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High School Project Process

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1 High School Project Process
By: 1st Period ABS

2 What is a project? Can be a Powerpoint Can write a paper
Can bring other stuff in Usually 10 or more slides Can write a paper Can make a video Can give a performance Can do a demonstration Can build or create something

3 What can you do for a project
Anything! Talk to your advisor! Find a credit area!

4 Examples of topics that students have done:
Create a peer mentoring program at Arcadia Emergency Medical Services ADHD La Cosa Nostra North Korea History of Nintendo

5 Another example: Build a Canoe!

6 Another example: Paint a Mural!

7 Another example: Shark Dissection!

8 Project Foundry Overview
Click here to start a project. Log-in - YOUR personal Username and password 1 3 2 Click here to see a drop down menu of actions you can submit.

9 Project Foundry Overview
Type in one of your advisors and also the content teacher/advisor. (Ex. Human body project - Tami K-F (Aka the Biology teacher.)) Put in the date you are wanting to start the project and also the date that you are planning to finish the project. Put the name of your project here. Click on the class that your project falls under. Then within that class, there are different learning targets. Click on the target that your project falls under. Put in how much credit you are wanting to receive. The average person earns 0.1 per project. In order to get more credit, you have to work harder on your project.

10 Project Foundry Overview
A detailed description of what your project title entails. If there is a specific reason you are wanting to do your project, put it here. Either narrow down what exactly you are wanting to learn about or what I like to do is put my guiding questions in this box. In this box, put the specific things you want others to get out of your project. Powerpoint, paper, poster board or brochure etc. Ex. If you are doing a poster board, you may need supplies for it. Any supplies you need to accomplish your project, put those things in this box. This is usually not necessary to fill out, unless it is brought up in your proposal meeting.

11 Documenting sources Documenting sources can be hard sometimes, using a document can be so much easier than writing them but if you prefer writing then feel free too. Always make sure if you used a website to put it in your work cited page.

12 Taking notes Your notes one of the most important parts of the project you should have lots of factual notes on your topic. Make sure you know where your notes are at all times because you never know if a teacher wants to have a meeting, you also may need them for a presentation or reading. Your notes can be on paper, google documents,google slides, a website, example: Make sure you have your sources written down and organized well. You could always organize your notes by topic.

13 Telling the difference between a good source and unuseful source?
A good source would be a website strictly just for that topic your doing. Books are always helpful if most topic have books about them unless your doing an art project. Teachers are very good sources. Your family members can also be good sources. (.org) is an organized website like charities. ( .edu) is a website from and education standpoint in which a college or school runs it. A unuseful sources are magazines they are always drama conflicted and don’t have any useful readings in them.(.com) is runned by a business so that is not really a good source but some things on them can be .

14 What is plagiarism? Plagiarism is when you take a paragraph or reading, copy it word for word to a paper or document and then had it in to a teacher or professor. If you get caught you can get charged with plagiarism or have to get taken out of school and work a certain amount of hours to clear it up off your record. Ways to not plagiarize? Say you want to use the words you found and you don't want to plagiarize, you can use the important words from it and use the other words then what they have said. Example(in my own words) : South Dakota is a very highly traveled state because of Mt. Rushmore , Needles , Badlands , and Sturgis rally. Some else says: One highly traveled state is South Dakota due to all the historical things like Mt. Rushmore , Needles , Badlands , and sturgis rally.

15 Check ins Show teacher notes, powerpoint, paper, art. etc...
Set up next check in, and the teacher usually gives you a to-do list. Then after your last check in set up a finalization day. If you miss a check in or talk to teacher.

16 What to Expect at a Finalization
Always have your notes handy and your slides finished Before finalization, rehearse with a peer Also you can expect an audience of about two to eight people The finalization is like a speech to your advisor and any peers who come to see it Expect a meeting with the advisors you worked with after After meeting with them you will get your grade on the project

17 Pitfalls and Problems Losing supplies Procrastination
Difficulties finding resources Miscommunication Project meetings and busy teachers

18 Tips and Tricks for a Great Project!
Always have a backup of notes -Sean Try to get info. out of school if possible-Theo Keep track of resources when taking notes Esmeralda Do more than expected for project check-ins -Gabby

19 Questions for Parents to ask their student at home
Have you put your project into Project Foundry? Have you scheduled a proposal meeting? How did your last check-in go? Do you have a new check-in scheduled? How is your research going? How many notes do you have? How many good sources have you found? When is your finalization scheduled? Have you practiced/rehearsed? How can I support you with this project?

20 Credits - this presentation created by:
Sean Clark Matthew Gamble Theo Hougen-Eitzman Esmeralda Jerome Gabby Lien Rikka Zillmer

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