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Data Sheet Record Pre-Test Score (In Classroom account)

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Presentation on theme: "Data Sheet Record Pre-Test Score (In Classroom account)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Sheet Record Pre-Test Score (In Classroom account)
Record Post - Test Score Graph Results Answer questions - Be thoughtful in your answers (7 Habits!)

2 Scientific Revolution Pre-Test
Google Classroom Click the link to the Pre-Test Do your best on the pre-test. If you do not know the answer, make an educated guess and move on to the next question.

3 Scientific Revolution
Create a Cover Sheet on page 29 in your Social Studies notebook. Galileo Scientific Revolution Newton Gravity The Scientific Method

4 Scientific Revolution Vocabulary
On page 30 in your notebook, create 6 boxes like this

5 Scientific Rev Vocabulary
Revolution Gravity Put one word in each box, but leave room for the definition and a picture Revolution Gravity Heliocentric Geocentric Theory Heresy Geocentric Heliocentric Theory Heresy

6 Scientific Revolution Vocabulary
This time, I will give you the pictures and you have to determine the definitions.

7 Revolution Helios—the sun Uranus Saturn Mars Jupiter Mercury Venus

8 Y G T R I A V V A I R T G Y

9 I am the CENTER of the universe!
Helios—the sun I am the CENTER of the universe! Uranus Saturn Mars Jupiter Mercury Venus HELIOCENTRIC Earth

10 I am the center of the universe!
Geo-Earth I am the center of the universe! Saturn Sun Mercury Mars GEOCENTRIC Venus

11 This is what I think. Now I have to prove it!

12 HERESY You could be excommunicated for saying that!

13 Scientific Revolution Reading
Google Classroom - Scientific Revolution Reading Read and ANNOTATE the passage - You must have at least one annotation for each section of the text. Answer the questions

14 Exit Ticket Heliocentric Theory is the idea that Heresy involves
the earth is the center of the universe there is no center of the universe the sun is the center of the universe planets move in an elliptical pattern Heresy involves ideas that follow the teachings of the church ideas that are against the church’s teachings ideas that have nothing to do with the church Exit Ticket

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