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Odyssey final reading quiz

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1 Odyssey final reading quiz
Mr. faulkner

2 About this quiz Next Thursday and Friday – that’s September 28th and 29th – you will be taking your FINAL reading Quiz for The Odyssey. This quiz will cover ALLLLLLL of The Odyssey – every “Book” of it we read in class together. (Book 1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, & 23)

3 About this quiz It will be 50 multiple choice questions altogether. The first 14 questions are Match the Character to their Description. The remaining 36 are multiple choice questions about all kinds of stuff. Use this PowerPoint to help you prepare for that quiz. THIS POWERPOINT IS LITERALLY ALL THE STUFF YOU NEED TO KNOW TO ACE THAT TEST!

4 Characters Odysseus – the protagonist of The Odyssey
Telemachus – Odysseus’s son Homer – author of The Odyssey Penelope – wife of Odysseus Argos – Odysseus’s faithful dog Zeus – king of gods and men Scylla and Charybdis – 6-headed creature and giant whirlpool

5 Characters Eumaeus – shepherd who helps Odysseus reclaim his throne
Circe – turns Odysseus’s crew into pigs Calypso – keeps Odysseus captive on her island for 7 years Athena – goddess who helps Odysseus on his journey Teiresisas – prophet who inhabits the Underworld Antinous – arrogant suitor of Penelope Sirens – creatures who lure sailors to destruction with songs

6 Rest of the quiz Circe advises Odysseus to go to the Land of the Dead before he can leave her island. It takes Odysseus 20 years to get home after the Trojan War. Odysseus needs to possess courage, intelligence, and strength in order to get home. In Book 11, when Odysseus says, “Teiresias, these are the threads of destiny the gods themselves have spun,” he means that Teiresias has explained his prophecy to Odysseus and Odysseus has accepted his fate. When Odysseus’s crew steals Helios’s cattle, Homer is indirectly characterizing them as being selfish because they did not consider the repercussions of eating the cattle. Odysseus’s temptations while on Calypso’s island are an example of internal conflict in the story. The suitors stay at Odysseus and Penelope’s home because Penelope is very beautiful and they wish to marry her.

7 Rest of the quiz The climax (moment of greatest excitement) occurs in The Odyssey when Odysseus reveals his true identity to the suitors in his palace. Odysseus becomes angry when he reveals his true identity to Penelope because she tries to make him sleep in the hallway. Odysseus must remain in disguise when he first returns home to Ithaca because if the suitors find out that he has returned they will try to kill him. Argos recognizes his master Odysseus after 20 years which makes their encounter in Book 17 significant.

8 Congratulations you’re halfway there
Take a break for just a second & look at how freakin’ cute my dog is

9 All right, back to work

10 Rest of quiz Odysseus puts beeswax in the ears of his fellow sailors.
The Scylla is a twelve-legged, six-headed monster that feeds on passing ships. While passing the Sirens, Odysseus’s men tie him to the mast and ignore his pleas to be released. Odysseus’s men eat Helios’s cattle. Odysseus’s men were turned into pigs by Circe. The Odyssey is a sequel to The Iliad. The implied theme behind Odysseus’s dealings with the Sirens is that people should avoid temptation.

11 Rest of quiz Because he wants revenge, Odysseus attacks the suitors in the Great Hall. The line in the text that best shows the above statement is “There will be killing till the score is paid. You forced yourselves upon this house.” “Furious” is the best adjective to describe Odysseus’s attitude towards the suitors. The line in the text that best shows the above statement is “Your last hour has come. You die in blood.” When the shield of Athena becomes visible to the suitors, they realize that they cannot possibly win the battle. The line in the text that best shows the above statement is “The suitors are frantic to escape…but to no avail.”

12 Rest of quiz According to Book 22, Odysseus attacks the suitors because they plundered his house, they bid for his wife while he was still alive, and they tried to replace him as king. In Book 22, the suitors believe that Odysseus killing Antinous was an accident. They think he is physically incapable of killing one of them because Odysseus is still disguised as an old beggar. The sentence “Soon the room is reeking with blood” in Book 22 aids the reader by providing the reader with a visual understanding of the massacre. Telemachus, Eumaeus, and Athena all help Odysseus kill all of the suitors. Athena wants Odysseus and Telemachus to realize that they have enough strength of their own so she wants them to prove themselves before she decides to intervene with fighting the suitors.

13 Rest of quiz Consider the following lines from Book 1: “Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story of that man skilled in all ways of contending, the wanderer harried for years on end, after he plundered the stronghold on the proud height of Troy.” These lines help exhibit the epic hero trait of traumatic events that lead to a quest. Consider the following lines from Book 16: “You cannot be my father! Meddling spirits conceived this trick to twist the knife in me? No man of woman born could work these wonders by his own craft, unless a god came into it with ease to turn him young or old, and here you stand like one of the immortals!” These lines help exhibit the epic hero trait of not being recognized upon return because of disguise or change in appearance.

14 Rest of quiz Consider the following lines from Book 22: “The suitors make very unsuccessful attempts to expel Odysseus from his post at the door. Athena urges Odysseus to battle, yet holds back her fullest aid, wanting for Odysseus and Telemachus to prove themselves…At last Athena’s presence becomes known to all, as the shape of her shield becomes visible above the hall.” These lines help exhibit the epic hero trait of supernatural help. Hermes gives Odysseus a special plant that will help protect him from Circe’s magic. Odysseus tells Penelope a story about their bed in order to prove he is in fact who he says he is. By the end of the story, Athena stops the fight between Odysseus and the relatives of the suitors, Poseidon finally gets revenge on Odysseus, and Odysseus and Penelope are reunited.

15 Good luck!

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