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Pick out a Writing Journal

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2 Pick out a Writing Journal
Write a title and author on the cover. Open the book and create a title page. On the following page, write, “Table of Contents.” Skip a page (for a second “Table of Contents” page), and then begin numbering the pages of your book. At the middle seam, insert a post it for a Reflections & Planning section.

3 Demystifying Writing This course is designed to
enhance educators’ abilities to meet the unique writing needs of ELs as indicated in ACCESS data and classroom performance. address the shifts from print-based reading and writing to digital literacy practices. include 21st Century learner skills, such as keyboarding, as part of the writing process. Welcome to Demystifying Writing! This course is designed to…….. But, before we get started, let’s find out who we are…(next slide)


5 Demystifying Writing Needs
What are the unique writing needs of ELs as indicated in ACCESS data and as demonstrated in classroom performance?

6 Constraints Faced by EL Writers
Cognitive Linguistic Communicative Contextual Textual Affective Cultural Best Practices in WRITING INSTRUCTION, 2nd ed. (2013)

7 Please remember to visit our vendors and to check to see if you have won any door prizes!

8 WIDA: Features of Academic Language

9 WIDA Performance Definitions Speaking & Writing, K-12


11 “(Additionally,) teachers who also recognize and acknowledge the distinct resources ELs bring with them to school and create an inviting school environment where students can feel safe to participate in a community of learners will motivate ELs to do their best and enhance their development as writers.” Best Practices in Writing Instruction, 2nd ed. p. 400 Best Practices in Writing Instruction, p. 400

12 Student Engagement Increases
Relevant Authentic Meaningful

13 For many students who lack confidence and have low literacy self-esteem, the motivation to read and write can depend on their judgment concerning whether their teacher will give up on them or demonstrate their belief that they are worth the investment of the teacher’s time and encouragement (Guthrie & Wigfield, 2000). Best Practices in Writing Instruction, 2nd ed. Page 385

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