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Circulatory System in Animals

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1 Circulatory System in Animals
Take a look at a skeleton and see how well a heart is protected — open heart surgery takes breaking a body to get to the heart.

2 Feeding Energy Needs Why do we need a circulatory system? supplies in
_______________________ ______________________ waste out need to pick up & deliver the supplies & wastes around the body

3 Simpler organisms When your body is only 2-cell layers thick, you can get supplies in and waste out just through ______________ all cells within easy reach of fluid Jellyfish Hydra

4 Complex organisms Circulatory system made up of 3 parts organ
_________________ tissues & cells _____________

5 Circulatory systems All animals have: muscular pump = ________________
tubes = ________________ circulatory fluid = ________________ open closed hemolymph blood

6 Vertebrate Heart 4-Chambered heart ____________ (atrium)
____________________ collection chamber receive blood __________________ pump blood out left atrium right atrium right ventricle left ventricle

7 Evolution of circulatory system
Not everyone has a 4-chambered heart fish amphibian reptiles birds & mammals 2 chamber 3 chamber 3 chamber 4 chamber A powerful four–chambered heart was an essential adaptation in support of the endothermic way of life characteristic of mammals and birds. Endotherms use about ten times as much energy as equal–sized ectotherms; therefore, their circulatory systems need to deliver about ten times as much fuel and O2 to their tissues (and remove ten times as much CO2 and other wastes). This large traffic of substances is made possible by separate and independent systemic and pulmonary circulations and by large, powerful hearts that pump the necessary volume of blood. Mammals and birds descended from different reptilian ancestors, and their four–chambered hearts evolved independently—an example of convergent evolution. Why is it an advantage to get big? Herbivore: can eat more with bigger gut. lowers predation (but will push predators to get bigger as well, although no one east elephant s.) V A A A A A A A V V V V V

8 Lub-dub, lub-dub 4 valves in the heart Heart sounds Heart murmur
flaps of connective tissue ___________________________ Heart sounds “Lub” force blood against closed AV valves “Dub” force of blood against semilunar valves Heart murmur _________________________________________ blood squirts backward through valve SL AV AV

9 Electrical signals heart pumping controlled by electrical impulses
stimulates ventricles to contract from bottom to top, driving blood into arteries allows atria to empty completely before ventricles contract heart pumping controlled by electrical impulses signal also transmitted to skin = ________

10 fill (minimum pressure)
Cardiac Cycle ventricles fill How is this reflected in blood pressure measurements? systolic ________ diastolic The cardiac cycle. For an adult human at rest with a pulse of about 75 beats per minute, one complete cardiac cycle takes about 0.8 second. During a relaxation phase (atria and ventricles in diastole), blood returning from the large veins flows into the atria and ventricles. A brief period of atrial systole then forces all remaining blood out of the atria into the ventricles. During the remainder of the cycle, ventricular systole pumps blood into the large arteries. Note that 7/8 of the time—all but 0.1 second of the cardiac cycle—the atria are relaxed and are filling with blood returning via the veins. chambers fill pump (peak pressure) _________________ fill (minimum pressure) 110 ________ 80 ventricles pump

11 Measurement of blood pressure
if systolic > 150 or if diastolic > 90 hypertension = (high blood pressure)

12 Have a heart? Ask Questions!!

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