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Suspected Unapproved Parts Program Office Aviation Safety Inspector

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Presentation on theme: "Suspected Unapproved Parts Program Office Aviation Safety Inspector"— Presentation transcript:

1 Suspected Unapproved Parts Program Office Aviation Safety Inspector
Susan Trask Aviation Safety Inspector

2 VISION To promote the highest level of aviation safety by eliminating the potential safety risk posed by the entry of "unapproved parts" in the U.S. aviation community.

3 PROGRAM HISTORY 1995 - SUP Task Force Convened
Initial Program Aircraft Certification Service (AIR) FAA Order Advisory Circular A SUP Task Force Convened SUP Office Established

4 Organizational Structure

5 Program Office Functions
Develop policy and guidance Identify training needs, oversee and implement the training program Provide technical support Coordinate efforts with Law Enforcement Authorities Develop a national database

6 Suspected Unapproved Parts
What is a SUP?

A Suspected Unapproved Part (SUP) is a part, component, or material that is suspected of not meeting the requirements of an “approved part.” A part that, for any reason, someone suspects may not be “approved.” Indications include: a difference in size, finish, or color improper (or lack of) identification incomplete or altered documentation See AC for complete definition

A part that has been: Properly Designed Properly Produced Properly Maintained Properly Documented See AC for complete definition


10 An unapproved part is a part or material
that does not meet any one of the 4 elements of an “Approved Part.” Approved Design Properly Produced Properly Maintained Properly Documented See AC for complete definition of “approved part” as used with quotation marks.

11 How does a SUP Case get started?
FAA Form , or Hotline Complaint referencing SUP are forwarded to AVR-20 AVR- 20 enters the available information into the Parts Reporting System (PRS), solicits additional info if necessary, and opens a case. The case is assigned to the geographic area where the “focus of the investigation” resides, and forwarded to the SUP Coordinator. The SUP Coordinator forwards the case to the appropriate action office ...

12 How many cases are there ?
What is the outcome?

13 Total Number of SUP Cases FY-98 through 2/25/03 Total SUP Cases: 1494

14 Cases with Finding of Unapproved Part by Fiscal Year

15 Companies Involved in SUP Cases
(Investigation Focus or Involved)

16 SUP Case Totals by Geographic Area

17 Number of Companies involved in SUP Investigations in Southern Region

18 How do I report a SUP? Where can I get info?




22 THE DECISIONS WE MAKE EACH DAY CAN POTENTIALLY IMPACT THOUSANDS OF LIVES! KEEP SAFETY A PRIORITY! FAA Suspected Unapproved Parts Program Office 13873 Park Center Road, Suite 165 Herndon, VA Phone: Fax: Website:

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