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Mother’s Day Performance

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1 Mother’s Day Performance
. May 2017 First Grade News Mother’s Day Performance Reading Reading is a critical component in First Grade. Please ensure that your hero does the following on a daily basis: Reads assigned sight word list Read assigned Phrases List Reads assigned Fluency Folder passage Read/practice skills on Istation The Fluency Goal is as follows: Reads 40 wpm by end of December Reads 50 wpm by the beginning of March Reads 60 wpm by the end of May Please time your child 1 minute on the assigned passage. Our First Grade Heroes are inviting Mom’s or Mom figures to a special performance on May 12th at 1:30 p.m. Please come join us! What are we Learning READING – Literary Text/Poetry: Respond to and use rhythm, rhyme in poetry Literary Text/Fiction: Describe Plot Describe characters and reasons for their actions Across Literary Text: Recognize sensory details Vocabulary Development: Determine what words mean Alphabetize a series of words Literary Text/Theme and Genre: Make connections to own High Frequency Words Fluency rate-Goal is to read 60 wpm WRITING – Write brief stories (B, M, E) Write short poems/write short letters MATHEMATICS –Geometry and Measurement: Partition 2d Shapes Halves/Fourths Tell Time to the hour/half hour Measure length Number and Operations: Solving word problems Personal Financial Literacy: Money earned as Income SCIENCE – Earth and Space Organisms and Environment SOCIAL STUDIES – History, Culture, and Economics Book of the Month Our Book of the Month is Penguin on Vacation! Istation Please encourage your child to practice his/her Reading skills everyday. Let’s practice 15 minutes a day! Thank you! May 10, June 5-July 28, Progress Reports Issued Summer Break May 12, July 31, Mother’s Day Program-1:30 p.m First Day of School May 18, st Grade Awards June 2, 2017 Last Day of School! Report Card Issued SISD Early Release-11:30 a.m. Reminders

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