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“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few

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2 “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” For those who have heard it, it is usually associated with a movie or book villan. However, there is plenty of truth behind these words. If one is faced with benefitting oneself or helping those around him or her, the best choice is to go to the aid of others, not only because you have a moral obligation to do so, but helping the cause of others can directly or indirectly benefit your own. What makes this thesis exemplary?

3 As an example, in some of Marvel’s first “Spiderman” comics, Peter Parker, a weak year studious teenager, gains spider-derived superpowers, and tries to cash in on them as a TV star. His wise uncle, Ben Parker, senses something amiss and confronts Peter, telling him, “With great power comes great responsibility,” meaning that if a person is in a position to do good for someone, he or she would be morally responsible to do so. An argument ensues between Peter and Ben, and Peter angrily storms away. Soon afterwards, Peter is treated wrongly by a man who was responsible for paying him, so he takes no action when the same man is robbed of all his money 5 minutes later. In a tragic twist of fat, Ben Parker refused to surrender his car to the same robber. He was then shot by the carjacker. Peter discovered the killer’s identity and swore never to let anyone else suffer because he failed to act. He learned the hard way that initially looking out for oneself [can hurt] one far more in the long run. Why is this exemplary paragraph structure?

4 However, the reward may be great than the awesome feeling one gets when he helps others, as one might also benefit in the material world. Something that displays this well is Ranger’s Apprentice Book 4: Battle for Skandia in which Apprentice Ranger Will and a girl, Evanlyn, have escaped Skandian captivity (Skandians are akin to Vikings) and were found by Halt, who is Will’s mentor and a lengendary ranger, and Horace, an apprentice knight and Will’s best friend […] They then learn that the warlike Temujai (similar to Mongolians) are initiating a massive invasion of Skandia. They ally with Will’s former captors and devise a plan to beat 6000 Temujai with 3800 Skandians. They defeat the Temujai, saving Skandia and protecting their home kingdom of Araluen, for if the Temujai had taken Skandia, they would have use Skandian wolfships to invade Araluen. If they hadn’t stood together, they would have both fallen divided. What makes this a clear example? What makes this writer’s organization stand out?

5 In the end, one should always look out for others
In the end, one should always look out for others. Wether it be a superhero or a freshman, a kingdom or a math class, helping other sis the better course of action. One gets the moral “Awwww Yeeeah!!” and this could help now, or forge relationships to the point where the people someone helped turn and get them out of a jam later on down the road. What makes this a good conclusion?

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