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Popular Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "Popular Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Popular Culture

2 Pop Culture Popular Culture _________________________________________
Read more to find out….. Examples where we can identify pop culture ____________________________________ Pop Culture

3 This weekend, did you…. Jog while listening to a IPOD?
Listen to music on your radio? Watch TV? Read a newspaper? Eat a McDonald’s hamburger? Go to a bar or movie? Shop at the mall? Participate in a sport activity? If so, you did the things that most people in Western societies do with their free time….these are examples of popular culture.

4 Discussion What were particular pastimes of when YOU were younger?....but are not so popular now…..

5 Popular Culture Defined
________________________________________________________________________ Pop Culture

6 Cultures Defined Popular Culture
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ High Culture Folk Culture

7 What does Popular Culture tell us?

8 Popular Culture Characteristics
__________________________________________ Pop Culture

9 Television Hub of popular culture.
____________________________________________ ______________________________________________

10 Television ________________________________________

11 Top 10 Click here to see the Top Syndicated TV Shows
Click here to see the Top Broadcast TV Shows Click here to see the Top Cable TV Shows

12 Why is Television So Popular?
______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13 Findings of Kubey & Csikszentmihalyi
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

14 Discussion: Subject Television”
Has watching TV made life better or worse for us in the United States?

15 TV Turn Off Week

16 Theme & Amusement Parks
Traditional amusement parks vs today’s theme parks.

17 Newspapers, Magazines and Books
________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Why do people read a newspaper? Magazine? Book?

18 Films ______________________________________

19 Films Top 10 Movies of All-Time Current Box Office Hits All Time Hits
1929: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1998: 23,000 walk-in theaters and 800 drive-ins. Drive-in tour History of drive-in

20 ____________________
Films Video rentals .... _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ __________________________________________________________________________

21 What are some popular activities that Americans do in their leisure time?

22 Discussion: Subject: “Pop culture differences”
What is popular in one area may not be popular in another…based on the ‘culture’ of the area. Discuss what is popular in the US and why Discuss something that may only be pop culture in the south as opposed to the north or vice versa

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