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Presentation on theme: "WDYS??? (p382) MOON VS. JUPITER WDYT???"— Presentation transcript:

1 4*4 Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation: The Ups and Downs of a Roller Coaster
WDYS??? (p382) MOON VS. JUPITER WDYT??? Gravity (does/does not) have magnitude and direction, therefore it is a (scalar/vector) quantity. Since Earth is spherical, the direction of gravity __________ will be different in different places, like Australia.

2 4*4 Investigate 1a) A penny drops in the _____ direction. 1b) The penny ALWAYS accelerates toward the center of Earth at 9.8m/s/s (OR 10m/s/s)!!! 1c) Gravitational Field is _____. 1d) Draw a “falling map” for Earth. 1h) The force of gravity is (strong/weak).

3 4*4 Investigate 2a) Make an (a-d) graph from data on p384 2b) As the distance from Earth’s surface increases, the acceleration due to gravity _____.

4 The change in acceleration is an
4*4 Investigate 2c) What is the acceleration at the following distances? i) 10,000km =4m/s/s ii) 20,000km = 1m/s/s iii) 30,000km =0.44m/s/s iv) 40,000km = 0.25m/s/s 2d) What is the ratio of acceleration at the following distances? i) 20,000km : 10,000km= ii) 30,000km : 10,000km= iii) 40,000km : 10,000km= The change in acceleration is an INVERSE-SQUARE RULE

5 The change in acceleration is an
4*4 Investigate 2c) What is the acceleration at the following distances? i) 10,000km =4m/s/s ii) 20,000km = 1m/s/s iii) 30,000km =0.44m/s/s iv) 40,000km = 0.25m/s/s 2d) What is the ratio of acceleration at the following distances? i) 20,000km : 10,000km= : 4 = 1/4 ii) 30,000km : 10,000km= 0.44 : 4 = 1/9 iii) 40,000km : 10,000km= 0.25 : 4 = 1/16 The change in acceleration is an INVERSE-SQUARE RULE

6 4*4 Investigate INVERSE-SQUARE RULE 
When distance is DOUBLED (×2), the acceleration becomes ¼ its original value When distance is TRIPLED (×3), the acceleration becomes 1/9 its original value When distance is QUADRUPLED (×4), the acceleration becomes _____ When distance is ×5, the acceleration becomes _____

7 4*4 Investigate INVERSE-SQUARE RULE  FGravity = 1 d2

8 Physics Talk (p385): Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
Earth’s Gravitational Field is EVERYWHERE!!! 1st object (Earth) = source of the field 2nd object (Penny) = the response/test object Gravitational Lines  Direction of force on mass toward center of Earth Acceleration due to gravity is greater closer to Earth, weaker as you move farther away They are everywhere and beyond!!!

9 Physics Talk (p385): Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
2. The Inverse-Square Relationship The force of gravity between two objects decreases by the square of the distance between them EXAMPLE If distance is tripled (×3), then the force is 1/32 or 1/9 the original force As an object moves AWAY from Earth, the force of gravity DECREASES drastically!!!

10 Physics Talk (p385): Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
Universal Gravitation  all objects have MASS and Earth attracts ALL objects EXAMPLE an apple falls from a tree the Moon in outer space Gravity  the force of attraction between two bodies due to their masses ***The force of gravity is quite weak/small***

11 Physics Talk (p385): Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
ALL bodies with MASS attract all other bodies with MASS The force of gravity is DIRECTLY proportional to the 2 masses EXAMPLE larger the mass, stronger the gravity smaller the mass, weaker the gravity c) The force of gravity is INVERSELY related to the distance between the 2 masses EXAMPLE closer the distance, stronger the gravity greater the distance, weaker the gravity

12 Checking Up (p387) The direction of the gravitational field in the classroom is _____. The gravitational field is strongest where the lines are _____. If you triple the distance between masses, the force becomes _____ the strength of the original force. The force of _____ holds the Moon in orbit around Earth. The shape of the orbits of the planets around the Sun is approximately an _____.

13 PTG (p390) 1. If the distance is doubled, the force will be reduced by _____, therefore it will be ___N. 2a) Doubling the distance would reduce the force by a factor of 1/22, so the force would be _____. 2b) Tripling the distance would reduce the force by a factor of _____. 2c) Increasing the distance by a factor of 4 would reduce the force by a factor of _____.

14 PTG (p390) 4. The force of gravity at the top and bottom of a roller-coaster ride is essentially _____. 5a) _____ is closer to the Moon. 5b) Because the water is closer, it has a slightly _____ force of gravity acting on it.

15 PTG (p390) 7. Since force of gravity = 1/ distance2, the force would be _____. a) b) c) d) 8. Since force of gravity = mass × mass, the force would be _____. a) b) c) d)

16 4*4 TOTD Acceleration due to gravity is greater __________, weaker as you move __________. The equation for the INVERSE-SQUARE LAW is _____. If the force between 2 objects is 500N and the distance is ×5, the new force becomes _____. The 2 factors that effect gravity are _____ and _____. Draw the Earth’s Gravity Lines 

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