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Preparing the Chapter Resume

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1 Preparing the Chapter Resume
Step-by-Step Click to advance through each slide

2 Chapter Resume L-010 This is the report of the chapter’s loss, Division Winners and Royalty for the year. Complete and send this report with all weight charts to the Coordinator after the chapter’s last December weigh-in, but no later than January 8. Those listed compete for area, state and provincial honors with all chapters in the area. Some information may be filled in on the Chapter Resume before working with weight charts.

3 Getting Started Gather all information and materials
All Weight Charts (TOPS, KOPS and Transfer) Black and Red fine-point felt tip, ink or gel pens Calculator and scratch paper L-010 Chapter Resume TOPS Rules Chapter Manual (Read Chapter 10 carefully.) 9” x 12” envelope

4 Getting Started

5 Fill in top of both sides of resume
Year (this is the year just completed) Coordinator name and Field Staff Identification Number Two letter ID of State, Province or Country 4-digit Chapter Number (example: 0505) a a a a a a

6 Check Each Weight Chart

7 Check each weight chart

8 Check each weight chart TOPS L-027T
Current Year Member’s TOPS number Division member is in, based on first weight of the year Female or Male box checked State or Province or Country Original starting date Highest Weight recorded at TOPS Club, Inc. Surgery for weight loss information Name, Address and all other information about member Member’s Signature—if still active with the chapter Fill in date for each week and weight or AB or EX or NM if no weight was recorded Coordinator’s name

9 TOPS L-027T a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

10 Check each weight chart KOPS L-027K
Number of weigh-ins during the year Current Year Member’s TOPS number Female or Male box checked State or Province or Country Original starting date Highest Weight recorded at TOPS Club, Inc. * Goal weight and Leeway weights * Surgery, Yes or No checked * If KOPS in previous year, must have December entries from previous year * Original KOPS date * Lost status, goal change, pregnancy, teen/preteen information – if applicable Name, Address and all other information about member Member’s Signature—if still active with the chapter Fill in date for each week and weight or AB or EX or NM if no weight was recorded Coordinator’s name, transfer chapter

11 a KOPS L-027K a a a a a 158.2

12 Check each weight chart Transfer L-027TR
Current Year Member’s TOPS number Division member is in, based on first weight of the year Female or Male box checked State or Province or Country Original starting date Highest Weight recorded at TOPS Club, Inc. Surgery for weight loss information Name, Address and all other information about member Member’s Signature—if still active with the chapter Fill in date for each week and weight or AB or EX or NM if no weight was recorded Coordinator’s name, transfer chapter

13 Transfer L-027TR a a a a a a a Member’s total loss for division honors
Member’s loss in new chapter for average loss per member a a a a a a a

14 Totaling the Chapter’s Weights for the Year

15 Totaling the Chapter’s Weights for the Year

16 Yearly losses/gains Do not convert weights to fractions. Enter exactly as recorded on the scales. Line A – enter first weight of member Line B – enter last weight of member Subtract B from A and enter amount on Line C Enter amount in black for loss or in red for gain If member has only one weight, loss is “0” If member has no weight during the year, discard the chart. It is not counted or sent to Coordinator. Members who record a weight on both a TOPS and KOPS chart during the year are not KOPS all year. Clip charts together. If the first or last weigh-in of the year is on the KOPS chart, use that weight in Line A or B on TOPS chart. TRANSFERS - In the “new chapter” box, enter the first weight at your chapter, the last weight at your chapter and the total lost or gained during the time at your chapter.

17 Determining the Chapter Loss

18 Chapter Weight Report and Average Loss/Gain Per Member
Chapter Resume L-010…part 3…See page 66 A. Count ALL members who have a weight on a weight chart (TOPS and KOPS charts for the same member count as “one”). Enter on resume. B. Count members who have 52 weeks (all year) on a KOPS chart. If KOPS passed away during the year, include in this group. Enter on resume. C. Subtract all year KOPS from total of ALL weight charts. Enter resume. Weight Loss/Gain: - Total losses on all TOPS/Transfer charts… weights in boxed area - Total gains on all TOPS/Transfer charts … weights in boxed area Subtract smaller number from larger to determine chapter net loss or net gain. D. Enter on resume in black, Net Loss or E. Enter on resume in red, Net Gain F. Divide D. Net Loss or E. Net Gain by C. Net Enrollment, carrying out three decimal places and do not round off. Enter on resume This is the chapter’s average loss per member. ADD name and phone number of preparer(s) and date at bottom

19 Chapter Weight Report and Average Loss/Gain Per Member

20 Next, sort Weight Charts into two stacks

21 Sort into Two Stacks Set Stack 1 aside.
Stack 1: These are not eligible for Division Competition: KOPS all year Less than ten pounds lost No signature No December weight Four or more absences in a row Lapse in membership after first weigh-in Set Stack 1 aside. Stack 2: All remaining charts are eligible.

22 Determine DIVISION WINNERS Use only weight charts in Stack 2

23 Use Stack 2 for Division Awards
Sort into two groups by gender All Males All Females Sort all Females into Divisions 1-9. See Chapter Manual page 67 or TOPS Rules 32,d, 3) for Division List. Select top three biggest losses in each division. On Division Winner side of Chapter Resume (L-010), list these members in correct division, filling in all information and weights as requested. Repeat these steps for Males and list on separate L-010 Division Winner page. Don’t overlook anyone. Division Winners may also be Royalty

24 Chapter Division Winners Weight Charts
Check that information for each Division Winner is completed as previously reviewed in slide 9: Full name as registered at TOPS Club, Inc. Membership number Phone number including area code First weight recorded of this year Last weight recorded in December of this year Total loss It is very helpful to use the Chapter TOPS and KOPS summary report for your chapter in the Leader’s Report section of

25 Chapter Division Winners
continued Teen and Preteen winners must have birthdate listed on Weight Chart and Chapter Resume Division 9 … see page 68 of Chapter Manual If there is no winner in a category, write “NONE” When listing, note members in the same division with identical weight loss as a “tie.”

26 Chapter Division Winners

27 You have determined DIVISION WINNERS and have finished half of your chapter’s resume!

28 Next, recombine all Weight Charts in Stacks 1 and 2

29 Eligible for Chapter Royalty
Stack 1: Not eligible for Royalty competition TOPS who did not reach goal Reinstated KOPS KOPS who reached goal prior to current year New KOPS this year who Lost less than ten pounds to goal No December weight Four or more absences in a row Lapse in membership after first weigh-in Are in Division 9 Lost KOPS Status No signature Last December weight on medical excuse Is not registered as KOPS at Headquarters by January 31 of upcoming year SET STACK 1 ASIDE Stack 2: All other new KOPS are eligible for Royalty competition.

30 Determine Chapter Royalty

31 Use Stack 2 to Determine Chapter Royalty
Sort into two groups by gender All Males All Females For QUEEN, sort all females by loss from highest weight recorded at TOPS Club, Inc. to Goal. Biggest loss to Goal is Queen; next, queen runner-up; next, alternate. For KING, sort all males by loss from highest weight recorded at TOPS Club, Inc. to Goal. Biggest loss to Goal is King; next, king runner-up; next, alternate. List these members in Royalty area on Chapter Resume (L-010), filling in all information and weights as requested. If there is no winner in a category, write “NONE” Don’t overlook anyone. Royalty may also be Division Winners

32 Chapter Royalty a

33 Chapter Royalty Fill in ALL information for each chapter Royalty
KOPS date Full name as registered at TOPS Club, Inc. Membership number Phone number including area code Highest Weight recorded at TOPS Club, Inc. Last Goal Weight of the year Amount lost to last goal weight (See Chapter Manual, page 55 for those who were in Division 9 BEFORE reaching goal.) When listing, note any Royalty with identical weight loss to goal as a “tie.” If none, write “none”.

34 You have determined Chapter Royalty and have completed the chapter resume for the year!

35 Assembling Resume and Charts for Mailing

36 Assembling for Mailing
Make three copies of completed Chapter Resume pages. Keep one copy of resume with chapter duplicate weight charts. Place in a 9” x 12” envelope all copies of Resume and all weight charts in the order listed below. TOPS and KOPS charts of all Royalty in order listed on resume. If Royalty are also Division Winners, insert a piece of paper with name, first and last weights and loss with other Division Winner charts. All charts of Division Winners in order listed on resume Charts of KOPS all year Charts of other new KOPS Charts of KOPS who lost status Charts of all other TOPS and Transfers Address envelope to your Coordinator. Add first class postage. Mail on or before January 8.

37 Double Check before sealing the envelope and mailing

38 Congratulations on a wonderful year!

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