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Evangelism Conference 2011

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1 Evangelism Conference 2011
Panel Discussion Evangelism Conference 2011

2 Victor Beshir + Thanks to the great efforts done by many Coptic students to start a fellowship or club in their universities + They really work very hard to start a spiritual meeting and to arrange for activities + Yet, if you visit a university now to attend a Coptic fellowship meeting, you will notice that all attendees are Copts, perhaps with one or two other Orthodox. + This indicates that our approach to evangelism in universities is not right.

3 What Is Missing? + The Vision is not there … If the vision is not there, then the objectives are not clear, and the methods are missing too. How? + Following is a list of the names of our current fellowships/clubs. Please read and tell me what do you notice?


5 + All the club names except a few have the word “Coptic.”
+ When inviting students to attend these clubs, first question they will ask is, “What does the word Coptic means? The answer would be Egyptian. Immediately, they are not interested since they are not Egyptians. This explains why these Coptic college meetings only have Copts and some other Orthodox attending. + Let me ask you a question: If a student invites you to attend a Chinese club, would you attend? (Please raise your hand if will attend regularly)

6 == Then there’s need to a New Vision …
+ What do we promise God in every Divine Liturgy? (Do you remember?) “Amen. Amen. Amen. Your Death O Lord we proclaim. Your holy Resurrection and Ascension into the heavens, we confess.” + This is our new vision: to invite non-Copts, non- Orthodox, non-believers, atheists, agnostics to the faith, to salvation, eternal life, & light of Christ. + Once we have this vision  We need to change our objectives & our methods accordingly.

7 + Then we need to have a serious attempt to understand generation Y
HOW? The Gospel will not be changed and the message will never be changed. However, the methods change based on listeners.  So, to successfully reach out to students, we need to understand their generation  + Based on the age of college students, they belong to what is known as Generation “Y” + Then we need to have a serious attempt to understand generation Y

8 Here’re some characteristics of this generation:
Highly sophisticated in technology more than any previous generation (such as, generation “x” or baby boomers) Generation of cell phones, texting, , YouTube, & social networking: Facebook, My Space, & Twitter. Are not accepting advice: the attitude is: I can figure it out myself Attitude: do not tell me (or dictate to me) what to do Multimedia, audio/visual oriented Excitement is a drive

9 How to Serve Generation “Y”
Listen to them Love them Give them a sense of independence Do not try to tell them what to do. Instead, share positive views This generation is “hungry for human relationship.” So, create loving environment. Use more Multimedia than preaching. Add excitements to your meetings, topics, & relationships.

10 What to avoid? As a church, we need to learn more about this generation. WE need to have training on: how to win generation ‘Y’? This knowledge will help us to understand why many of our youth meetings are very weak… Why youth are not attending? + Because we deliver long & tedious speeches and lecture.. (They prefer talks based on their needs) + Our topics are boring ... (lack of excitement) + Sometimes we dictate … (their enemy no 1) + When they have no role in the church and nobody listens to them

11 Reach Out & Help Someone Group
They need: + More love … + More human relationships … + More multimedia … + More listening .. + Give me your point & I will figure it out (instead of dictating) … Where We Start? Club Name: Based on psychological studies of generation “Y,” use a name: Reach Out & Help Someone Group

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