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What is Motion??? Motion—the movement of an object in relation to something considered stationary(a frame of reference)!!!

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Presentation on theme: "What is Motion??? Motion—the movement of an object in relation to something considered stationary(a frame of reference)!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Motion??? Motion—the movement of an object in relation to something considered stationary(a frame of reference)!!!

2 Frame of Reference

3 Motion Terms: 50 m Distance vs. Displacement
Distance—How far you move. Displacement—How far you are from where you started!! 50 m

4 A Student walks from A to B to C to D and back to A
A Student walks from A to B to C to D and back to A. What distance did the student travel? 0 meters 6 meters 10 meters 12 meters

5 A Student walks from A to B to C to D and back to A
A Student walks from A to B to C to D and back to A. What is the student’s displacement? 0 meters 6 meters 10 meters 12 meters

6 Distance Vs. Displacement

7 Other Motion Terms: Speed vs. Velocity Speed—How fast you move!!
Velocity—Speed in a particular direction!!

8 Instantaneous vs. Average Speed
Instantaneous Speed Average Speed The speed at any instant in time. Total distance divided by total time.

9 The Velocity Equation:
Where: d is distance(displacement)----given in m or km t is time----given in s or hr v is velocity-----given in m/s or km/hr Same equation used for speed!!!

10 Solving Word Problems:
Write down what you are given(the important stuff like #’s, etc.). Write down what you are looking for! Find an equation that fits what you have. Solve the equation for what you are looking for! Plug and Chug!!

11 Using the Velocity Equation:
Ex.) A person walks 50 m in 12 s. At what velocity did the person travel? Given: d = 50 m t = 12 s v = ?

12 Ex. ) A car is moving down the road at 25 m/s
Ex.) A car is moving down the road at 25 m/s. How far will it travel in 18 s? Given: v = 25 m/s t = 18 s d = ?

13 Ex. ) A whale is swimming across the ocean at 14 m/s
Ex.) A whale is swimming across the ocean at 14 m/s. How long will it take the whale to swim 1000 m? Given: v = 14 m/s d = 1000 m t = ?

14 A car moves a distance of 2400 m in 55 s. How fast is the car moving?
32 m/s 44 m/s 60 m/s 72 m/s

15 A little girl walks 75 m to his grandmother’s house at 3 m/s
A little girl walks 75 m to his grandmother’s house at 3 m/s. How long will it take her to walk that distance? 225 s 78 s 35 s 25 s

16 Distance Vs. Time Graphs
What can be determined by the slope of a distance time graph?

17 When does the slope of a distance time graph = velocity?
Yo Adrian, You know, You know it’s Always !!! When does the slope of a distance time graph = velocity?

18 Straight Line, therefore constant Velocity!!

19 Line not straight, therefore velocity not constant
Line not straight, therefore velocity not constant. If velocity is not constant, object must be accelerating!!







26 In which of the following graphs is the runner running the fastest?

27 Which of the following graphs indicates that one of runners started 10 yards ahead of the other?

28 In which of the following graphs are both runners moving at the same speed?

29 Which sentence best describes the runner whose distance-time graph is shown?
A. The runner ran forward for 2 seconds, and then he ran backward for 2 more seconds. B. The runner ran forward for 2 seconds, and then he stood still for 2 more seconds. C. The runner ran forward for 2 seconds, and then he ran forward at a slower pace for 2 more seconds. D. The runner ran forward for 2 seconds, and then he turned right and continued forward at the same speed for 2 more seconds.

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