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SQL Server: A Data Platform for Large-Scale Applications

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Presentation on theme: "SQL Server: A Data Platform for Large-Scale Applications"— Presentation transcript:

1 SQL Server: A Data Platform for Large-Scale Applications
José Blakeley, Software Architect Database Systems Group, Microsoft Corporation

2 SQL Server Design Philosophy
To solve 90+% of the problems automatically Self Tuning Dynamic Optimization Self Configuration Self Management Self Healing The remaining percentage takes higher touch Requires careful design for scalability Good knowledge of how the RDBMS platform works This talk describes how we are codifying our solution for large-scale DW into SQL Server UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

3 SQL Data Platform Any Place, Any Type, Any Scale
Enterprise Data Platform Beyond Relational Dynamic Development Pervasive Insight UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

4 Outline SQL Server Data Platform Basic concepts – common ground
Assumptions Workloads SQL Server Parallel DW DBMS Philosophy System Architecture Software Architecture Summary UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

5 Workload Types Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)
Balanced read-update ratio (60%-40%) Fine-grained inserts and updates High transaction throughput e.g., 10s K/s Usually very short transactions e.g., 1-3 tables Sometimes multi-step e.g., financial Relatively small data sizes e.g., few TBs Data Warehousing and Business Analysis (DW) Read-mostly (90%-10%) Few updates in place, high-volume bulk inserts Concurrent query throughput e.g., 10s K / hr Per query response time < 2 s Snowflake, star schemas are common e.g., 5-10 tables Complex queries (filter, join, group-by, aggregation) Very large data sizes e.g., 10s TB - PB OLTP = Day-to-day business DW = Analysis over recorded data UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

6 Star Join Schema 436,892,631 rows 41 rows 34 rows 118 rows 13,517 rows
SELECT FE0.RegionName, FL0.FiscalYearName, SUM (A.ActualRevenueAmt) FROM TECSPURSL00 A JOIN SalesDate L ON A.SalesDateID = L.SalesDateID JOIN UpperGeography UG ON A.TRCreditedSubsidiaryId = UG.CreditedSubsidiaryID JOIN Region FE0 ON UG.CreditedRegionID = FE0.RegionID JOIN FiscalYear FL0 ON L.FiscalYearID = FL0.FiscalYearID GROUP BY FE0.RegionName, FL0.FiscalYearName 118 rows 13,517 rows UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010 9/18/2018

7 Why look at workloads? $B DBMS architectures of 30 years ago designed for mixed workloads OLTP and DW workloads have grown into big market segments Workload-specific engines can be profitable Innovations are driven by deeper understanding of workloads 8 6 OLTP Mixed DW 4 2 1995 2000 2005 2010 UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

8 Changing TPC-H Landscape
68x perf 12% cost New DW startups disrupting TPC-H Column-store, compression, and scale-out UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

9 Data Warehousing SQL Server 2008
Provides out-of-the-box SMP scale for ~10 TB Data compression – row and page Star join, bitmap filters, partitioned table parallelism Minimally Logged INSERT MERGE Resource governor – CPU and memory Many successful apps for TB running today via custom scale-out E.g., Danske Bank, Clalit Health, US Dep. of Agriculture, Pan- STARRS Building out-of-the-box scale-out for 10s-100s of TB This is the focus of this talk UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

10 Outline SQL Server Data Platform Basic concepts – common ground
Assumptions Workloads SQL Server Parallel DW DBMS Design Philosophy Hardware Architecture Software Architecture Summary UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

11 Design Philosophy Shared-nothing, distributed, parallel DBMS
Implicit data and function partitioning Appliance concept Software + hardware solution Optimized for DW workloads Scalable to Petabytes UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

12 Reference Hardware Platforms

13 Hardware Architecture
Compute Nodes Storage Nodes Control Nodes Active / Passive SQL SQL Client Drivers (ODBC, OLE-DB, ADO.NET) SQL SQL SQL Management Servers SQL Data Center Monitoring Dual Infiniband SQL Dual Fiber Channel SQL Landing Zone ETL Load Interface SQL Backup Nodes Spare Compute Node Corporate Backup Solution 1 Rack Server Appliance UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

14 Node Types Control node: Backup node: Compute nodes: Management node:
Where clients apps connect Parallel engine runs here Contains system metadata Compute nodes: Store user data Perform query execution Not accessible to outside world Landing Zone: Staging place for data loading Accessible to outside world Can be augmented with 3rd party HW and SW Backup node: Backup file storage Accessible to outside world Can be augmented with 3rd party HW and SW Management node: Windows domain controller (Active Directory) SW upgrades staging place Holds SW images in case a node needs reimaging

15 Software Architecture
Compute Nodes Compute Node Query Tool MS BI (AS, RS) Control Node Other 3rd Party Tools DWSQL Landing Zone Node Internet Explorer SQL Server DW Authentication DW Configuration DW Schema TempDB User Data Data Movement Service MPP Engine Coordinator IIS Admin Console Data Access (OLEDB, ODBC, ADO.NET, JDBC) UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

16 Key Components MPP Engine Coordinator Parallel Loader
Provides single system image SQL compilation Global metadata and appliance configuration Global query optimization and plan generation Global query execution coordination Global transaction coordination Authentication and authorization Supportability (HW and SW status info) Data Movement Service Data movement across the appliance Distributed query execution operators Parallel Loader Run from the Landing Zone SSIS or command line tool Parallel Database Copy High performance data export Enables Hub-Spoke scenarios Parallel Backup/Restore Backup files stored on Backup Nodes Backup files may be archived into external device/system UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

17 Query Processing SQL statement compilation
Parsing, validation, optimization Builds an MPP execution plan A set of parallel QE steps Executes the plan Coordinates workflow among steps Assembles the resultset Returns resultset to client

18 Example – Schema TPCH UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010
-- Customer Table -- distributiond on c_custkey CREATE TABLE customer ( c_custkey bigint, c_name varchar(25), c_address varchar(40), c_nationkey integer, c_phone char(15), c_acctbal decimal(15,2), c_mktsegment char(10), c_comment varchar(117)) WITH (distribution=hash(c_custkey)) ; -- Orders Table CREATE TABLE orders ( o_orderkey bigint, o_custkey bigint, o_orderstatus char(1), o_totalprice decimal(15,2), o_orderdate date, o_orderpriority char(15), o_clerk char(15), o_shippriority integer, o_comment varchar(79)) WITH (distribution=hash(o_orderkey)) ;    -- LineItem Table -- distributiond on l_orderkey CREATE TABLE lineitem ( l_orderkey bigint, l_partkey bigint, l_suppkey bigint, l_linenumber bigint, l_quantity decimal(15,2), l_extendedprice decimal(15,2), l_discount decimal(15,2), l_tax decimal(15,2), l_returnflag char(1), l_linestatus char(1), l_shipdate date, l_commitdate date, l_receiptdate date, l_shipinstruct char(25), l_shipmode char(10), l_comment varchar(44)) WITH (distribution=hash(l_orderkey)) ; UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

19 Example - Query UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010 SELECT TOP 10 L_ORDERKEY,

20 Example – Execution Plan
-- Step 1: create temp table at control node CREATE TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[Q_[TEMP_ID_664]] ( [l_orderkey] BIGINT, [REVENUE] DECIMAL(38, 4), [o_orderdate] DATE, [o_shippriority] INTEGER ); -- Step 2: create temp tables at all compute nodes CREATE TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[Q_[TEMP_ID_665]_[PARTITION_ID]] ( [l_orderkey] BIGINT, [l_extendedprice] DECIMAL(15, 2), [l_discount] DECIMAL(15, 2), [o_orderdate] DATE, [o_shippriority] INTEGER, [o_custkey] BIGINT, [o_orderkey] BIGINT ) WITH ( DISTRIBUTION = HASH([o_custkey]) ); -- Step 3: SHUFFLE_MOVE SELECT [l_orderkey], [l_extendedprice], [l_discount], [o_orderdate], [o_shippriority], [o_custkey], [o_orderkey] FROM [dwsys].[dbo].[orders] JOIN [dwsys].[dbo].[lineitem] ON ([l_orderkey] = [o_orderkey]) WHERE ([o_orderdate] < ' ' AND [o_orderdate] >= ' :00:00.000') INTO Q_[TEMP_ID_665]_[PARTITION_ID] SHUFFLE ON (o_custkey); -- Step 4: PARTITION_MOVE SELECT [l_orderkey], sum(([l_extendedprice] * (1 - [l_discount]))) AS REVENUE, [o_orderdate], [o_shippriority] FROM [dwsys].[dbo].[customer] JOIN tempdb.Q_[TEMP_ID_665]_[PARTITION_ID] ON ([c_custkey] = [o_custkey]) WHERE [c_mktsegment] = 'BUILDING' GROUP BY [l_orderkey], [o_orderdate], [o_shippriority] INTO Q_[TEMP_ID_664]; -- Step 5: Drop temp tables at all compute nodes DROP TABLE tempdb.Q_[TEMP_ID_665]_[PARTITION_ID]; -- Step 6: RETURN result to client SELECT TOP 10 [l_orderkey], sum([REVENUE]) AS REVENUE, FROM tempdb.Q_[TEMP_ID_664] GROUP BY [l_orderkey], [o_orderdate], [o_shippriority] ORDER BY [REVENUE] DESC, [o_orderdate] ; -- Step 7: Drop temp table at control node DROP TABLE tempdb.Q_[TEMP_ID_664]; UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

21 Other Important Functionality
Fault tolerance All HW components have redundancy: CPUs, Disks, networks, power, storage processors Control and Compute nodes use failover clustering Management nodes have active & standby Integration with SQL Server BI tools SS Integration Services (ETL) has PDW as a destination SS Analysis Services (OLAP) has PDW as a source SS Reporting Services Excel UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

22 Future Challenges Richer DW analysis
Map-reduce-like functionality inside the cluster Data mining, embedded analytics Richer hub-and-spoke configurations MPP to MPP Distributed transactions Isolation levels, deadlocks, logs Distributed, parallel query processing Execution strategies (DW) Optimization techniques (DW) Integration with other data services Streaming Increased HW architecture choices Low-power clusters UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

23 Summary SQL Server Data Platform overview Workload types
SQL Server Parallel DW DBMS Design Philosophy System Architecture Software Architecture Query Example Future challenges UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

24 Resources Microsoft SQL Server 2008 case studies
SQL Server best practices Dave Salch, Eric Kraemer, Umair Waheed, Paul Dyke, Fast Track Data Warehouse 2.0 Architecture, SQL Server Technical Article, MSDN, Nov SQL Server Customer Advisory Team Research on balanced HW architectures Yogesh Simmhan, et. al. GrayWulf: Scalable Software Architecture for Data Intensive Computing, HICSS pp.1-10, 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2009 Alexander S. Szalay, et al., Low Power Amdahl-Balanced Blades for Data Intensive Computing, SC 2009. UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

25 THANKS! UCI ISG Seminar 1/8/2010

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