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Education Professional Standards Board

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1 Education Professional Standards Board
Kentucky Teacher Internship Program

2 Mission Statement The Education Professional Standards Board, in full collaboration and cooperation with its education partners, promotes high levels of student achievement by establishing and enforcing rigorous professional standards for preparation, certification, and responsible and ethical behavior of all professional educators in Kentucky.

3 Education Professional Standards Board
Issues/Renews certificates for all Kentucky teachers and administrators 3 Divisions 1. Educator Preparation, Assessment and Internship 2. Certification 3. Educator Ethics

4 KTIP Facts Year-long induction program
Support system with 3 committee members 1. Resource Teacher (observe 3x) 2. Principal (observe 3x) 3. Teacher Educator (observe 3x)

5 KTIP Facts Year is divided into 3 Cycles, with each cycle ending in a committee meeting. Successful KTIP completion results in certification.

6 KTIP Facts Once you graduate and make application with the Division of Certification, you will receive a Statement of Eligibility (SOE). SOE is good for 5 years.

7 KTIP Facts All traditional route first year teachers employed in a public school are required to enroll in KTIP. Once you are employed at least 15 hours per week in your area of certification at a public or accredited private school and can complete 140 instructional days, your employer will need to submit your Confirmation of Employment (COE) to EPSB.

8 KTIP Facts Private schools are not required by the state to participate in KTIP. If your KTIP is interrupted due to medical or military leave, it must be completed within 2 consecutive school years.

9 KTIP Facts If you must resign from KTIP for any reason, you must also resign your position. Your superintendent and EPSB must approve your resignation or it will count as an unsuccessful. If you are deemed unsuccessful for any reason, you have one more opportunity to complete KTIP. There is also an appeals process if you do not agree with the decision.

10 The Kentucky Framework for Teaching is used in KTIP

11 Sources of Evidence Lesson Plan Observation of Teaching
Post-Observation Reflection Professional Growth Records and Communication Professional Involvement Student Voice

12 Four levels of performance:
Exemplary Accomplished Developing* Ineffective *Successful internship is one in which the candidate is Developing or above in each of the 22 Framework components.

13 Resources - EPSB

14 Resources - EPSB

15 Resources – KDE Kentucky Framework for Teaching (KyFft) and Specialist Frameworks

16 KTIP Contacts at EPSB

17 KTIP Question/Answer

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