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Moderator: Kathy Alison March 8, 2006 Energy Week at The World Bank

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1 Moderator: Kathy Alison March 8, 2006 Energy Week at The World Bank
Meet the Rural Electrification Pioneers How Institutional Problems were Resolved in Costa Rica, Bangladesh, Tunisia & USA Moderator: Kathy Alison March 8, 2006 Energy Week at The World Bank

2 Overview of Session Hear from “Pioneers” in Rural Electrification
Discuss practical institutional issues that must be resolved when implementing RE programs in developing countries Share insights and ideas with others who are beginning the process of providing electrification to rural people

3 Institutional Issues “Pioneers” will discuss
Origin of Program Difficulties faced early in the program How they dealt with issues of financial viability Political dimensions of RE System Design issues Consumer acceptance Impact of RE Conclusions / lessons learned

4 Rural Electrification Pioneers
Misael Monge Retired General Manager of COOPESANTOS Electric Cooperative, Costa Rica Sabihuddin Ahmed First Chairman of Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board Ahmed Ounalli Director of Strategy, Tunisia Electricity and Gas Paul Wolman National Education Association (USA) Dan Waddle VP of Operations, NRECA, Intl.

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