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Galaxy Classification

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1 Galaxy Classification
General Categories Some Cautionary Notes Galaxies are not alike For every general rule I give, one can find exceptions Classifying galaxies is difficult They look different in different wavelengths If the galaxy is moving, you have to correct for red-shift Even experts often disagree on the classification There are different systems for classifying galaxies The original one, developed by Hubble, is the basis for most other systems I will use the Hubble - De Vaucouleurs system An expansion on the original Hubble sytem

2 The Categories Galaxies are classified by their appearance
Unbarrred Spiral Central roundish bulge plus disk Barred Spiral Central elongated bulge plus disk Elliptical Elongated bulge, no disk Irregular No discernible shape Dwarf Spheroidal Small, dim, and round

3 Unbarred Spiral Galaxies
General Description Denoted SA Pinwheel-like Central bulge, spiral arms Spiral arms, etc., signs of rotation Nuclear region is round Young and old stars, gas, dust 80% of large galaxies are Spirals or (Barred or Unbarred) Sub-classified by amount of arms, and how tight or loose they are SA0 - no distinguishable spiral arms SAa, SAb, SAc, SAd - more spiral arms, and looser SAm – no bulge, typically one distorted spiral arm

4 SA0 Also called lenticular galaxies Central Bulge Disk No Spiral Arms

5 SAa Central Bulge Disk Tight spiral arms

6 SAb Central Bulge Disk Spiral arms

7 SAc Central Bulge Disk Loose spiral arms

8 SAd Central Bulge Disk Very loose spiral arms
Often, spiral arms are disconnected or broken

9 SAm Classified by Hubble as irregular galaxies
They have just a bulge and typically one spiral arm Probably a spiral galaxy disturbed by collision with a larger galaxy

10 Spiral Galaxy Structure
Overall, very similar to Milky Way Disk contains Gas Dust Young and old stars Open clusters Stars in the disk orbit in approximately circular orbits The bulge contains older stars Orbits much more random The halo contains oldest stars and globular clusters Orbits completely random Most (all?) galaxies seem to have black holes in their centers The disk The bulge The nucleus The halo Globular clusters

11 Dark Matter in Spiral Galaxies
Spirals Rotate Rotation measured by Doppler shift Mass, again, not concentrated in the center 85% of mass is dark matter Flat rotation curves  dark matter

12 Barred Spiral Galaxies
General Description Denoted SB It is now believed that most spiral galaxies have at least some bar Pinwheel-like Central bulge, spiral arms Spiral arms, etc., signs of rotation Nuclear region is straight - barred Young and old stars, gas, dust 80% of large galaxies are Spirals or Barred Spirals Sub-classified by amount of arms, and how tight or loose they are SB0 - no distinguishable spiral arms SBa, SBb, SBc, SBd - more spiral arms, and looser SBm – no bulge, typically one distorted spiral arm

13 SB0 Also called lenticular galaxies Central Bar Disk No spiral arms

14 SBa Central Bulge Disk Tight spiral arms

15 SBb Central Bar Disk Spiral arms Milky Way?

16 SBc Central Bar Disk Looser spiral arms

17 SBd Central Bar Disk Very loose spiral arms
Often the arms are partially disconnected

18 SBm Classified by Hubble as irregular galaxies
They have just a bulge and typically one spiral arm Coming off of a bar-shaped central region Probably a barred spiral galaxy disturbed by collision with a larger galaxy

19 Intermediates The amount of barring and the amount of spiral arms are continuous variables As we have gotten better at classifying, it becomes useful to have categories between these Between the spirals (SA) and the barred spirals (SB) are the intermediate spirals Denoted SAB Between each of the categories a through d, there are intermediate Denoted by using both letters, like bc For example, a SABcd galaxy would have Some barring, but not as much as an SB galaxy Looser arms than an SABc, but tighter than SABd

20 Barred Versus Unbarred Spirals
It is not obvious what causes bars to form Numerical simulations indicate that over time, instability causes bars to form Probably bars are a sign that a galaxy has “matured” Over time, most (all?) unbarred spiral galaxies become barred spirals Process takes a couple Gyr Age of universe < 14 Gyr Over long times, bars may also become unstable May cause barred galaxies to be back to unbarred (?)

21 Elliptical Galaxies Categorization
Look like a sphere or a flattened sphere Little gas and dust Mostly old stars Classified by how round they look E0 looks circular E7 is very elongated There is a relatively objective way to classify them Measure their long and short axes Formula for the number is Elliptical galaxies have the largest range of masses Dwarf ellipticals are the smallest Add the letter d in front, so it might be a dE2 galaxy Giant ellipticals are the largest 2a 2b

22 E0

23 E1

24 E2

25 E3

26 E4

27 E5

28 E6

29 E7

30 Elliptical Galaxy Shapes
Appearance may depend on angle of view Amount of flattening probably has to do with rotation Beyond E7, galaxy probably becomes unstable

31 Elliptical Galaxy Structure
Rather different from the Milky Way Typically contains only old stars Star orbits can be Completely random, or Have a bias so there is net angular momentum of the galaxy Probably, the more rotation there is, the more flattened the shape is No gas and dust, so no new stars Halo often contains low-density hot gas The visible part The nucleus The halo Globular clusters

32 Elliptical Halos Elliptical galaxies don’t have thick clouds, but they do have diffuse, hot gas These gasses emit X-rays Gravity vs. pressure – they expand to make a giant sphere Amount of gravity tells us 85% of the mass of the galaxy is dark matter in the halo

33 Dwarf Ellipticals Some elliptical galaxies are much smaller than typical galaxies Denoted dE, for dwarf ellipticals There are typically no spiral galaxies of this size These galaxies probably originally had gas, but all gas has since been consumed These may have been the first galaxies ever formed Other galaxies formed primarily from mergers of dwarf ellipticals

34 Giant Ellipticals The largest galaxies tend to be elliptical galaxies
Still denoted by E There are typically no spiral galaxies this large They tend to be more round They galaxies often have low densities of stars They are therefore “low surface brightness galaxies” Denoted D in the Yerkes classification system The largest of these are called cD or Central Dominant galaxies Usually at the center of a cluster of galaxies Often contain multiple nuclei Multiple giant black holes Probably formed from the merger of many smaller galaxies

35 Other Types of Galaxies
Irregular Galaxies Irregular galaxies don’t fit in well with the others Some of them look a little like spiral galaxies Gas, dust, young and old stars Like a galactic disk, no spirals, a mess Probably caused by disruptive collisions Classified as Im

36 Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies
Much lower mass than typical galaxies Stars are spread out – low density Mass of stars insufficient to hold them together Strong indication they are mostly dark matter, not much else Difficult to see beyond nearby galaxies Denote dSph

37 Putting it All Together The Original Tuning Fork
Original Hubble classification had a two-pronged system that described how these go together Because he didn’t have intermediate bars (SAB) With the De Vaucouleurs system, it is now a three pronged fork And the “tines” have gotten longer

38 The Updated Tuning Fork

39 Can we explain these differences?
Differences - Spirals vs. Ellipticals Spirals have disks and spiral structure Spirals have dust/gas/young stars in the disk Ellipticals have hot gas spread out through a large halo Can we explain these differences?

40 Hot Gas vs. Cool Gas Hot gas has low density
Atoms cool off by colliding and radiating light But at low density, collisions are rare Low density gas cools slowly Will not cool off in age of universe Hot gas has pressure: Gravity vs. pressure = sphere An elliptical galaxy Cool gas has high density High density gas collides more often And then can radiated that energy Can cool off further in short time Cool gas has little pressure, but still has rotation Gravity vs. rotation = disk A spiral (or barred spiral) galaxy

41 What Determines Galaxy Type?
If we have a source of cool gas: Gas will form a disk Disk will form stars There will be young stars If all gas is hot: Gas remains in a giant halo, no disk No star formation No young stars Conclusion: If you have a source of cool gas, you get a spiral or barred spiral, otherwise get elliptical

42 What Happens When Galaxies Collide?
Galaxy Collisions What Happens When Galaxies Collide? When two galaxies collide or nearly collide, what happens? The stars do not collide with each other The separation between them is very great But the clouds of gas in them can collide Also, the two galaxies can gravitationally influence each other Even if they miss each other Galaxy collisions take millions of years to occur We don’t see any change in real time But we can see galaxies in mid-collision And we can see galaxies that have already collided

43 Near Miss Collisions Suppose a galaxy of mass M is passing by another galaxy As it passes, it pulls on each of the stars in the other galaxy Let’s say it passes a star with an impact parameter b And it is currently y from its closest point The gravitational acceleration is The position is continually changing We need to integrate the acceleration over time b y

44 Tidal Friction Not surprisingly, the closer and more massive the impactor is, the more effect it has Perhaps surprisingly, the slower it moves, the more effect it has Note that stars in different positions will have unequal accelerations This effect is called tidal forces The average acceleration will simply cause the entire galaxy to accelerate in the direction of the passing object The passing object also accelerates towards the other This just causes them to orbit each other The differences in acceleration means that kinetic energy is being added to the internal motion of the stars in the galaxy Causes the galaxy to expand This “heating up” of the internal energy of the galaxy is called tidal friction b

45 Orbital Decay Suppose one galaxy is in orbit around the other
Each time it goes around, kinetic energy goes into the internal energy of the galaxies This does disturb both galaxies a little Not surprisingly the small galaxy is affected more Where does the energy come from? It must come from the kinetic energy of the overall motion The galaxy slows down – its orbit gets smaller Over several cycles, it gradually spirals towards the other galaxy Eventually, the two galaxies will undergo a true collision

46 True Galaxy Collisions
What happens depends on relative size of the two galaxies Big + Small: Small galaxy is completely disrupted Stars enter large galaxy Over time, they get absorbed Galactic cannibalism This is currently happening to our own galaxy Sagittarius Dwarf and Canis Major Dwarf – currently being disrupted Virgo Stellar Stream – a dead galaxy whose stars are being absorbed Two comparable sized galaxies: At high speed, the galaxies can pass each other But gas clouds still collide At low speed, the galaxies will merge

47 Comparable Size Galaxy Collisions
When comparable size galaxies collide, there are major consequences Gas clouds collide Gas compresses – can cause a dramatic sudden increase in star production A starburst galaxy Gas can get heated to high temperatures Gas may get completely knocked out of the galaxies If they collide at low speeds, the two galaxies will merge Initially, the galaxy will be irregular (probably SAm or SBm or Im) The energy converted to internal kinetic energy makes the resultant galaxy large in size And, of course, increased mass Depending on whether there is any cool gas left, eventually galaxy settles down to a spiral or elliptical

48 Starburst Galaxies Fast star formation
Caused by compression of gas from recent galaxy collisions

49 Colliding Galaxies – Images (1)

50 Colliding Galaxies – Images (2)

51 Colliding Galaxies – Images (3)

52 Milky Way Collision with Andromeda
Our galaxy is currently headed towards Andromeda, the nearest large galaxy Distance about 780 kpc Relative velocity measured by Doppler shift Have to subtract Sun’s velocity around our galaxy About 110 km/s Transverse velocity measured recently by Hubble using proper motion Very slow transverse motion Suggests the two will collide, or nearly collide about 4 billion years from now After initial encounter, two galaxies will probably merge “shortly” thereafter MW - Andromeda Collision Best guess is that after that, they will merge to make a large elliptical galaxy

53 Giant Elliptical Galaxies
In the centers of clusters of galaxies, many galaxies combine and merge Collisions pretty much guarantee all the cold gas will be heated It then will expand throughout the halo The kinetic energy transferred to the stars causes the galaxy to become very large And of course, it is very massive too It will generally be almost spherical These galaxies are now giant elliptical galaxies The largest of these are the cD or central dominant galaxies They are central because they tend to be at the center of clusters of galaxies

54 Looking Out = Looking Back
Light travels at about 0.3 pc per year The farther away you are looking, the longer ago you are seeing 1 kpc  3.3 ky 1 Mpc  3.3 My 1 Gpc  3.3 Gyr You can see back almost to the beginning of the Universe!

55 Galaxies Long Ago

56 Galaxies Long, Long Ago

57 Galaxies Long, Long Ago (Close Up)

58 How Were Galaxies Different in the Past?
Generally, galaxies were smaller Because small galaxies combined a lot to make the galaxies we see today Generally, spirals were more likely to be unbarred (SA) than barred (SB) Because bars take a lot of time to form There were more irregular galaxies back then Because collisions were still building galaxies

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