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A new life! Some Most All WAL: about pregnancy (gestation).

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Presentation on theme: "A new life! Some Most All WAL: about pregnancy (gestation)."— Presentation transcript:

1 A new life! Some Most All WAL: about pregnancy (gestation).
08/11/11 A new life! WAL: about pregnancy (gestation). All Most Some What happens at each of the stages in pregnancy? What is the role of the placenta? What are the organs involved in pregnancy?

2 Homework – Due Weds 17/11/11 Complete task 1B –
“The race to make a baby”.

3 Share your sperm stories!

4 After fertilisation.... The two cells have fused and now become one.
These two fused cells are now known as a zygote which will later develop into an embryo and this will develop into a foetus. The zygote implants into the wall of the uterus, and pregnancy (gestation) has begun...

5 Sexual reproduction The egg cell begins to divide forming a ball of cells. Stem cells – have the potential to become any type of cell

6 Sexual reproduction It may take several days to reach the uterus and be implanted in the soft lining. It is now an embryo.

7 After 8 weeks I am called a foetus.
Sexual reproduction Finger–like projections grow into the uterus forming a plate like structure called the placenta. After 8 weeks I am called a foetus.

8 Sexual reproduction The umbilical cord joins the fetus to the placenta.

9 The placenta In the placenta food and oxygen diffuse from the mother’s blood to the fetus’ blood, and carbon dioxide and waste products diffuse the other way.

10 The placenta In the placenta the blood of the fetus flows close to the blood of the mother, but they do not mix. Why?

11 The placenta In the placenta the blood of the fetus flows close to the blood of the mother, but they do not mix. The mother’s blood under higher pressure would burst the vessels in the developing fetus. They may have different blood types.

12 Amnion The fetus is surrounded by a fluid-filled sac (amnion) filled with amnionic fluid. This protects the baby.

13 Human Pregnancy Amniotic fluid Placenta Cervix Umbilical Cord Vagina
Uterus Foetus

14 Draw a line to match the correct job for each of the key words
Uterus Liquid that surrounds the baby as it develops, protecting it from harm. The organ which develops in pregnancy where all substances, such as nutrients and oxygen, are passed to the developing baby. Placenta The entrance to the vagina. This dilates (widens) when the baby is ready to be born. Foetus This carries nutrients, oxygen and waste products between the placenta and foetus. Vagina The part of the female reproductive system where the baby will come out of when born. Umbilical Cord The other name for womb. This is where the baby develops until it is ready to be born. Amniotic fluid This is the name we give to the developing baby once it is past embryonic stage. Cervix

15 What happens at each of the stages in pregnancy?

16 What happens at each of the stages in pregnancy?
Cut out all of the boxes (you have 5 mins). As we go through the stages of pregnancy, try to match up each picture with a week label and a description. At the end, you will be given time to glue these down.

17 Fertilisation

18 30 hours after fertilisation

19 WEEK 3-5 The baby’s tiny heart begins to beat by day 21.  The arms, legs eyes, lips and nose begin to grow.

20 The organs start to grow inside the baby. The baby starts to move.
WEEK 7 The organs start to grow inside the baby. The baby starts to move.

21 WEEK 8-12 The baby has hands and feet, and swims and moves inside the bag of water.

22 Weeks 13-20 The baby can swallow, and starts to try breathing. It can feel pain, and moves around a lot. It has eyebrows and eyelashes now.

23 The baby has hand and footprints. It practices breathing.
Week 20-24 The baby has hand and footprints. It practices breathing.

24 The baby’s eyes open and close, and it sleeps 90% of the time.
Weeks 25 – 32 The baby’s eyes open and close, and it sleeps 90% of the time.

25 Weeks 33 – 40 The baby is getting ready to be born. It turns upside down before it is born.

26 Newborn baby

27 What happens at each of the stages in pregnancy?
Check your arrangement. Glue down each picture with a week and a description. You will probably need a whole page in your book.


29 The embryo is called a foetus at 8 weeks.
True or False? The embryo is called a foetus at 8 weeks.

30 The embryo is called a foetus at 8 weeks.
True or False? The embryo is called a foetus at 8 weeks.

31 True or False? The placenta is where nutrients and waste products are passed between the mother and foetus.

32 True or False? The placenta is where nutrients and waste products are passed between the mother and foetus.

33 The amniotic fluid is where the foetus gets all of its oxygen.
True or False? The amniotic fluid is where the foetus gets all of its oxygen.

34 The amniotic fluid is where the foetus gets all of its oxygen.
True or False? The amniotic fluid is where the foetus gets all of its oxygen.

35 At week 40, the foetus is fully developed and ready to be born.
True or False? At week 40, the foetus is fully developed and ready to be born.

36 At week 40, the foetus is fully developed and ready to be born.
True or False? At week 40, the foetus is fully developed and ready to be born.

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