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Math Vocabulary Review Activity

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Presentation on theme: "Math Vocabulary Review Activity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Vocabulary Review Activity

2 How to play One student from each team stands with back to this presentation. The team gives the student clues to the vocabulary word onscreen as a clock keeps time. The student with their back turned tries to guess the word before the buzzer.

3 Ready to play?

4 Fancy way to say math problem.
The is… Equation Fancy way to say math problem. Examples: 1 + 4 = 5 10 – 4 = 6 7 x 3 = 21 21/7=3

5 The is… array

6 The is… Denominator The bottom number in a fraction. Shows how many equal parts the item is divided into.

7 The is… Numerator The top number in a fraction. Shows how many parts we have.

8 Equivalent means is… The 5 + 6=_ + _ Give an examples 1 2 3 ? 3 6 9 ?
must be the same on both sides of the = sign Give an examples ? ? 5 + 6=_ + _

9 commutative property is… The
Examples: You can swap when you add: = You can swap when you multiply: 2 × 4 = 4 × 2 The is… commutative property You can swap numbers around and still get the same answer when you add, or when you multiply.

10 The is… Addition Addition is finding the total, or sum, by combining two or more numbers. Example: = 19 is an addition

11 The is… Addend Any of the numbers that are added together.

12 The is… sum The result of adding two or more numbers.

13 The is… fraction Part of a whole.

14 The is… ray

15 Line segment is… The What are the 2 names of this line__ __

16 The is… Decimal Place value 5,712,

17 A.M Ante Meriden Before noon
The is… A.M Ante Meriden Before noon

18 The is… thousandths .801 .523

19 The is… Square Area Do you add, subtract, multiple or divide?

20 The is… Factors 5 x 6 3 x 7 2 x 8

21 The is… tenths .5 .8

22 Product Are the answer to a multiplication problem. 5x6=30 product
is… Product Are the answer to a multiplication problem. 5x6=30 product

23 The is… Quadrilateral

24 The is… line

25 The is… end points a point that marks the end of a ray

26 The is… hundredths .43 .24

27 The is… Perimeter Do you add, subtract, multiple or divide?

28 P.M. Post Meriden Afternoon
The is… P.M. Post Meriden Afternoon

29 Congruent Means the same size & shape
is… …………. Congruent Means the same size & shape

30 Incongruent not the same size or shape
is… Incongruent not the same size or shape

31 Parenthesis First work inside the ( ) 5-3(4+8)

32 The is… Add . If you read: In all Sum Total All together Plus

33 subtraction is… The If you read: minus Remainder Difference Less than
Fewer How many more

34 The is… Multiply If your read: Product Times Twice Multiplied by

35 The is… Divide If you read: Quotient Goes into Split equally each

36 Associative property is… The
Example addition: (6 + 3) + 4 = 6 + (3 + 4) Because = = Example multiplication: (2 × 4) × 3 = 2 × (4 × 3) 8 × 3 = 2 × 12 = 24 The is… Associative property It doesn't matter how you group the numbers when you add. * It doesn't matter how you group the numbers when you multiply. (In other words it doesn't matter which you calculate first.)

37 Distributive Property
Example: 3 × (2 + 4) = 3×2 + 3×4 So the "3" can be "distributed" across the "2+4" into 3 times 2 and 3 times 4. The is… Distributive Property Multiplying a number by a group of numbers added together is the same as doing each multiplication separately

38 The is… Dividend 35/5=7

39 The is… Divisor 35/5=7

40 Quotient Answer to problem in division
The is… Quotient Answer to problem in division 16/2=8 50/10=5

41 The is… Perpendicular Lines

42 An angle that measure between 90 degrees and 180 degrease.
The is… Obtuse Angel An angle that measure between 90 degrees and 180 degrease.

43 The is… Parallel lines

44 Vertex-singular Vertices-plural
The is… Vertex-singular Vertices-plural 4 vertices

45 The is… Intersecting Lines

46 Equivalent faction is… The 1 2 3 ? 1 2 3 ? 2 4 6 ? 3 6 9 ? 1 2 3 ? 5
? ? ? ? ? 5 ? 10

47 The is… Symmetry

48 Polygon Regular Polygon: All angles and sides are equal. Poly=many
The is… Polygon Regular Polygon: All angles and sides are equal. Poly=many

49 The is… Pentagon 5

50 The is… Hexagon 6

51 The is… Nonagon 9

52 The is… Octagon 8

53 The is… Heptagon 7

54 Right angle measures 90 degrees
The is… Right angle measures 90 degrees

55 The is… Acute angle An angle with a measure greater than zero degrees and less than 90 degrees.

56 The is… 360 0

57 The is… 45

58 The is… 180

59 The is… 270

60 The is… 90

61 The is… Cube

62 The is… Icosahedron

63 The is… Octahedron

64 The is… tetrahedron

65 The is… Dodecahedron

66 The is… The End

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