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Physical Science Semester 2
Unit 6 – Earth and Space Physical Science Semester 2
5/15/14 Entry Task What do you know about the development of the universe across time? Consult your neighbor and write down everything you know.
Today’s Agenda Read pages “Telescopes, EM Waves, and Spacecraft.” Answer #5-10 on page 717. Read pages “Theories of the Universe.” Answer #1-10 on page 731.
5/15/14 Exit Task Describe one way astronomers use EM waves in their study of the universe.
5/16/14 Entry Task Say Something Nice
HOMEWORK: Read pages “Telescopes, EM Waves, and Spacecraft.” Answer #5-10 on page 717. Read pages “Theories of the Universe.” Answer #1-10 on page 731. Due Tuesday.
Today’s Agenda Watch Cosmos Episode 5 NOTES: WHO discovered WHAT WHEN the discovery was made and WHERE HOW this discovery advanced SCIENCE and the study of LIGHT Start Concept Map of vocabulary for Unit 6
5/19/14 Week of 5/19 to 5/23 Entry Task
Describe one way astronomers use EM waves in their study of the universe. HINT: Chapter 28 in the textbook.
Today’s Agenda Watch Mythbusters. Take notes.
Turn in notes at the end of class for credit.
5/19/14 Exit Task Describe one thing in detail you learned today from Mythbusters.
5/19/14 Exit Task Explain how one scientist’s work contributed to today’s study of astronomy. CHOICES: Mo Tzu, Ibin Alhazan, Isaac Newton, William Hershel
5/20/14 Entry Task Write down your Unit 5 test percent.
Reflections required for 60% or below. Will you be doing a reflection? Explain your reasons! Trade and Grade homework TOMORROW! HOMEWORK: Read pages Answer #5-10 on page 717. Read pages Answer #1-10 on page 731.
Today’s Agenda Review answers to test and complete reflections.
Share and turn in your notes Cosmos #5 LIGHT.
5/20/14 Exit Task Will you need to check out a test tonight to complete a reflection? REFLECTIONS for Unit 5 TEST DUE TOMORROW!!
5/21/14 Entry Task What is the big bang theory?
Watch a simulation Discuss HW and turn in if you have not… TURN IN YOUR REFLECTIONS FROM UNIT 5 TEST!
Today’s Agenda Share and turn in your notes Cosmos #5 LIGHT.
Handout Unit 6 Vocabulary Group the following words into THREE categories: Universe Our Solar System Earth Keep these words until the end of the unit…
Unit 6 Vocabulary Evolution of the universe Star life cycle
Nuclear fusion Big Bang theory Sun Planets Galaxies Biogeochemical cycles Evolution of the Earth Rock formations Erosion Deposition Energy transfers/transformations Climate change Global warming Carbon Nitrogen Geologic time Atmospheric changes Radioactive decay Volcanoes Floods Glaciers Fossils Tsunamis
JIGSAW – each group will learn and then teach a different section…
PBS Timeline of the UNIVERSE NASA WMAP’s UNIVERSE Big Bang Universe Shaped Basic Elements Radiation Era Matter Domination Era Stars and Galaxies Form Big Bang Theory-> theory Big Bang Theory-> concepts Big Bang Tests -> Elements Big Bang Tests -> Cosmic Microwaves Big Bang Tests-> Expansion Beyond Big Bang -> Structures Related Topics -> First Objects Most recent evidence
To do… Go to computer and read your group’s section of the timeline.
Send one team mate to pick up your article. In partners, annotate and underline key ideas. TRANSFER these annotations to PAPER NOTES in COMP BOOK. Come together as a team and decide how and what you will teach about your topic. PRESENTATIONS TOMORROW – 3 to 4 minutes.
5/21/14 Exit task Explain the key idea you learned today from the article you read about the Big Bang Theory.
5/22/14 Entry Task What is redshift?
How is this evidence for Big Bang and an expanding universe? Explain in terms of the Doppler effect. HINT: consult pages 725 and 726 of your textbook.
Today’s Agenda See jigsaw instructions in above slides…
NOTE: make sure you take paper notes of your annotations/key ideas. You will use the paper notes to develop your presentation. PRESENTATIONS will be tomorrow minutes. Rest of class will be taking notes.
5/22/14 Exit Task Describe in detail how your article supports Big Bang theory. You may write a summarizing sentence.
5/23/14 Entry Task Say Something Nice SHORT…time for a random TEN
Would anyone like extra credit? You can design a crossword online using Unit 6 vocabulary and definitions you find Ask me for the instructions! PS Please turn in your test packet if you have not…
Today’s Agenda Each team will present their information.
Please present main ideas CLEARLY so that others can take notes. Take notes on all 8 groups in your COMP BOOKS. LABEL THE GROUPS. TITLE: Big Bang Theory.
Group 1 – BIG BANG Big bang theory is one of the most accepted theory of the origin of the universe. Universe started size of one atomic nucleus and now HUGE Einstein working on theory of RELATIVITY 1960 about space and time being related. COSMOLOGICAL PRINCIPLE – matter in the universe is equally distributed. HEAT from Big Bang is also evenly distributed.
Group 1 – Big Bang Theory The big bang is an accepted theory of the start and evolution of the universe. 12-14 billion years ago the universe was just a few millimeters across and then it started expanding with a giant explosion. We can see the remnants of this using microwave detectors. Einstein developed general theory of relativity which related gravity to space time. Cosmological Principle means that the universe is homogenous in all directions.
Group 1 – Big Bang Theory Big Bang model is an accepted model for the origin and evolution of the universe which happened billion years ago. The universe started hot and very small and has been expanding and cooling ever since. Cosmic microwave background radiation is visible to microwave detectors. Newton’s gravity is only good for slowly moving objects, Einstein determined gravity is more aptly a distortion of space time. Contents of universe is the same everywhere or HOMOGENOUS in structure The remnant heat of Big Bang can be seen in the whole sky.
Group 2- Shape of the Universe
Either it is curved, flat, or sphere shaped. These shaped are caused by DENSITY of matter. If the density is GREATER than critical density, collapse will happen by gravity, in other words FINITE. If the density is LESS than critical density, expansion will be INFINITE. If EQUAL then the universe is flat but also INFINITE
GROUP 2 – Shape of the Universe
The principle of the Big Bang shows that the Universe could be shaped like a sphere without end INFINITE. OR could be shaped like a saddle with a curve FINITE. OR could be flat but also INFINITE. If the density of matter is < than the critical density the universe is Infinite. If the density of matter is > than the critical density the universe is FINITE. If the density = the critical density then the universe is flat and INFINITE. Critical density is 6 hydrogen atoms / meter 3
Group 2 – Shape of Universe
Big Bang rests on 2 key ideas: General Relativity and Cosmological Principle. Did not occur in one single spot but started everywhere and kept expanding Shape depends on density of matter: could be sphere, saddle shape or flat like a plane. Universe is expanding and we can only see to the LIGHT HORIZON of the oldest light – 13.7 billion years old.
Group 3 - Elements How the elements were made.
Protons and neutrons came together to form Hydrogen, Helium and Lithium. 300,000 years after big bang for electrons to come into orbit. Nucleosynthesis is lighter elements fusing together to make heavier elements. All heavier Elements are made in the stars!!!!! From the lighter elements. Random Fact: 1 second after Big Bang temperature of universe was 10 billion degrees.
Group 3 - Elements Right after Big Bang the universe was super hot and filled with protons, neutrons, neutrinos and positrons. The first element HYDROGEN, and then Helium, and then Lithium were formed in the first 3 minutes. The lighter elements FUSED together to form the heavier elements = NUCLEOSYNTHESIS. 24% of our Universe is Helium and ordinary matter. ELEMENTS HEAVIER THAN LITHIUM ARE MADE IN THE STARS!!! All life is made of stardust Just like nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium.
Group 3 - Elements Nucleosynthesis is the formation of heavier elements made from lighter elements. A second after Big Bang, the universe was 10 billion degrees. Very HOT and completely filled with protons, neutrons, neutrinos and positrons. As the universe cooled an isotope of Hydrogen was made, and Helium and Lithium. The prediction of amounts of elements matches the facts of the abundances of elements. 1948 scientist guessed that all elements were made in Big Bang – wrong! Heavy elements are made later in stars
Group 4 – Cosmic Microwave Background
The big bang theory is that the early universe was VERY hot and as it expanded the gas cooled. Because of this the universe should be filled with radiation that is the remaining heat of the Big Bang. This CMB radiation was emitted 13.7 BYA. By studying the properties of the radiation, we can learn about the conditions in the universe at very large scales and very early in the universe because the “light” has traveled a very long time.
Group4 – Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
CMB is the radiation leftover from the Big Bang and it is 13.7 billion years (the start of the universe). This radiation is very cold only degrees above absolute zero . Predicted in 1948 by Alpherin. Primarily in the microwave portion of the EM spectrum.
Group 4 – Cosmic Microwave Background
CMB was first observed in 1965 Penzias and Wilson at Bell Labs Radiation was acting as excess “noise” in radio receivers. Nobel prize was awarded. Background on CMB – profound observation that universe is expanding but was smaller, denser, and hotter earlier. Early universe was filled with hot hydrogen gas.
Group 5 – Expansion of Universe
In 1929 Hubble announced that he observed a galaxy moving away from our galaxy. Hubble expressed this idea in an equation that the universe is expanding proportionally to distance. In a given time interval in the raisin bread analogy, all raisins are moving away from each other and a NEARBY raisin moves a little and a DISTANT raisin moves a lot.
Group 5 – Expansion of the Universe
In 1929 Hubble discovered the universe is expanding in all directions. Hubble showed that all galaxies are systematically moving away from one another. The further away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving away = GREATER REDSHIFT. Hubble’s Constant Law is important this shows Speed of recession is proportional to its distance.
Group 6 – Stars and Galaxy Formation
Gravity amplifies slight irregularities in the density of the primordial gas. As the universe expands, pockets of gas become more dense. Stars ignite within these pockets and these groups of stars become the earliest galaxies. 12-15 billion years ago, the first stars formed.
Group 6 – Structures: Stars and Galaxies
The BB accounts for cosmic background radiation but does not explain the structures in the universe. When the universe expanded, there were denser pockets of gas or small fluctuations called topological defects. These formed the first stars because the gas compressed due to gravity. The denser pockets attracted more matter, eventually star clusters became galaxies.
Group 5 – Expansion of the Universe
1917 Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity = universe constantly expanding Hubble in 1929 observed all galaxies systematically moving away from each other. Proved Einstein right. Speed of recession is proportional to distance. More distant galaxies are receeding faster and are more REDSHIFTED. Hubble Constant describes the expansion via megaparsecs.
Group 7 – More about First Structures
Quasars the most distant and distinct objects astronomers can detect. They are the most ancient stars and formed 1 billion years after big bang. A quasar emits more light than the entire Milky way galaxy AND more mass than a million suns. They are super massive black holes. They illuminate other objects around them. The light we see from Quasars in the Andromeda galaxy is 2.5 billion years old.
Group 8 – Latest evidence for BB
Cosmic inflation was proven with an American team called BICEP2 They were looking for a signal remaining after the super rapid expansion of the beginning universe. This signal is like a twist in the oldest light of the universe. These signal was detected by telescopes. Once the data is confirmed, the discovery will most likely be granted a Nobel prize.
5/23/14 Exit Task Please turn in your entry/exit task sheet.
5/27/14 Entry Task What is cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation and how is it evidence for Big Bang Theory? Homework: Read pages Answer #1,2,3,5,6 on p Read pages Answer #2,3,7,8,9 on page Due YOUR last day of science this week. (Thursday or Friday)
Today’s Agenda Finish presentations. Star Life Cycle Notes
Stars – Temperature Hotter objects emit shorter wavelengths
Cooler objects emit longer wavelengths Ex. Sun is a “medium hot” (5800 K or about 5500 C) star and emits X-rays Cooler stars emit infrared Determining surface temperature by maximum emitted wavelength (Wien’s Law) *NOTE: 0 degrees Celsius = 273 Kelvin; -273 degrees Celsius = 0 Kelvin
Stars – Color • 25,000 K: star looks blue
• 6,000 K: star looks yellow (like our sun) • 3,000 K: star looks red Chemical composition of burning gas Determined by passing light through a prism to generate a spectrum Ex. Sun is 74% Hydrogen, 25% Helium, 1% Other Spectral Class – combination of temperature and chemical composition Signified by a letter O, B, A, F, G, K, M (hottest to coolest) Our sun is G2
27.2 The size of stars Stars come in a range of sizes and masses.
Our Sun is a medium-sized star. The largest stars, giant stars have a mass of about 60 times the mass of the Sun.
27.3 The life cycle of stars A star, regardless of its size, begins its life inside a huge cloud of gas (mostly hydrogen) and dust called a nebula. A protostar is the earliest stage in the life cycle of a star.
27.3 The life cycle of stars Once nuclear fusion begins, a star is in the main sequence stage of its life cycle.
H-R Diagram White Dwarfs Main Sequence Our sun is central – WHY?
Red Dwarfs Giants Supergiants Car Model Analogy
Add to your H-R Diagram HOT – left side COOL – right side BRIGHT – top
DIM – bottom High mass of MS- top left Low mass of MS – bottom right OBAFGKMLT
27.3 The life cycle of stars The time a star stays on the main sequence depends on the star’s mass. High-mass stars burn brighter, and hotter, using up their hydrogen faster than low-mass stars.
27.2 The old age of Sun-like stars
When hydrogen fusion stops, the star collapses and core glows brightly. It is called a white dwarf. During this brief period, heavier elements are created, as atomic nuclei are smashed together.
27.2 The old age of Sun-like stars
A planetary nebula forms when a star blows off its outer layers leaving its bare core exposed as white dwarf. The core of the star collapses and the result is a spectacular explosion called a supernova.
Stars – Motion Determined by Light
Doppler Effect – Motion of a light’s source affects its observed wavelength of light Approaching observer, waves compressed, shortened wavelengths (BLUESHIFT) Moving away from observer, waves spread out, lengthened wavelengths (REDSHIFT) Perpendicular motion to observer does not shift the wavelength
Expanding Universe All distant galaxies are redshifted or moving away.
Raisin Bread Analogy Hubble Law – further away a galaxy is, the faster it is speeding away If we can determine how fast the universe is expanding (aka Hubble constant), we can determine the AGE OF THE UNIVERSE!
Big Bang Cosmological Principle – the universe is homogeneous, isotropic and boundless (or, our little corner isn’t special…) Expansion indicates a denser, hotter past – uniform, hot gas that cools as it expands How dense? H atoms per cm3 How hot? Millions of degrees above absolute zero. No atoms, just ionized protons, neutrons and electrons NOT an explosion from a point, but a simultaneous expansion from all places 13.7 billion years ago Something from nothing?
Big Bang EVIDENCE – Cosmic microwave background radiation – “noise,” same in all directions Only 2.7 K above absolute zero 1965 Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson Expansion measured by Hubble constant Distant galaxies are redshifted 1929 Edwin Hubble Abundance of light elements (H, He, Li) would match predicted levels Created during first moments of Big Bang by nucleosynthesis Observed abundance of Helium is 24% WMAP launched in 2001; will measure density of matter in the universe and compare to predictions
What’s next? Big Crunch or Big Chill?
5/27/14 Exit Task Explain one piece of evidence for Big Bang Theory.
5/28/14 Entry Task What is a star life cycle?
TEXTBOOKS need to be returned by Monday June 9th. I will only accept late work through Tuesday June 3rd. This includes work for Unit 6 OR if you are currently failing.
Today’s Agenda Finish Star Life Cycle Notes.
Interactive Star Lab – today and Thursday/Friday.
5/28/14 Exit Task What is a main sequence star?
5/29 (Per 1,3,5) or 5/30 (Per 2,4,6) Entry Task Say Something Nice
Today’s Agenda I will collect the HOMEWORK on MONDAY!!!
Complete Interactive Star Tutorial You can also google “aspire.cosmic-ray” and scroll down to “Star Life Cycles.”
5/29 (Per 1,3,5) or 5/30 (Per 2,4,6) Exit Task None.
PLEASE HOLD ONTO YOUR ENTRY/EXIT TASK SHEETS>>> We will use the same sheets next week and turn them in on Friday.
6/2/14 Entry Task – You may use the same sheet as last week and turn them in on Friday. How old do you think Earth is? How could scientists find out Earth’s age? What is climate change? What is global warming? REMINDERS: TEXTBOOKS need to be returned by Monday June 9th. I will only accept late work through Tuesday June 3rd. This includes work for Unit 6 OR if you are currently failing.
Today’s Agenda Please turn in HW p. 698 and 703.
Questions on Star Life Cycle? Please turn in. Notes “Earth Cycles and Climate Change” You will turn in your comp book at the end of class for grading of: Slinky Lab Big Bang – 8 groups Star Life Cycle Notes Earth Cycles and Climate Change
6/2/14 Exit Task Explain either the principle of fossil succession or law of superposition. 3 days of Evolution of Earth Finish with Climate Change
6/3/14 Entry Task
Today’s Agenda
Today’s Agenda Finish Cosmos #5: LIGHT Share notes. Turn them in.
Start Concept Map of vocabulary for Unit 6 INSTRUCTIONS: Concept maps are hierarchical with the bigger categories on top and details towards the bottom. Connect the concepts with lines. Write phrases on the lines to explain the relationship. NOTE: this is a form of PRE-ASSESSMENT. I don’t expect you’ll know all the answers
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