cities of 10M or more). At the beginning of the 20th century, only about 5% of the world population lived in urban areas. Today, that figure is 40% and is projected to grow to 60% in the next 20 years. The largest population growth will occur in Asia, but Africa will have the higher rate of growth. The number of cities with 5M inhabitants will increase from 41 to 59, and the number of cities with 10M people will climb from 19 to 23 (Brennan-Galvin, 2000). By 2025, 2/3 of the world’s people will live in urban areas, and 80% of these urban residents will live in developing countries. Global warming cost ~150,000 deaths & ~5.5M DALYs in J.Stephenson Climate Change and Health JAMA 291:291. (See also: Health Effects of Climate Change Haines and Patz JAMA.2004; 291: & Haines, A. et al. CMAJ 2000;163: ) Graph from Swiss Re report on Risk Landscape of the Future, p. 13 Photo of city -
Interdependence: The Shrinking World
1 billion people will soon cross international borders each year or 25/second Tightly coupled system: unprecedented vulnerability Threats spread faster, further, and non-linear Increased threats of global pandemics Strategic risk analysis: significant risk of developing countries with under funded public and animal health systems “If the forest is dry enough and dense enough…”
If a forest is dense & dry enough…
Worldwide, 25 people/second cross national borders Increasingly densely connected network Lessons from monocultures …roughly 25 people getting off planes every second - but very few airports have anything near the 800 sq ft isolation room in the new Indianapolis airport. With an increasingly densely connected network, Markov processes - if the forest is dense & dry enough, it doesn’t matter where you strike a match; eventually the entire forest will be ablaze. With increased travel, mixing of populations and spread of antibiotic resistance, we face a risk of becoming more of a monoculture, with increased vulnerability to epidemics. Internet globe: Indianapolis airport isolation room
Convergence Challenges
Impact and influence beyond health – goods, services and economies A shift from problem solving to managing dilemmas A new global interdependence and connectivity Factors creating the microbial storm are well entrenched A great future for complexity: simple but not simplistic Reconciliation of great change with habitual and traditional thinking and ways of working Adopting a “One Health – One Medicine” mindset and strategy
Convergence Challenges (cont.)
The role of governments, educational institutions, and society Animal and human health are a continuum of causality and events and need to be viewed as a continuum and integration of strategies Recognizing the moral and ethical imperative: health disparities Inclusion of diverse communities, thinking, and tools The need for new leaders and new ways of leading Unprecedented events call for unprecedented responses: A call to action – Who? How? When? Where? Why?
Consensus of Recommendations
Improve infrastructures Integrate surveillance strategies and diagnostics Increase R&D investments Focus on prevention not just reaction and response – e.g. avian influenza Build a new infectious disease workforce Consider a global perspective
Consensus of Recommendations
Improve disease reporting with appropriate incentives Design global strategies and interventions Create Zoonotic and EID centers Meet the critical need for leadership and new skills Address public understanding and appreciation
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