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Chapter 4 Early Explorers

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1 Chapter 4 Early Explorers
Explorers to the Americas come for 3 reasons: The 3 G’s God– to spread the Christian religion Gold-- hope to find great wealth Glory– become famous

2 Explorers Christopher Columbus--- Searching for a western route to Asia, he discovers the New World. Lands on islands in the Caribbean. Hernando Cortes– Conquers the Aztecs and establishes Mexico City. Alonso Alverez de Pineda-- mapped the Texas coastline Narvaez– explored area between Florida and Mexico

3 Cabeza de Vaca– was part of the Narvaez expedition
Cabeza de Vaca– was part of the Narvaez expedition. Stranded in Florida, he tries to sail to New Spain, but shipwrecks on Galveston Island. Taken as a slave by the Indians. Teams up with Estavanico and convinces Indians they are Shamen. Wanders for 6+ years before finding a Spanish settlement. The viceroy tries to get him to lead an expedition north to find treasures. But de Vaca goes back to Spain. Estavanico– African slave who travels with Cabeza de Vaca. Later leads Fray Marcos expedition north to look for the Seven Cities of Cibloa (gold)

4 Coronado– young, rich, nobleman
Coronado– young, rich, nobleman. Leads large expedition to find the Seven Cities of Cibola. Finds nothing, but instead of going back empty handed, he decides to explore further. Divides his men: one group goes west and finds the Grand Canyon. His group goes east. At Tiguex he meets an Indian called Turk who tells them of Quivira, a city of great riches.

5 Turk leads them east across the Texas plains
Turk leads them east across the Texas plains. They pass through Palo Duro Canyon, see many buffalo, and get lost! Finally find Quivira (near pesent day Wichita, Kansas) and it’s just a tepee village. Coronado kills Turk. They head back to New Spain.

6 DeSoto and Moscoso– DeSoto leads expedition from Florida to the Mississppi River. He dies. Moscoso takes over as leader. They go as far as the Brazos River. They sail to New Spain. While in East Texas they find oil, but do not know what it is. Onate– led one of the largest expeditions. Founded the first European settlement in upper Rio Grande. Named El Paso (El Paso del Norte– Path of the North)


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