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Director of Undergraduate Studies

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1 Director of Undergraduate Studies
Welcome to MBS Dr. Ilias Petrounias Director of Undergraduate Studies Room 3.19, MBS West

2 Overview Welcome Role of Director of UG Studies Studying at MBS
Overall learning outcomes Your expectations from us Our expectations from you Feedback Academic Malpractice Contacts and roles - Sources of Support Prizes/Competitions

3 Director of UG Studies Overall responsibility for the running of UG Programmes Academic content Currency of UG Programmes Regulations/Boards of Examiners Student issues/feedback/satisfaction

4 UG Programmes Learning Outcomes
Individual set of learning outcomes per Programme However, the following applies to all of them understand your core discipline understand subject specific theories, ideas, issues and practices relating to your core discipline understand your core discipline as a dynamic field and be able to place theories/practices in a social context understand current and future developments in the area of your core discipline

5 UG Programmes Learning Outcomes (cont.)
Apply higher-level cognitive skills, including analysis, synthesis and evaluation Address arguments/ideas through multiple perspectives Develop critical thinking within your core discipline Develop/enhance transferable skills

6 Your Expectations from Us
Be professional Support you, both academically and personally, to help you complete your studies Give you feedback Keep you informed Listen and respond

7 Our Expectations from You
Commit to a professional way of working Attend and participate Make a positive commitment to developing as an independent learner Keep us informed Understand and follow good academic practice

8 Feedback Feedback from us to you: this can take many forms including essays, presentations, online quizzes, etc Formal & informal feedback University policy Feedback from you to us: via questionnaires, focus groups and surveys Programme Committees UG Committee

9 Academic Malpractice Academic malpractice includes
plagiarism, collusion, fabrication or falsification of results Make sure that work is your own Anything else should be referenced properly Don’t be tempted to copy work (plagiarism), buy essays from the internet or cheat in exams – the penalties are severe, even for a first offence… Last year two students found cheating in first year exams had to resit all their exams and had zero marks on their transcripts

10 People & Roles Sources of Support
Director of UG Studies Programme Director Academic Advisor meeting every 2 weeks, advice on academic matters Course co-ordinator first point of contact for questions/issues for a course Seminar Leader support course co-ordinators doing seminars & tutorials. Often are GTAs or PhD students Assessment & Student Support Office Make Use of Academic Staff Contact Hours

11 Prizes & Competitions Year Prize Programme Prize Case competitions
School Prize Case competitions Marshall International Case Competition in Los Angeles Sauder School of Business at The University of British Columbia in Vancouver Programme specific (i.e. ITMB e-skills)

12 Wish you 3(or 4) enjoyable and productive years!!!

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