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1 AnimalAnimal

2 Bowhead whale in Arctic Ocean off northern Alaska. Weigh up to 50 tons
Bowhead whale in Arctic Ocean off northern Alaska. Weigh up to 50 tons. Length-50 feet. They live up to 200 years. There are about 10,000 in the wild. B. Eskimo subsistence hunting. International Whaling commission permits 56 per year.

3 A. The harp seal. They are hunted off the coast of eastern Canada
A. The harp seal. They are hunted off the coast of eastern Canada. Typically killed at under 3 months. B. To make fashion products like this hat.

4 A. Elephant in the wild. B. Stuffed elephant in the lobby of the Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C.

5 A. Cheetah in the wild. B. Sleeping cheetah at the Dallas zoo.

6 A. Chimpanzee B. And in clothes.

7 A. Lion in the wild, and B. in captivity


9 A. Shark whale photographed off coast of Australia, and B
A. Shark whale photographed off coast of Australia, and B. in the new Georgia aquarium in Atlanta.

10 A.Zone-talked Hawk B. Hawk in captivity

11 A. Brown bear on Kodiak island, Alaska, http://en. wikipedia
A. Brown bear on Kodiak island, Alaska, B. Bear hunting

12 Don’t know if this polar bear is dead or tranquilized.



15 A. Wild Turkey, B. Christmas dinner

16 A. Wilbur & friends, B. During their four-month pregnancies, many factory-farmed sows (female pigs) are kept in barren gestation crates—individual metal stalls 2 feet wide by 7 feet long—so small the animals can't even turn around. Gestation crates are widely known for their inherent cruelty and have already been banned in other countries and in Florida and Arizona. In early 2007, Smithfield Foods, the world's largest pig producer, announced a ten-year phase-out of the use of these severely restrictive crates for all of its corporate-owned facilities, yet sow stalls are still commonly used throughout the United States today.


18 A. Lamb B. Yes, it’s lamb.


20 A. Well groomed poodle B. Mutt in animal shelter
A. Well groomed poodle B. Mutt in animal shelter million cats and dogs are euthanized in the US each year. That’s 6 per minute.

21 A. Retired greyhound, B. Greyhound racing

22 A. Pet rat, B. Rat trained to sniff for humans and explosives
A. Pet rat, B. Rat trained to sniff for humans and explosives. Electrodes planted in brain transmit radio signals back to rescuers.

23 A. A baby chick raised in an elementary school, B
A. A baby chick raised in an elementary school, B. Discarded male chicks.

24 A. Holy cow, India B. Cows not eaten, but used for labor and milk.

25 A. Peace dove B. pigeons are just pests. But there’s no difference

26 Sun Gonna Shine in My Backdoor Someday Blues
Music by John Fahey Sun Gonna Shine in My Backdoor Someday Blues Thank you to R.A.G. and S.I.G.

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