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What skills do Scientist use?

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1 What skills do Scientist use?
4th- grade Memos Week of September 5-8 Spelling Words usually character friends whom heard order villain basin carton become muffin pumpkin apron cannon poison landform prime composite wildfire tropical deposit compare complete close clothes What’s up this week: Specials Monday 9/4 ………….NO SCHOOL Tuesday 9/5 ………... Day 4 Wednesday 9/6……. Day 5 Thursday 9/7…… Day 6 Friday 9/8………...…. Day 1 Notes from the teacher Don’t forget to check your son’s agenda every night Reminder: Please check your son’s Friday Folder and return them on Monday. Thank you! We will be finishing up our IB Heroes Unit. Academic vocabulary Evaluate, compare, contrast, justify, outline Math Language Arts Social Studies Science Skill: SWBAT define, draw, and apply all geometry vocab. Vocabulary: Acute angle, acute triangle, angle, diagonal, equiangular triangle, equilateral triangle, hexagon, horizontal, isosceles triangle, line, line of symmetry, line segment, line symmetry, obtuse angle, obtuse triangle, octagon, parallel lines, parallelogram, patterns, pentagon, perpendicular lines, point, quadrilateral, ray, rectangle, regular polygon, rhombus, right angle, right triangle, scalene triangle, square, straight angle, trapezoid, vertical Assessments: Tuesday, Sept. 5th Geometry-See Folders Skills: Students will details and examples from a text along with prior knowledge when explaining inferences drawn from the text. Grammar/Writing Plan a expository outline, sentence fragments Evaluate, compare, contrast, justify, outline, inquirer, principled, reflective, appreciation, curiosity, integrity Thursday 9/7- IRC planning outline quiz Friday 9/8 - spelling quiz, grammar quiz, cold read Florida’s Early Explorers Students will identify the explorers who came from France and the early colonies of Florida Vocabulary Militia, moat, mission, colony, Assessments: Tuesday 9/5 What skills do Scientist use? Scientist use everyday skills to make observations and inferences. Infer, inference, observe, observation, predict, prediction Assessments: None Extended Day Activities:

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