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DPAS Overview 9/18/2018 Mr. Joseph Stossel DPAS Program Manager

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1 DPAS Overview 9/18/2018 Mr. Joseph Stossel DPAS Program Manager
Defense Property Accountability System Mr. Joseph Stossel DPAS Program Manager DPAS Overview 9/18/2018

2 Who Is Using DPAS? Department of Defense 9/18/2018
Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense Department of the Army Department of the Air Force Department of the Navy Joint Chiefs of Staff The Navy The Marine Corps Defense Agencies DoD Field Activities Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Defense Commissary Agency Defense Contract Audit Agency Defense Contract Management Agency Defense Finance and Accounting Service Defense Information Systems Agency Defense Logistics Agency Defense Security Cooperative Agency Defense Security Service Defense Threat Reduction Agency Missile Defense Agency National Reconnaissance Office Office of Military Commissions Pentagon Force Protection Agency Defense Media Activity Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office Defense Technical Information Center Defense Technology Security Administration DoD Education Activity DoD Human Resources Activity DoD Test Resource Management Center Office of Economic Adjustment Defense Health Activity Washington Headquarters Service Combatant Commands Special Operations Command Strategic Command Africa Command Central Command European Command Northern Command Pacific Command Southern Command Transportation Command DoD Test Resource Management Center Office of Economic Adjustment Defense Intelligence Agency National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency National Security Agency/Central Security Service 9/18/2018

3 Three Applications Hosted in a Single Environment
DPAS Overview Three Applications Hosted in a Single Environment Property Accountability – Account and Fiduciary Report Personal and Real Property Maintenance/Utilization – Warranty Tracking, Preventative Maintenance Scheduling, Work Order Management, Equipment Pool, Utilization Reporting Warehousing – Bulk/Serial Managed Items, MRO/Unit/Individual Issue, Warehouse Hub/Spoke Replenishment, Shelf Life/COSIS, 9/18/2018

4 Warehousing Application
Four Tier Virtual Warehouse Hierarchy Logistics Program -> Region -> Site -> Warehouse Catalog linked at Logistics Program Updated by FLIS / USMC’s Item Apps / USMC’s TDMS Materiel Facility -> Zone -> Location Container Management Supports Bulk and Serially Managed Items Shelf Life Management Capability Set Kit Outfit Management Pick List Replenishment Master Issue Lists Capable of conducting an inventory with 2D Data Matrix labels (when associated with the Asset ID). Swop position of Life Cycle and Authorized Allowances bullets. 9/18/2018

5 Warehousing Inventory Control Point Requisitioning
Control the Workload of RSA Warehouses that are internal to DPAS Oversee multiple Physical or Virtual Warehouses Utilize DLMS Transactions to Update Inventory from External Warehouse Requisitioning Create/Transmit DLMS Request of NSN assets to DoD Source of Supply Update/Receive Status DLMS Transactions from Source of Supply OM&S Financial Reporting Calculate Moving Average Cost for Stock Numbers Produce Financial Reports of General Ledger Accounts Awaiting Financial Systems to be setup to receive transactions directly from DPAS 9/18/2018

6 Warehousing Master Issue Lists (MIL) – Logistics Program Level
Established by LIN / TAMCN Individual / Unit Size/Unsized Member Type (Enlisted, Officer, Civilian) Associated to a UIC / Deployment Location Individual Issue capabilities Import of USMC Military Personnel Data Member Account managed to Member’s EDI PI MIL is converted to Stock Nbr by prompting User for their sizes Sizes stored for subsequent use Pick List generated for User to select gear User electronically signs for issue via CAC or manual sign Non-Returnable Items are Flagged Changed chart from the bottom of the page to Accountable Property System of Record bullet. Swopped positions of sub-bullets under Provides property financial reporting information. 9/18/2018

7 Warehousing Individual Return Unit Issue MRO Issue
Determines what they need for current Deployment Location Member’s Account is credited for items returned Provides credit/ non-credit for different items being returned Unit Issue MIL Qty is expanded to support the number of troops deploying Quantity of Items identified by LIN/TAMCN with Unit Custodian decomposing to Stock Nbr (sizes) Unit Custodian electronically signs for issue via CAC Unit Account of Issued Items Maintained DD Fm A printed for items issued MRO Issue Generate DD Fm A Items dropped from inventory 9/18/2018

8 Warehousing Replenishment Disposition Warehouse Transfer Requisition
Form Generation Spoke/Hub concept supported Gaining Warehouse Initiated Visibility Through Receipt by Gaining Warehouse Generate DD Fm A Disposition Local Disposition DRMS Turn In MRP – ICP Return 9/18/2018

9 Warehousing Workload Management Pick Planning / Picking COSIS
Managed to Cost Center(s) and Personnel Warehouse has 1 to many Cost Centers Cost Centers have 1 to many Personnel Pick Planning / Picking Pick is anything that needs to be move Scheduled / Ad Hoc On-line / Handheld Standard Warehouse Move or Transportation Request Action COSIS Background Program that Generates Quality Control Inspection Requests Runs daily – 30 Days in advance of NID Quality Control Inspections QC Manager Assigns Workload via Online Process Requests Generated Based Upon Receipt / Issue / Kitting Form Generation 9/18/2018

10 Warehousing Set Kit Outfit (SKO) Supports - Bulk and Serial Item Kits
Project Management Project Cd – Auto Generation – User Defined SKO Planning Historical Usage / On Hand Balances Identification of Components In Stock available for use with kitting Generates Request for Components Needed Allocates Due Ins that are not currently allocated to selected Project Allocates the ones in stock to selected Project Creates a Build Request SKO Build Provides for the assembly of the kit Add kit to inventory and subtracts the components in the kit from inventory Assigns a Kit Build Id to Bulk KIts Creates a QC Inspection Request Closes Project upon completion of build of all kits for Project ICN Generated, if it does not already exist ICN Label Print SKO Form Generated Specific Kit SKO Catalog 9/18/2018

11 Automated Identification Technology
Automated Identification Technology (AIT) 9/18/2018

12 Automated Identification Technology
Property Accountability Labels Regular Asset Labels 1.0” × 0.5” (Asset Id) 1 Additional Line of Optional Text 1.0” × 2.0” (Asset Id) Up to 2 Additional Lines of Optional Text 2.0” × 1.25” (Asset Id) Up to 3 Additional Lines of Optional Text RFID Asset Labels 4.0” × 1.0” RFID (Asset Id + 2 Objects) Uses an AD-224 inlay 2.0” × 1.25” RFID (Asset Id + UII) Uses an AD-814 inlay Optional Text Stock Nbr, Serial Nbr, UIC, Custodian Nbr, Item Desc, User Text 3.0” × 1.0” (Asset Id + 1 Object) Up to 3 Additional Lines of Optional Text 4.0" × 1.0“ (Asset Id + 2 Objects) RF TAG 9/18/2018

13 Automated Identification Technology
Warehousing Labels Labels printed directly from DPAS Initial support for Zebra Printers 2 Different Label Sizes (3”x 2” and 4” x 6”) 5 Different Labels Supported Stock Nbr Location Id Container Id Inventory Control Nbr (Item tag) Shelf Life Extension Bar Code has embedded prefix to identify what is being scanned (all except for Shelf Life Extension Label – no bar code) 9/18/2018

14 Handheld Devices Warehousing Portable Data Collection Devices
Property Accountability Portable Data Collection Devices Intermec CK71G and CN70G Motorola MC9190-G and MC9190-Z Bar Cd and pRFID Scan/Read Capabilities Batch Mode Functionality Inventory Asset Relocation Action Items Label Print Request UII Capture / Associate Warehousing Portable Data Collection Devices Intermec CK71G and CN70G Motorola MC9190-G and MC9190-Z Bar Cd and pRFID Scan/Read Capabilities Batch/Wireless CAC Enabled Functionality Inventory Receiving Issue Pick/Move Ship Inquiry Quality Control Inspections (Not in Release 1.1) 9/18/2018

15 Maintenance & Utilization
Shares Asset Information with Property Accountability application Schedule Preventive Maintenance Generate Work Orders to track work performed on an asset Develop & Manage Work Plans Print Work Orders Track Warranties, Services and Subscriptions for assets Record Asset Utilization in Miles/Hours/Shot Fired Fuel Type and Quantity Consumed Dispatch Capabilities Recurring / Ad Hoc Reserve by Dispatch Sub Category or Specific Item Equipment Pool Generate Dispatch/Utilization Form Track Certifications and Licenses Operators and Technicians Accepts Work Requests from Warehousing Tethered Scanner Enabled 9/18/2018

16 Maintenance & Utilization
The Work Order is the heart of the M&U process. Tracks work performed on an asset Labor Costs Technician(s) Non-Labor costs Parts (can be automated with usage of warehouse for parts management) Tools/Equipment ((can be automated with usage of warehouse for parts management) Bar Coded for easy retrieval Sub-Work Order Capability Use Work Plans or existing Work Orders to streamline build of WO Utilizes assets in Property Accountability and Warehouse 9/18/2018

17 DPAS’s pRFID Real-Time Location System
Real-Time Asset Location Capabilities DPAS’s pRFID Real-Time Location System Multiple Signal Acquisition and Source Location (SASL) function as network appliances. They operate over the LAN and send tag reads and location data to the Location Processor. The Location Processor stores the data in the local database. The DPAS RTLS Transaction Interpreter (TI) formats and aggregates the data. The DPAS TI Web Service retrieves the data and sends it to DPAS Enterprise. 9/18/2018

18 DPAS RTLS Enterprise Current Capabilities – Property Accountability
RTLS Capabilities DPAS RTLS Enterprise Current Capabilities – Property Accountability Conduct Inventory Lost Alert Generation Found Alert Generation Move Alert Generation Location Change Alert Generation / Update Area Alert Generation (Egresses, Rooms) Graphical Maps with Asset Position / Information Web Interface for association of RTLS Coordinates to DPAS Locations Web Interface for System Setting Updates 9/18/2018

19 Benefits DPAS Overview Received Unqualified SSAE-16 (2012-2015)
DoD Owned and Managed No User License Fees Hosting provided by the Program Application Security managed by the Program PKI enabled Web Enabled, no plug-ins required Accessible World-Wide IA Accredited with ATO in place Compliance with DoDI “Accountability and Management of DoD-Owned Equipment and Other Accountable Property” Compliance with FIAR Guidance Added Military Property to bullet. 9/18/2018

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