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Managing Corporate Information Resources

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1 Managing Corporate Information Resources
Chapter 7 Information Systems Management in Practice Dr. Leida Chen Creighton University

2 Introduction IS continually manages new forms of information resources
Corporate databases Documents (electronic or paper) and Web content Knowledge management Data—Information—Knowledge

3 Four Types of Information

4 Records versus Documents

5 Content Management To create a content management strategy, companies need to understand the three phases of content Managing content creation and acquisition Content administration and safeguarding Content deployment and presentation

6 Content Management Source: Adapted from Chuck, Tueber, Dealing in Web Currency, Gartner EXP, 56 Top Gallant, Stamford, CT, June 2001.

7 Content Management cont’d
Managing content creation and acquisition Focus on creating content quality Content can be purchased from external specialists syndicated content Decentralized organizational structure for content creation and maintenance to content-expert employees is best approach Central direction for dispersed experts however required Standardized organization-wide formats to integrate content into overall workflow also needed

8 Content Management cont’d
Content Administration and Safeguarding Efficiency is key in this phase Content management tools can be used to identify types of content and the business rules that apply to each type Content administration should be centralized Organizational workflow How content fits into overall organization process Content approval e.g., foreign language translation

9 Content Management cont’d
Content Deployment and Presentation Effectiveness is the emphasis in this phase— maximize effect of Web content presentation Attract visitors and gain desired outcomes Easy site navigation, pertinent and accurate information This phase is crucial to success of e-commerce effort and so Web site design should start here Most Web sites today require certain features to attract and retain visitors Personalization Localization

10 Managing Data Data management
Structured way data is represented, stored and retrieved for use. Database management systems (DBMS) are the main tool for managing corporate data Two principles of DBMS Three-level conceptual model Several alternative data models for organizing the data

11 The Three-Level Database Model
Level 1: External, conceptual or local level Various “user views” of corporate data Each application program has own view Level 2: Logical or enterprise data level “Technical” (human) view of all corporate data Controlled by database administrators Level 3: Physical or storage level Specifies the way data is physically stored For use by database administrators

12 The Three-Level Database Model cont’d

13 Four Data Models Alternative ways of defining relationships among types of data Hierarchical Model Structures data so that each element is subordinate to another in a distinct hierarchical manner e.g., Parent-child relationship

14 Four Data Models cont’d
Network Model Allows each data item to have more than one parent Relationships stated by pointers stored with the data Relational Model Data stored in tables (intuitive for users) “Key” uniquely defines each record “Tuple-calculus” operations Commands such as Select, Join, Match, etc. Data normalization (optimization) Not as efficient as hierarchical but more flexible Database technology of choice (e.g., SQL, MS Access)

15 Four Data Models cont’d
Object-Oriented Database Model Extension of concept of data to objects: Piece of data Methods that can perform work on data Attributes describing the data Relationships between objects Objects can be used to store any type of data e.g., spreadsheet, video clip, photograph, music segment Object database

16 Corporate Data Management Challenges
Inconsistent Data Definitions Proliferation of heterogeneous database Data availability, integrity and security Availability How to get the terabytes of data at the right place and right time? Integrity Data should be entered correctly once in the system Security Data protection is a top concern in organizations today Turning data into information and knowledge

17 Data and Database Administration *
Data administration Data policies, procedures, and standards Planning Data conflict resolution Managing the information repository Internal marketing

18 Data and Database Administration *
Selecting DBMS and related software tools Installing and upgrading the DBMS Tuning database performance Improving database query processing performance Managing data security, privacy, and integrity Data backup and recovery

19 Managing Information Once enterprises get their data into shape, that data can more easily be turned into information “Information is power” Managing information is a critical activity Technology = infrastructure Asset = information that runs on that infrastructure

20 Value Creation with Customer Data *
Analysis of the value proposition Theoretical repurchase frequency The regularity with which the average customer acquires goods and services offered by the firms in the industry or segment. Degree of customizability The extent to which the product or service your firm offers can be tailored to the specific needs and requirements of individual customers or a segment of the customer base.

21 Customer Data Strategies *
Rewards Strategy Personalization Low Payoff Acquisition Strategy Theoretical repurchase frequency Degree of customizability

22 Customer Data Strategies *
Personalization Strategy High theoretical repurchase frequency and a high degree of customizability Operations and differentiation Rewards Strategy High theoretical repurchase frequency and standardized product and service Loyalty rewards Reporting Acquisition Strategy Low theoretical repurchase frequency and a high degree of customizability Analytics and new prospects Low payoff

23 Data Warehouses Data warehouse: Stores data used to make decisions
Obtained periodically from transaction databases Snapshot of situation at specific time Different from operational databases Customer data is most common type of data housed Corporate use transcends reporting internal data to business intelligence today

24 Data Warehouse * Characteristics Need for data warehousing
Subject-oriented Integrated Time-variant Nonupdatable Need for data warehousing A business requires an integrated, company-wide view of high-quality information. The IS department must separate informational from operational systems.

25 Star Schema * Fact Dimension
PRODUCT Product_Code Color Size Fact Dimension SALES Product_Code Period_Code Store_Code Units_Sold Dollars_Sold Dollars_Cost STORE Store_Code Store_Name City PERIOD Period_Code Year Quarter Fact table contains factual or quantitative data about a business. Dimension table holds descriptive data (context) about the subject of the business

26 Size of the Data Warehouse *
Size of the fact table Total number of stores = 1,000 Total number of products = 10,000 Total number of periods = 24 (2yrs’ worth of monthly data) Total rows = 1,000 * 5,000 (active products) * 24 = 120,000,000 rows Total size = 120,000,000 * 6 fields * 4 bytes (average size per field) = 2,880,000,000 bytes What if the grain of the table is changed to daily sales?

27 Data Warehouses cont’d
Metadata The part of the warehouse that defines the data Explains meaning of each data element and sets standards e.g. to reconcile data from legacy systems Quality data The cleaning process to adhere to metadata standards The older the data the more suspect its quality Datamart A subset of data pulled off the warehouse for a specific group of users Faster search time and lower costs

28 Data Warehouses cont’d
Data warehousing projects still fail about 40% of the time. Five steps in a data warehousing project: Define the business uses of the data Create the data model for the warehouse Cleanse the data Select the user tools Monitor usage and system performance

29 Data Mining * Goals of data mining Outcomes Explanatory Confirmatory
Exploratory Outcomes Association Cluster Classification Sequence Similar time sequence Exception Forecast

30 Data Mining Applications *
Profiling populations Analysis of business trends Target marketing Usage analysis Campaign effectiveness Product affinity Customer retention and churn Profitability analysis Customer value analysis Up-selling

31 Conclusion IS job of managing information resources is widening significantly Get corporate data in shape Create and build infrastructure to manage full spectrum of information types Mine information from data Internet provides an easily accessible place to store and retrieve information ad hoc.

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