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Challenges to women in local government in Ho, Ghana - Councillors ceptions - Councillors perceptions Jaana Villberg.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenges to women in local government in Ho, Ghana - Councillors ceptions - Councillors perceptions Jaana Villberg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenges to women in local government in Ho, Ghana - Councillors ceptions - Councillors perceptions Jaana Villberg

2 Content of the presentation 1.Female councillors perceptions of the challenges to women in local government a) under-resourcing of local government b) social barriers to womens effective participation c) other structural barriers 2. What did the male councillors say about women's performance?

3 a) Under-resourcing of local government Non-payment of allowances (some women not able to participate in all meetings, dependency on the husband) Lack of meetings, long agendas: not enough time for discussion (women not always able to voice out all their concerns)

4 b) Social barriers to womens effective participation Male attitudes, women face some resistance Differences between women, not a homogenous group. Sometimes hard to unite for a common cause. Married women have to worry not being seen too often with high rank men. Rumours. (a lot of power concentrated on the mayor, lobbying him is a central strategy in the Ghanaian local government system)

5 c) Other stru c tural barriers Transportation infrastucture: I am not mobile

6 What did the male councillors say about womens performance? Many women are quiet and shy in the meetings Women lack confidence

7 Thank you! Questions, comments? Contact:

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