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Technical Data DID & Examples

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1 Technical Data DID & Examples

2 Goals Objective Work Products
Technical Data Report Goals Objective Implement technical data reporting as part of the CSDR process while maximizing use of the improved CARD and existing data sources Work Products Data Item Description (DID) – MGMT DID for technical data Data Templates for each commodity area structured iaw MIL-STD 881C appendices Common Vocabulary for both CARD and TDR Common taxonomy with GOVT ENGR groups and Industry All cost, quantity, technical data on a single Co-Plan reported to same WBS Co-Plan Designed so the CWIPT addresses all cost, quantity, technical data reported to the same WBS

3 Importance Defines the Program’s Technical Baseline
Technical Data Report Importance Defines the Program’s Technical Baseline Ingredient of acquisition strategies, e.g., schedules Foundation for Independent Technical Assessments Supports architecture trade studies Highlights areas of potential risk Backbone for Affordability Modeling Identification and quantification of cost drivers Permits assessment of Program A vs. Program B complexity Critical to analogy estimating Fine tunes parametric estimates Weight Power Weight & Power

4 Lessening Program Office Burden and Improving Data
Technical Data Report Data Streamlining Current State Current data collection methods are ad-hoc, inefficient and scattered across the department Historically CARD has not been living document: too much narrative and not enough real data Result: We re-construct Technical analogies for nearly every estimate Commodity Unique Templates Estimating Requirements Comprehensive data source Policy (Jan ‘17) Updated Format Annual Delivery Historical Record CARD Program Template Authoritative data source One stop shop for analysis Visual Analytics Acquisition Template SWaP parameters Complement to cost and software Completes the CARD Tech Data Report MIL-STD 881C WBS (Oct ’11) PMP Hardware Template Non-Hardware Template Cost Template Other Templates Other Data Collaborate with Acquisition and Technical Communities; SE, L&MR Metadata FY15 FY16 FY17 Lessening Program Office Burden and Improving Data

5 CADE as the Authoritative Data Source will Minimize Redundancy
Technical Data Report Minimize Duplication of Deliveries Applicable Data Items DI-MGMT IMS DI-GDRQ Mass props Status report DI-GDRQ Schematic Block Diagram DI-QCIC-80553A Acceptance test plan DI-ADMN Presentation Material PDR Reports DI-ADMN Presentation Material CDR Reports Other Technical Data required Specifications System Description document Technical Description document Produced by Industry Today CADE as the Authoritative Data Source will Minimize Redundancy

6 PMP Hardware Technical Data Non-PMP Technical Data
Technical Data Report CARD and Tech Data Intersection CARD captures a subset of total requirements – primarily a program office point of view. Total Cost Community Requirements Program& Mile-stones Roles Acquisition Time Phased Equipment Time Phased Manpower PMP Hardware Technical Data Non-PMP Technical Data O&S O&S Detail Software Detail Cost Technical Data Report M/R SRDR FlexFile Capture Instruments Designed to be Relevant to Any Point of View

7 Capture Instruments Designed to be Relevant to Every Phase
Technical Data Report Life Cycle of a Parameter Weapon Systems have a life cycle A B C Pre-acquisition concepts, Experimentation and Prototyping Material Solution Analysis Technology Maturation & Risk Reduction Engineering & Manufacturing Development Production and Deployment Operations & Support (O&S) Disposal TD Contract Award Dev Contract Award LRIP Contract Award FRP Decision Technical Parameters have a life cycle as well A B C Disposal Conceptual Estimated Actuals Low Pedigree High Pedigree As Built Capture Instruments Designed to be Relevant to Every Phase

8 CWIPT Chooses Co-Plan Content Appropriate to Phase
Technical Data Report Capture Instruments by Life Cycle Phase Co-Plan Content Will be Aligned to Phase IPMR FlexFile Quantity Technical Software Maint & Repair Technology Maturation & Risk Reduction Engineering & Manufacturing Development Production and Deployment Operations & Support (O&S) CWIPT Chooses Co-Plan Content Appropriate to Phase

9 Grouped Parameters Create Item Types and SubTypes
Technical Data Report Grouped Parameters Create Item Types and SubTypes Space TT&C Volume Weight Weight - Structural Weight - Electronics Power - Max Consumption Rate Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Percent New Design Predecessor System Part Number Manufacturer Number of Unique Designs - Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) Uplink Modes Data Rate - Average Downlink Data Rate - Average Uplink Data Rate - Maximum Downlink Data Rate - Maximum Uplink Memory - Data Storage Capacity Missile Transmitter Volume Weight Weight - Structural Weight - Electronics Power - Max Consumption Rate Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Percent New Design Predecessor System Part Number Manufacturer Transmitter Power Output - Peak Transmitter Power Output - Average Beam width Sensitivity - Seeker Noise Figure - Receiver Number of Oscillators Impedance C4I Electronics Amplifier Volume Weight Weight - Structural Weight - Electronics Power - Max Consumption Rate Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Percent New Design Predecessor System Part Number Manufacturer Gain Bandwidth Efficiency Slew Rate Frequency – Max Frequency – Min Amplifier Efficiency Amplifier Type PhysicalElec Common Subtypes are applicable across many commodities and WBS elements Heritage Identification TT&C TransRecRF Amplifier Unique Item Types Subtypes are applicable to few commodities or few WBS elements Item Types are Unique to a Type of WBS Element Subtypes are Common to Many WBS Elements

10 Eventually CWIPT may decline to buy
Development Contract Event 1 CDR Model A Event 2 CDR Model B Event 3 Model A First Delivery Event 4 Model B First Delivery Event 5 Contract End CSTDR Submissions: Full WBS Tech Data: Estimates Estimates Mixed Mixed Actuals End Item Tech Data: Model A Estimates Estimates Actuals Estimates Common items may induce a pragmatic resubmittal of previously submitted data End Item Tech Data: Model B Estimates Estimates Actuals Production Contract CSTDR Submission Triggers: Event 1 Models A & B Lot 1 Deliveries Event 2 Models A & B Lot 2 Deliveries Lot 1 (Full WBS - Models A & B) Actuals Lot 2 (Full WBS - Models A & B) Eventually CWIPT may decline to buy Actuals Lot 3 Sustainment Contract CSTDR Submission Triggers: Event 1 Year 1 Complete Event 2 Year 2 Complete CLS Year 1 Europe Actuals CLS Year 2 Europe Actuals CLS Year 2 CONUS Actuals

11 Technical Data Report Examples

12 Item Type Modularizes Data
Technical Data Report An Example Aircraft Program WBS with Item Types WBS Code WBS Element Name Item Type 1.0 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 XYZ System BR549 Aircraft Electronic Systems LRU Navigation LRU Mission Airframe Engine AirVehicle Avionics Navigation ElecBox Airframe EngineTurbine Example will focus on this WBS element Item Type Modularizes Data

13 Technical Vocabulary Comprised of Item Types
Technical Data Report Technical Vocabulary Comprised of Item Types Program WBS Standard WBS Common Subtypes Unique Items Types

14 CWIPT Uses Tech Vocabulary to Tailor each Co-Plan
Technical Data Report CWIPT’s Use of the Technical Vocabulary OSD CAPE PO Office Is this needed for this Phase? Is this a typically Contractor determined value? Will this value be available at the submission event? Is this value available from another source? Service Cost SYSCOM CWIPT Service EV PARCA L&MR DCARC CWIPT Uses Tech Vocabulary to Tailor each Co-Plan

15 Example CARDs and TDRs in EMD
Technical Data Report Example CARDs and TDRs in EMD Annual CARDs MS B CARD MS C CARD TDR Submission Event 1 TDR Submission Event 2 TDR Submission Event 3 Development Contract TDR Submissions: First Delivery Contract End CDR End Item WBS Elements Tech Data: BR549 Aircraft Estimates Actuals In This Example, EMD’s Time Span Envelopes Three TDR Submissions by the Contractor and Multiple CARD Submissions by the PM

16 Technical Data Report Example MS B CARD Assessing TRL is an inherently Government function. Will not be on the TDR. Low and High values often in early CARDs but TDR contains point estimates. Few actuals in early CARDs. Objective/ Threshold stated at high levels of the WBS. Government Ref Architecture documents and Government SMEs cited.

17 CWIPT prudently tailors the Co-Plan.
Technical Data Report Example EMD Co-Plan OSD CAPE PO Office Service Cost CWIPT prudently tailors the Co-Plan. SYSCOM CWIPT Service EV PARCA L&MR DCARC

18 Many estimated values at this event.
Technical Data Report Example TDR Submission #1 CDR Reported values. Many estimated values at this event. Enter any information that would explain any peculiarities or ambiguities in any of the data reported.

19 Example TDR Submission #2 First Delivery
Technical Data Report Example TDR Submission #2 First Delivery Tighter measured values. More significant digits. Many actual values at this event. Margin consumed since Submission #1

20 Example MS C CARD Low and High values sparse in later CARDs.
Technical Data Report Example MS C CARD Low and High values sparse in later CARDs. TDR cited as source in many cases. More actuals in later CARDs.

21 Example Database Vandalay Industries
Technical Data Report Example Database Vandalay Industries BR-549 Aircraft WXXXX-17-C-000X Vandalay Filter WBS Element 1.1 Air Vehicle Item Type Air Vehicle Parameter Weight Unit of Measure Pounds

22 Example Parameter Over Time Chart
Technical Data Report Example Parameter Over Time Chart Vandalay Industries BR-549 Aircraft WXXXX-17-C-000X Vandalay Filter WBS Element 1.1 Air Vehicle Item Type Air Vehicle Parameter Weight Unit of Measure Pounds

23 Export CARD PMP Tech Data Table
Technical Data Report Technical Data Vocab in Program Planning Module (PPM) Functionality in PPM will enable user to filter the Technical Vocabulary into a candidate set of parameters When complete for entire WBS user exports a TDR Co-Plan or an empty CARD table Core parameters are presented pre-checked. User selects/ deselects as needed Commodity Phase WBS Element Item Type Subtype Data Source Export CARD PMP Tech Data Table Export TDR Co-Plan Close

24 Technical Data Submission Events
Technical Data Report Technical Data Submission Events Event 1 CDR Model A Event 2 CDR Model B Event Model A First Delivery Event 4 Model B First Delivery Event 5 Contract End Event 1 Models A & B Lot 1 Delivery Event 2 Models A & B Lot 2 Delivery Event 1 Year 1 Complete Event 2 Year 2 Complete Full WBS Tech Data End Item Tech Data Development Model A End Item Tech Data Model B Lot 1 (Full WBS – Models A & B) Production Lot 2 (Full WBS – Models A & B) Lot 3 CLS Year 1 Europe CLS Year 2 Europe Sustainment CLS Year 2 CONUS

25 Next Steps Points of Contract
Technical Data Report Next Steps Points of Contract Government Lead: Greg Hogan Air Force Cost Analysis Agency (AFCAA) (202) Office CADE Leads: Charlotte Tarr Tecolote Research, Inc. (571) Office Jeff McDowell (256) Become and advocate for the Technical Data Report on new contracts Socialize the benefits of the standard Technical Data Report with Systems Engineering community Become early adapters Allow us to come train Train government analysts on the benefits and uses of the Technical Data Reports Train industry on how to report to the new requirements

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