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Transformational Technologies: Can Our Research Processes Keep Up?

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Presentation on theme: "Transformational Technologies: Can Our Research Processes Keep Up?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transformational Technologies: Can Our Research Processes Keep Up?

2 TRB Dialogue: Can Our Research Processes Keep Up?
Continuing presentations/roundtable discussions 2016 TRB Annual Meeting AASHTO SCOR and RAC Annual Meetings Automated Vehicle Symposium Building and sharing list of options for consideration

3 Technologies Impacting Transportation
Transformational Technologies Impacting Transportation Connected/automated vehicles, shared vehicles, advanced versions of on-demand shared ride and micro-transit services, NextGen, unmanned aerial systems, 3D printing, cog in “internet-of-things” & “smart cities”

4 Why Are We Having This Dialogue?
Private sector investing billions in R&D Research needed to inform public sector based on fact, rather than sensationalism or extremes Facilitate ability of public sector to facilitate deployment in a manner & timeframe to achieve policy objectives Conventional public agency approaches to research may need to be re-examined Timeframes not compatible with transformational technologies

5 Typical Research Lifecycle
Problem Statement Identification Statement Review and Refinement Research Project Selection Contracting Conducting Research Publication Implementation Identification of Research Priorities Typical Research Lifecycle Years!

6 Question 1 What are areas of great potential to move to a more timely & strategic research approach?

7 Redefine Research “Project”
Address research program areas as a continuum rather than as discrete individual projects Program rather than by project focus Continuity of R&D process Interactive nature of R&D

8 Parallel Tasking Accomplish tasks in parallel rather than in series, & bring together at the end Break research questions into smaller “chunks” Rely on standing pool of peer reviewers/continuous peer reviews Release interim results and/or “pre-publication” findings before final editing

9 Looking Forward Use of Scenario Planning Consider emerging needs

10 What are some ways we can accomplish that transformation?
Question 2 What are some ways we can accomplish that transformation?

11 Identify and Remove Obstacles
What are the obstacles that will prevent or inhibit change? How do we remove or overcome these obstacles?

12 Create Impetus for Change
Even clearly beneficial changes must overcome inertia Change typically doesn’t happen without strong impetus How do we create that?

13 Getting Practical Build leadership support
Pursue strategic level research Focus RFPs on outcomes rather than processes Enhance agility/flexibility for researchers and staff Reduce administrative burdens Other steps?

14 Leveraging Demos Take advantage of scheduled field tests/demonstrations

15 Question 3 Are there models from other sectors that we should be looking at?

16 Elements To Expedite Problem Statement Identification
Statement Review and Refinement Research Project Selection Contracting Conducting Research Publication Implementation Identification of Research Priorities Elements To Expedite

17 Potential Models Rapid response models (e.g., NSF)
Continuous open call for proposals Prequalification of contractors RFQ vs. RFP IDIQ contracts “Design-build”

18 Potential Sources of Models
Public agencies Private sector Universities National labs International NSF DARPA Others?

19 Next Steps Synthesize comments and feedback
Review by TRB Conduct of Research committee Share results Summary flyer More in-depth report Distribute/publicize Present at webinars, sessions, etc.

20 What do YOU think?

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