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Science Starter What are the 2 main points of Newton’s 1st Law

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1 Science Starter What are the 2 main points of Newton’s 1st Law
Turn in your “Newton’s 1st Law Lab” Sheet. Even if it is wrong, incomplete, etc… Science Starter What are the 2 main points of Newton’s 1st Law “Forces” is not enough to explain why an object changes its motion. What do we need to add? Why do architects draw blueprints before building a house? What does the term 2-Dimensional mean?


3 Today’s Agenda Science Starter
Drawing Pictures & Free Body Diagrams (STEPS) Practice Scenarios Online (Physics Classroom) Exit Quiz

4 Drawing Pictures & Free Body Diagrams
If I describe the forces on an object, how do we know if it is moving? If I describe the forces on an object, how do we know if it is a rest? We need to be able to represent these words in picture form!

5 Drawing Pictures & Free Body Diagrams
A ball is a rest on a table Normal Force(FN) Force of Gravity (FG)

6 Drawing Pictures & Free Body Diagrams
A book is pushed across a flat table Normal Force(FN) Applied Force (FA) Friction Force (Ff) Force of Gravity (FG)

7 Drawing Pictures & Free Body Diagrams
Identify the object you will draw a diagram for Identify all the forces acting directly on the object Draw a dot, square, circle to represent the object of interest Draw an arrow to represent each force & label each force arrow Arrows should show magnitude of force as well (how large) If the object is stationary or is moving at a constant speed, the net force should be zero.  If the object’s motion is changing, the net force should be in the direction of the change.

8 Practice Scenarios Online
On Great site for resources, reading, video, quizzes, and examples! You will find the link to the direct interactive on my website Google my name + Vance or go to Click on the “Physics Honors” page and go to resources! Work on the interactive and show me when all 12 complete!

9 Exit Quiz A chicken is pulling a cart behind her full of eggs, draw the FBD for the cart of eggs Draw the free body diagram for the scenario to the right Complete the homework for today by drawing and labeling all the forces in the scenarios

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