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The Mammalian Heart.

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1 The Mammalian Heart

2 Life in the ER

3 How well do you know the heart?
How big is your heart? T or F Tetanus (maintained contraction) does not occur in cardiac muscle T or F The Heart beats about 1,000 times a day T or F All mammals have a 4 chambered heart T or F The beating of the heart is an involuntary action

4 Location of the Heart Describe location Apex Tip of heart
Found in the center of the chest with the tip of the heart on the left side

5 Pericardium Thin membrane covers the heart
Filled with pericardial fluid (protection) Shock absorption

6 General Structure of the Heart
4 Chambers Two atria (upper) Two ventricles (lower) 4 valves 2 major arteries and 3 major veins

7 Blood Vessels Arteries Veins Take blood away from the heart
Bring blood toward the heart Carotid Artery blood spurts out because it is pushed out from the force of your heart beating Jugular veins (internal and external)

8 Blood Flow
Summarize the flow of blood through the heart

9 Heart Vales Bicuspid (Mitral) valve Tricuspid valve Aortic valve
Pulmonary valve

10 Blood Flow Through the Heart
Upper Body Deoxygenated Blood Lungs Oxygenated Blood Lungs Oxygenated Blood Deoxygenated Blood Lower body

11 Blood Flow Through the Heart
Upper Body Deoxygenated Blood Lungs Lungs Deoxygenated Blood

12 Blood Flow Through the Heart
Upper Body Lungs Oxygenated Blood Lungs Oxygenated Blood Lower body


14 The Aorta

15 Heart Sounds
Valves Prevent a backflow of blood “Lub” Pulmonary and aortic valves “ Strong Push” “Dub” Bicuspid (mitral) and tricuspid valves “Reloading push”

16 Brainpop When is blood pressure the highest?
During diastole the heart is in which type of state? If you have hypertension, you are at a greater risk for which disease? What are some factors that lead to hypertension? What are some factors that lead to high blood pressure

17 Blood Pressure
Why is blood pressure important? Low #’s Indicate dysfunction High #’s Indicate future disease Blood has to overcome the osmotic and physical pressure at the capillary level

18 Phases of a Heart Beat Systole (sis-toll-e) Contraction of ventricles
Diastole (die-as-toll-e) Relaxation of ventricles

19 Blood Pressure Systolic (sis-tolic) Number at which you hear the heart
Diastolic (dye-a-stolic) Number at which you no longer hear the heart Diastolic the pressure the arties place on blood Diastolic pressure is the pressure the pipes exert on water Systole in your house water does not flow, it comes out in spurts. Because there is more pressure and more volume Higher pressure

20 According to the. . . . American Heart Association High blood pressure
140/90 Low blood pressure 90/45

21 Add Purkinje’s Fibers to heart WS!!!!
Conduction System of the Heart The process SA Node AKA pacemaker ________________ AV bundle AKA Bundle of His SA node is called the pacemaker because it sets the rhythm for the contraction of the heart, it fires action potentials at a rate of 100/min Neurotransmitters and hormones can slow this down or speed it up The firing of action potentials is what causes the heart to beat Damage ultimately results in low heart rate, low BP and inadequate O2 to the brain Add Purkinje’s Fibers to heart WS!!!!

22 How do you read this thing???

23 How to take blood pressure

24 Electrocardiogram https://www. youtube. com/watch
Diagnoses abnormalities Depolarization: Repolarization: Waves of heart beat: P wave Atrial Depolarization QRS Complex Ventricular depolarization T wave Repolarization of ventricles Right after P wave begins the atria contract, depolarization = contraction, repolarization = relaxation

25 The Artificial Pace Maker




29 The Cardiac Cycle Relaxation Atrial systole Ventricular systole
All chambers in diastole Valves open Ventricles fill with blood Atrial systole Atria contract Ventricular systole Ventricles contract Atria contract to move the last of the blood into the ventricles

30 What is Fibrillation? Fib-rill-la-shon
The heart quivers Fibers not contracting together Blood not being pumped A Fib Atria not contracting V Fib Ventricles not contracting

31 What is Long QT Syndrome. https://www. youtube. com/watch
Distance between S-T wave is greater than .4 sec When can this happen? During the vulnerable period of repolarization Can be caused by sudden force/impact to chest during vulnerable period

32 What’s Wrong With My Patient?
Treat the patient not the rhythm Identify the P wave, QRS complex and T wave Look for pattern Get Patients HR Tachycardia HR greater than 100 Bradycardia HR less than 60

33 Blood Pressure Review Why is the systolic reading higher than the diastolic reading? Which type of blood vessel has a higher average blood pressure? Why? During systole the ventricles are contracted and push blood out of the heart Arteries have a higher average blood pressure because they are “pushing” blood out of the heart

34 Cardiac Output (CO) Amount of blood the heart pumps per min Normal
5 to 6 L/min

35 Calculating Cardiac Output
Determined by: Stroke volume (SV) Heart rate (HR) CO = HR X SV/1,000

36 Determining Cardiac Output
Heart Rate: 60 bpm, Stroke Volume: 70 mL Herat Rate: 55 bpm, Stroke Volume: 60 mL Heart Rate: 85 bpm, Stroke Volume: 90 mL Heart Rate: 140 bpm, Stroke Volume: 100 mL Heart Rate: 160 bpm, Stroke Volume: 120 mL Explain why stroke volume is higher when someone is standing up than when someone is laying down. When would cardiac output increase? Why? What factors effect cardiac output?

37 The Mysterious Human Heart http://www. pbs
How was Kevin’s disorder treated with technology? What did Dr. Zipes mean by the phrase “umbilical cord attached to medical therapy”? What are pacemakers? How have they evolved? What are the pros and cons of living with a pacemaker?

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