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Revision of the guides to national security systems (MISSOC guides)

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Presentation on theme: "Revision of the guides to national security systems (MISSOC guides)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision of the guides to national security systems (MISSOC guides)
MISSOC Network Meeting Rome, October 2014 Andrea Pontiroli Policy Officer - Free Movement of Workers, Coordination of Social Security Systems Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion - European Commission

2 20 guides written and proofread 16 guides translated into FR/DE
What has been done 20 guides written and proofread 16 guides translated into FR/DE 18 guides in .xml and .pdf

3 Translation into EN has began
What is being done Finalisation of all texts, translation into FR/DE and transformation in .xml and .pdf Translation into EN has began Putting guides that are ready on line (end of test phase)

4 MISSOC guides: the wider context
.xml = opportunity for better integration with wider context Wider context = EU and national websites, services for mobile citizens (…and businesses) Network  More value for MISSOC guides, other websites and services, mobile citizens

5 The wider context: websites
National portals for citizens, businesses

6 The wider context: services
National helpdesks, hotlines, etc.


8 Better integration: from links…

9 … to deep links To avoid potentially serious problems and misunderstandings, find out about healthcare cover in your host country.

10 Main benefits of deep linking
Easier to link to specific information More links to MISSOC guides More traffic to MISSOC guides Easier for users to reach relevant information

11 Better integration: syndication
Deutschland - Leistungen bei Invalidität Alle in der Rentenversicherung pflichtversicherten Personen (d.h. alle Arbeitnehmer und einzelne Gruppen von Selbständigen, die mehr als geringfügig beschäftigt sind) sind für den Fall der Invalidität versichert. National portals for citizens, businesses

12 Main benefits of syndication
No duplication of content creation No duplication of content update MISSOC content more valuable, to more people Easier to keep information updated for users

13 Better integration: link to information, services
Add contextual deep links to: Information – i.e. websites, such as Your Europe (from country-specific to EU-level rules) Help and support services – at both national and EU level (e.g. SOLVIT, Your Europe Advice) Better service for citizens trying to accomplish tasks, procedures

14 Guides on line (test phase)

15 If someone wishes to print the whole guide: printer-friendly .pdf
Printable .pdf If someone wishes to print the whole guide: printer-friendly .pdf

16 Comments? Questions? Thank you!

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