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English I Mrs. Leatherwood

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1 English I Mrs. Leatherwood
GREEK MYTHOLOGY English I Mrs. Leatherwood

2 What is Greek mythology?
Stories told orally and later in writing that originated from Ancient Greece. These stories , called myths, told of mythical creatures including gods and goddesses who ruled over certain areas of Greeks civilian lives. These myths were very exciting and explained natural phenomena that could not be explained by science.

3 What are myths? Are traditional stories by no single author
Explain a culture’s view of the universe Include gods and/or goddesses, humans, and unlikely events Offer explanations for the unknown Include drama!

4 Why should we study Greek mythology?
The Ancient Greek culture has been kept alive by the oral an later written stories handed down through thousands of years. Modern plays, novels, television programs, movies, and even advertisements refer to Greek gods, goddesses, and heroes and their stories.

5 Mt. Olympus The home of the gods and goddesses.
Higher than any mountain conceivable. Entranceway of the clouds.

6 ZEUs Jupiter GOD OF: The sky, lightning, and thunder; supreme god (king) of all Olympian gods. SYMBOL: Carried a thunderbolt FAMILY: Overthrew his father, locked him in an underground pit, and took control over Mt. Olympus and Greece PERSONALITY: Playaaaa! Baby-daddy to many children with various goddesses and mortals… not to Hera’s liking.

7 hera GODDESS/PROTECTOR OF: Marriage and home; queen of Olympians
Juno GODDESS/PROTECTOR OF: Marriage and home; queen of Olympians SYMBOL: The peacock because of her great beauty FAMILY: Zeus’ sister and wife. PERSONALITY: She was a vindictive and jealous wife who frequently outwitted her cheating husband (duh…).

8 Poseidon GOD OF: The sea, water, and horses SYMBOL: Carried a trident
FAMILY: Zeus and Hera’s brother PERSONALITY: He lived in his underwater palace. He was very violent and could take the shape of any sea creature. Though married, he was a playa too and had a couple baby-mommas himself. Neptune

9 hades Pluto GOD OF: The Underworld (Hell [there was no Heaven]) - also known as Tartarus - and all its inhabitants (dead people – ew, gross) SYMBOL: Black horses and an invisibility cloak FAMILY: Zeus, Hera, and Poseidon’s brother. PERSONALITY: He lived in and rarely left the Underworld. He was very jealous and angry that he was not king, like Zeus.

10 demeter GODDESS OF: Corn and the Harvest (farming) SYMBOL: Wheat/grain
Ceres GODDESS OF: Corn and the Harvest (farming) SYMBOL: Wheat/grain FAMILY: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, and Hades' sister PERSONALITY: She was a very caring mother to Persephone.

11 hestia Vesta GODDESS OF: The Hearth (cooking, eating, domesticity, and family) SYMBOL: The stove; represented personal and communal security and happiness FAMILY: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, and Demeter’s sister PERSONALITY: She was kind, modest, and a virgin.

12 athena Minerva GODDESS OF: Wisdom, justice, civilization, and peace
SYMBOL: An owl FAMILY: Born from Zeus’ head (she was his favorite child and always advised him) PERSONALITY: Athena was the most popular goddess because of how awesome she was. She was a teacher to mankind and hated Ares, the God of War, and always won against him in battle (women always do…).

13 apollo GOD OF: The sun, music, poetry, truth, and medicine.
SYMBOL: Carried a lyre (harp) FAMILY: Zeus’ son and Artemis’ twin. PERSONALITY: He was thought to be the hottest god (sigh…). He drove his chariot across the sky to bring about night and day.

14 artemis GODDESS OF: The hunt, woods, and moon. SYMBOL: A deer
Diana GODDESS OF: The hunt, woods, and moon. SYMBOL: A deer FAMILY: Zeus’ daughter and Apollo’s twin. PERSONALITY: As the protector of children and animals, she helped women through childbirth and always carried a silver bow and arrow that could cause sudden death. She was also a virgin.

15 dionysus GOD OF: Wine and festivity SYMBOL: Grapes/grape leaves
Bacchus GOD OF: Wine and festivity SYMBOL: Grapes/grape leaves FAMILY: Zeus’ son PERSONALITY: He was basically just a drunken fool. That being said, everybody loved him. …He was definitely not a virgin.

16 ares Mars GOD OF: War, violence, and blood SYMBOL: Armor
FAMILY: Zeus and Hera’s son (they actually had a legitimate child together) PERSONALITY: He was a ruthless, murderous god who displayed the worst of humanity’s traits. He brought about grief, panic, and terror. Ironically, he was a coward and fled the battle field. Mars

17 hephaestus Vulcan GOD OF: Fire, the forge, and craftsmanship.
SYMBOL: Fire FAMILY: Zeus and Hera’s son (another legitimate child!) and Aphrodite’s husband PERSONALITY: He lived in a cave in Mt. Olympus where he fashioned army and tools for the gods and jewelry for the goddesses. He was very kind.

18 Aphrodite Venus GODDESS OF: Love and beauty SYMBOL: The dove
FAMILY: Zeus’ daughter (she was born from the ocean’s foam) and Hephaestus’s wife (but that didn’t stop her from spending some quality time with Ares, if you know what I mean…) PERSONALITY: She was very seductive and manipulative. Other goddesses envied her for her beauty.

19 hermes GOD OF: Mischief and trade; messenger of the gods
Mercury GOD OF: Mischief and trade; messenger of the gods SYMBOL: (Apollo’s) Golden staff and wings FAMILY: Zeus’ son PERSONALITY: He was very mischievous and meddled in everyone’s business. He was very athletic and would escort the recently diseased to the Underworld.

20 DAVID By Michelangelo Created between 1501-1504 (Renaissance)
5.17 meters (17 feet) tall Resides in Florence, Italy

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