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The Era of Good Feelings

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1 The Era of Good Feelings
Struggles of a Young Nation,

2 The War of 1812

3 What was the War of 1812? Conflict resulted from shifting relationships between USA and England during the Napoleonic Wars Macon’s Bill No. 2 Authorized President to intervene in trade Napoleon convinces President Madison to halt trade with England War Hawks – Henry Clay (KY) and John Calhoun (SC) Aggressive expansionists and nationalists

4 Battle of Tippecanoe 1795 – 1804 – Indians in Old Northwest gave up 48 million acres to American settlers Tecumseh – began confederacy of Indian tribes against US territorial expansion November 7, 1811 Indiana Governor, William Henry Harrison leads 900 soldiers against Tecumseh’s forces The first battle of the War of 1812


6 WAR! War on England declared – June 1, 1812
Avoidable – England was about to repeal trade laws False hope – Canada’s defenses were much stronger and America’s much weaker than believed The War, Great Britain takes offensive – Focus shifts to America after defeat of Napoleon in early 1814 August 1814 – 4000 British soldiers in Chesapeake British Capture Washington DC and Bombardment of Ft. McHenry Francis Scott Key – “Star Spangled Banner”

7 First Lady, Dolly Madison saved most of the art form the White House as she escaped
The British burned the White House!

8 End of the War Treaty of Ghent – Signed December 24 1814
Ends War of 1812 Battle of New Orleans – Andrew Jackson December 23, 1814 – January 8, 1815 Jackson repels much larger British Force (war had already ended) Hartford Convention – Federalists oppose Treaty of Ghent Federalist from 5 states consider secession Effectively ends the Federalist party

9 Andrew Jackson becomes a
National Hero Federalists are viewed as Traitors!

10 Beginning of the Era of Good Feeling
Madison’s Annual Message 1815 Fund National Defense Frigates for the navy Standing army and Federal control of militia Federal aid for “internal improvements” Protective tariff Re-establishing national Bank Federal assumption of state debt James Monroe, Madison’s Sec. of State easily wins Presidency in 1816 Implements new “American System” of 1815 address

11 The Era of Good feeling

12 It’s mostly sarcastic Single party rule Economic Sectionalism
Federalists are gone, Democratic Republicans assume many Federalist ideas. This leads to A LOT of political infighting Economic Sectionalism North – Industry and Commerce South – Large plantation and Small farms Foreign Affairs – John Quincy Adams, Sec. of State 49th Parallel - new Border of Canada Adams-Onis Treaty (1819) Spain gives USA Florida

13 John Marshall’s Court It’s the Supreme Court

14 Marshall Continues to define role of Supreme Court
Cohen v. Virginia (1821) – SCOTUS could review State courts in Constitutional Matters Dartmouth College (1819) – Protected private property from state interference McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) – Court affirmed the Constitutionality of national Bank Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) – Broadened definition of “Interstate Commerce” from Art. 1, Sec. 8 of Constitution

15 Marshall and the American System
A stronger, centralized federal government Marshall is still a Federalist long after the party has disappeared Interpretation of Constitution shapes politics Chief Justice,

16 Missouri Compromise Slavery becomes the political issue of the age

17 Slavery Question in South and West
Eli Whitney – Cotton Gin – 1793 Guarantees Slavery will remain primary labor system in South Expansion of Slavery? TN and KY already western slave states Missouri applies for statehood in 1819 as a slave state, upsetting the Slave/Free balance in the Senate and House The Expansion of slavery will remain the most difficult political issue through the civil war

18 The Cotton Gin mechanically separates the
Eli Whitney The Cotton Gin mechanically separates the Cotton boll from seeds. This allowed cotton to become the major cash crop across South.

19 Missouri Compromise, 1820 Missouri Compromise is the product of negotiations in Congress led by Henry Clay (KY) Missouri entered as slave state Maine as a free state 36°30’ latitude border of slaver (below=slave, above=free) More a truce than a compromise – the issue of slavery unresolved “A fire-bell in the night… the death knell of the Union.” Thomas Jefferson


21 The Monroe Doctrine Foreign Policy

22 Foreign Affairs President Monroe and Sec. of State John Quincy Adams believed the Executive branch should be in charge of Foreign affairs British Prime Minister George Canning wanted a public alliance between England and the United States Neither would assist European nations in maintaining colonies in Western Hemisphere (South America) This led to a new statement of American foreign policy

23 The Monroe Doctrine, 1823 Western hemisphere closed to European colonization Any attempt to colonize the Western Hemisphere was an attack on America America would not involve itself in European affairs Europe must recognize the newly formed Republics in the Western Hemisphere


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