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The Long Road Towards Equality for People with DD.

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Presentation on theme: "The Long Road Towards Equality for People with DD."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Long Road Towards Equality for People with DD

2 Before 1970 the road for people with DD was clutter with debris and the path unclear The Long Road Towards Equality for People with DD The main road without supports was rough for us. Many were left on the side watching life go by.

3 Then came some supports to make this main road smoother for people with DD and their families The Long Road Towards Equality for People with DD

4 At that time, while we began to receive the supports to meet our unique needs, for whatever reason, these supports were not to be used on the main road The Long Road Towards Equality for People with DD

5 So we had to start our own path, which unwittingly led towards separateness, inequality and lack of choice The Long Road Towards Equality for People with DD

6 The Americans with Disabilities Act, IDEA, Fair Housing Act and Olmstead paved our backroad The Long Road Towards Equality for People with DD

7 Pretty nice road now! However, separate does not lead to Equality The Long Road Towards Equality for People with DD

8 Just to keep it real; the road that the non- disabled take to freedom, opportunity and equality is not perfect, but it is the road we want to travel with them The Long Road Towards Equality for People with DD Fairy TaleReality

9 How do we not only get on the main road, but navigate it? The Long Road Towards Equality for People with DD We need to merge carefully Bring our appropriate supports

10 The Long Road Towards Equality for People with DD And with:

11 The vision is: Not just to be included, but to be an integral part of society - Equal worth with an equal opportunity to contribute The Long Road Towards Equality for People with DD Separate Roads One of many traveling towards a desired destination together

12 The Way to Equality The Long Road Towards Equality for People with DD Early intervention in lest restrictive environment (Daycare/home) Employment First Community Housing & neighborhood involvement True self-determination (freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and to have dreams realized) The dignity of risk Financial stability Early intervention in medical settings Sheltered Employment Nursing Homes, ICF/mr, Long- term residential DD centers ISPs that dont reflect true desires Overprotection, imbalance of supports which shelter persons from experiencing society and vice-versa Supported poverty for life Dead End Road Vs.

13 The Long Road Towards Equality for People with DD Its less costly to keep most people in their community!

14 The Long Road Towards Equality for People with DD What do we need?

15 The Long Road Towards Equality for People with DD Created By, Renee Wood

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