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AUTISM Rosa Retiguin Cynthia Period 6

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1 AUTISM Rosa Retiguin Cynthia Period 6
People with autism turns out to develop different parts of the brain. This may explain why most persons with autism have an uncanny ability to recall and describe objects in detail.

2 WHAT’S AUTISM ?? A mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized By a great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships, in which fantasy dominates over reality EXAMPLE: Sally and Anne are playing together, when Sally puts a piece of candy in a box and then leaves the room. While Sally is gone, Anne opens the box, removes the candy, and stashes it in her purse. When Sally comes Back, where will she look for the candy?

3 SYMPTOMS social interaction and relationships
lack of interest in sharing enjoyment, achievements with other people Verbal and nonverbal communication difficulty understanding their listeners perspective Limited interest in activities or play stereotyped behaviors Examples: body rocking, hand flapping and abnormal responses to sensations, etc. SOME OTHER SYMPTOMS: sensory dysfunction, sleep disorders, self-abusive behavior and more. The only symptoms all people with autism do have in common across the spectrum are challenges, disabilities, or delays in the area of social communication.


5 Theories about what causes the disorder:
genetic basis Theory of mind fundamentally a brain disorder: in infancy Definite impact on their ability to interact in the social world TREATMENT: no cure for this disorder, Behavioral therapy and other therapeutic options: based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)., Medication options: can help with some of symptoms Educational and/or school-based options… FAMOUS PEOPLE WHO HAVE HAD AUTISM: Albert Einstein Emily Dickinson Isaac Newton theres 1 in 10 people with autism: more comon in boys than in girls

Lantz, Johanna. “Theory of Mind in Autism: Development, Implications, and Intervention” extraordinary--ability

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