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Essential Question # 3 How do the origins of the Vietnam War reflect the Cold War policies and strategies of the United States?

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2 Essential Question # 3 How do the origins of the Vietnam War reflect the Cold War policies and strategies of the United States?

3 Where is Vietnam?

4 Before World War II Indochina = Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand
Former French colony Rubber! Japanese took over during World War II

5 World War II and Post-War
Vietminh = League for the Independence of Vietnam Leader = Ho Chi Minh Helped the allies get the Japanese out Wants a unified Vietnam, run by Vietnamese



8 World War II and Post-War
1954 = French pushed out by Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh Geneva Peace Accords Discuss Vietnam’s future Temporary partition along the 17th parallel

9 French and American Colonialism
Democratic elections in 1956 to reunify country (US prevents this) North = Ho Chi Minh (Communist, Soviet/China) South = Ngo Ding Diem (Democratic, US)

10 Ngo Ding Diem Oppressive, corrupt, seen as puppet of imperialist US

11 Protests Against Diem

12 The National Liberation Front (“Viet Cong”)
Southern Vietnamese against Diem Communists and non-Communists Wanted to unify Vietnam, self-govern Nicknamed the “Viet Cong” by U.S (derogatory term meaning Vietnamese Communists)

13 Kennedy’s Counter-Insurgency
Sends “advisors” to stabilize Diem regime “Safe Hamlets” as counterinsurgency plan Alienates peasants, further destabilizes Diem regime

14 Coup d'état Coup d'état = 1963: Diem’s generals approach U.S Embassy in Saigon Kennedy approves takeover Diem and his brother assassinated

15 Video Notes: August 2, 1964 U.S.S Maddox is fired upon in the Gulf of Tonkin by Northern Vietnamese forces We still aren’t sure what exactly happened

16 Video Notes: August 7, 1964 Congress passes the “Gulf of Tonkin Resolution” Authorized Johnson to “take all necessary steps” to secure Southeast Asia

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